"He wants to kill you."

Xiao He was even more confused. "You're talking about Fan Shen?"

Qin Su nodded.

Xiao He said incredulously, "How could that be…"

He'd met many versions of Fan Shen, but to no one's surprise, every one of them liked him. If they liked him, how could they want to kill him? That wasn't realistic.

Xiao He couldn't figure it out, but Qin Su didn't keep him in suspense. He slowly explained it for him.

"Let's analyze the world you just went through for a moment. When you first entered, you had status and experience. You were the third son of the exterminated Zongyang Xiao clan. Soon after that, you met the young master and he erased your memories. An inconsequential nine years followed, and then you met the young master again…"

Qin Su recounted the events from start to finish. Xiao He listened, but he couldn't tell where the key point of the problem was.

This lasted until Qin Su said, "It wasn't the young master who destroyed the Zongyang Xiao clan, but "Xiao He" himself. But have you ever thought that this was the young master's world, and his desires stood for everything? Only if he wanted you to destroy the Zongyang Xiao clan would you have the power to do so..."

Xiao He was startled, and a thought drifted into his mind.

Qin Su continued, "And take a look at what you went through in that world, the trials of your childhood