This wasn't his master, it definitely wasn't…

But...would Hong Qing have black hair? Would Hong Qing have an indifferent and remote air like this?

Would Hong Qing feel the need to change into his master again to bewitch him?

It couldn't be Hong Qing.

So...this was his master.

These flashing words kept lingering in his mind like a curse, bringing him almost to the verge of collapse.

He hadn't known how long he could conceal this for, but he'd still longed to conceal it for just a while more, because no matter what, he couldn't explain this.

Betrayal was betrayal. No matter the reason, it wasn't worthy of the slightest forgiveness.

But...he really didn't want to, really didn't want to lose him.

If today was fated to happen, then why let him obtain what he wanted?

If he hadn't obtained it, then he wouldn't be in this much pain, would he?

Xiao He stood there, feeling as if he were standing naked in public, unable to hide or escape. He could only carry a heart full of despair, quietly awaiting that gaze full of contempt and repulsion.

He didn't know how long they stood at a deadlock, but it felt as long as a century, and yet as quick as a blink of an eye.

In any case, his brain wouldn't work, so he couldn't tell the passage of time.

Yun Qing walked over and looked down at him.

Xiao He trembled slightly, and he shrunk a bit.

Yun Qing lifted a hand. His fair fingers slid past Xiao He's rosy lips, then wandered across his neck, and finally his fair body.

He touched those red marks, bruises and the imprints of fingers, one by one, gently caressing them, and finally, he even touched him there.

Xiao He's heart jumped, and he said anxiously, "M-master."

Yun Qing didn't make a sound, only parting it a little with his fingers.

Startled and embarrassed, Xiao He felt something trickling down his legs.

That was...what belonged to Hong Qing, that he hadn't had time to wash away.

Xiao He didn't dare to imagine what his master was feeling right now.

The next moment, Yun Qing swept him up by the waist and carried him into the bathroom without a word.

He didn't speak from beginning to end, so Xiao He didn't dare to say anything either.

He cleaned him as patiently as before, and seriously applied medicine for him. Except for his cold expression, Xiao He couldn't see any other difference in him.

But the more he was like this, the more Xiao He was afraid, panicked and at a loss for what to do.

After he finished washing him, Yun Qing drove in without any preparation, and afterwards, his rhythm was so fast Xiao He's heart almost beat out of his chest.

Xiao He stifled his voice, only bearing it passively.

Once he finished, Yun Qing put his arms around Xiao He and turned him around, seeing his pale face, his lips bitten until they were bleeding, and the tears he couldn't stop from flowing down.

A trace of seizing pain spread from his heart, and Yun Qing sighed and dropped a soft kiss on his forehead. He said quietly, "Come, tell me what's going on."

Xiao He looked up at him, unable to say a single word.

He simply didn't know what to say. Should he say he didn't love Hong Qing, but the man threatened him, so he began a relationship with him?

Would his master believe him?

Even if he believed him, what could he do?

Would his master want to kill Hong Qing?

When that time came, and Hong Qing flew into a rage…

This was simply a desperate situation, one Xiao He couldn't see any hope in, no matter how he tried.

He couldn't find a solution, so he only wanted to escape, but now...there was no escape.

"Master…" Xiao He opened his mouth, but he could only call out his name.

Yun Qing looked at him calmly. "Do you not want to speak?"

Xiao He creased his brows and bit his lips, tense to the breaking point all over.

Yun Qing's eyes darkened slightly, and he changed the question. "Then tell me, who did this?"

Xiao He was motionless.

Yun Qing continued by asking, "Hong Qing?"

It was one simple name, two simple words, but it made Xiao He's eyes abruptly widen, filled with astonishment and terror.

"As expected, it's him." Yun Qing confirmed it.

He knew everything, his master already knew…

Xiao He's head rang, and his emotions surged up in a complete mess. He simply couldn't understand.

"Xiao He, don't be afraid." Yun Qing's voice was gentle and slow, as if he were afraid of alarming him. "Tell me, why would you do this with him?"

Yun Qing's brows creased. "Is it because you like him?"

"No! No!" Xiao He urgently said, his voice trembling. "I like you, I only like you."

"You like me…" Yun Qing looked at him calmly, "but you can still be with him every night without rest?"

Xiao He was at a loss for words again.

"Xiao He." Yun Qing moved close to his ear, lowered his voice and asked, "Was it because I couldn't satisfy you?"

"No, Master…" Xiao He couldn't help clutching his clothes and saying anxiously, "No, that really wasn't it."

"Every time, I was afraid that I'd hurt you, so I restrained myself, always worried that you'd be too tired, that you wouldn't be able to bear it, but actually...you simply couldn't be satisfied like that, was that it?" Yun Qing's voice was still low and unhurried, but in the depths of that clear, cold voice, there was a trace of darkness as intense as the night.

Xiao He desperately shook his head, continuously denying it.

Yun Qing kissed him and said gently, "If you want it you can tell me. I can give it to you as many times as you want."

"Master...master…" Xiao He felt the difference underneath him, and couldn't help but breathe out a few sounds, his voice like a fish out of water, hovering on the edge of death.

"Xiao He, tell me, alright…" Yun Qing's movements were fast, rough and reckless, the polar opposite of his tone. "Tell me what happened between the two of you."

Xiao He held on tight to Yun Qing's back, constantly experiencing great pain and enormous pleasure in turn, his head swept by bursts of dizziness.

And Yun Qing's voice was like that of a sorcerer from ancient times, coercing him to say everything in the depths of his heart, without any reservations.

Xiao He looked up, and under the cover of the blankness in his mind, he suddenly felt like everything no longer mattered.

His master already knew everything, so what did he still want to conceal?

If this was fated to be a path to death, then he would rather die by his side, die in his arms.

It could be called a kind of contentment.

"Master...Hong Qing and I were already together long before you and me…"

Yun Qing's constant demanding and giving of pleasure accompanied the words that sounded like Xiao He was saying them in his dreams.

On this day when he couldn't tell apart day and night, on this day that he thought was one of desperation and death, Xiao He told him everything.

What happened in the beginning, what he could say, what he couldn't say, what he thought he'd bury in the depths of his heart all his life—Xiao He told him everything.

Yun Qing no longer had the tenderness of the past. He kept taking him and arousing him, so that Xiao He was constantly floating on the border of the world of dreams.

This feeling was hard to describe in words. When he obtained unsurpassed pleasure, he could forget all of his pain and grievances.

Even if the next moment was a devil-infested hell, he had still enjoyed the dreamlike beauty of paradise.

It may have been a little twisted that this gave him exceptional satisfaction, but he had to say that it was very relaxing and pleasurable, and he really didn't want to wake up.

After a day and night of inexpressible sorrow and utter chaos:

Xiao He fell deeply asleep, having let down all his defenses and flown away, letting go of everything weighing on his mind. He laid in Yun Qing's arms like a docile child, sleeping sweetly and peacefully.

Yun Qing looked down at him, a trace of helplessness flashing through his eyes.

Actually, he could've told him at the beginning that Hong Qing was him, and he was Hong Qing.

But he couldn't say it.

As soon as he thought of Xiao He holding someone else behind his back, even if that person was him as well, he still felt an urge to destroy everything.

He loved him to his bones, loved him to the depths of his heart, so he couldn't bear the slightest trace of unfaithfulness.

Hong Qing was him as well, but Xiao He didn't know that.

In Xiao He's mind, they were two different people.

Could his heart hold two people? How could it hold two people?

As soon as he thought that Xiao He's beautiful heart wasn't only filled with him, Yun Qing felt so jealous he couldn't bear it. His heart felt like beasts were gnawing at it, so painful he couldn't control himself, so painful he wanted everyone to experience it.

His Xiao He said that he loved him, so how could he lie to him?

His Xiao He could only be his, so how could he have room for someone else?

But fortunately...he heard what he wanted to hear.

Xiao He loved him, and he belonged to him.

The feelings Xiao He had for him were the same as the ones he had for him.

Yun Qing lightly hooked up the corner of his mouth, and a beautiful smile blossomed on his lips. He bent his head and kissed the boy's rosy lips.

He no longer concealed all of his affection, and those pale eyes held a bit of gorgeous red as well.

They had one heart and one soul. It wasn't at all a surprise that they would fall in love with the same person.


Xiao He wished he wouldn't wake up. That way, his memories would only contain pleasure and no pain.

However...when the sunlight pierced his eyes, he opened his eyes and returned to reality.

At that moment, his heart was filled with ice, and an urge rose in him to close his eyes forever.

But soon, he felt the glowing warmth behind him.

Xiao He looked around and saw his master, and his eyes were full of astonishment and disbelief. "Master…"

"Yes." Yun Qing held him. "Awake? There's not much happening today, so let's sleep a little longer."

Woodenly, Xiao He obediently drew himself back in, lying in Yun Qing's arms, but he couldn't fall asleep even if he had a gun to his head.

His master was calm...very calm...but...last night, he'd clearly…

Feeling Xiao He's body faintly trembling, Yun Qing asked, "Can't sleep?"

Xiao He silently nodded.

Yun Qing pulled him away from his chest, looked at his eyes and said, "Then, let's talk?"

Xiao He didn't know what he was going to say, but he was terribly nervous.

"Xiao He, I was the one who was in the wrong last night. I won't be that way again." Yun Qing kissed him on the forehead.

His master was apologizing? But...why!

Xiao He looked at him with wide eyes.

Then Yun Qing said something so shocking that Xiao He couldn't keep his calm.

"Hong Qing is me, and I'm Hong Qing, so you don't need to worry so much anymore."

After a long time...Xiao He still couldn't come back to himself. He whispered, "Master, I don't understand."

"My cultivation method required me to give up my emotions and desires before the ninth stage, but as long as I was human, how could I be completely heartless and passionless? But this cultivation method required this, so I underwent some tribulations. In the end, I accidentally split my soul into two, and turned into Yun Qing and Hong Qing."

Xiao He listened to this in a daze.

"Yun Qing is me, and Hong Qing is also me. It's just that he contains most of the things I concealed and gave up, and he only appears when he finds an occasional opportunity."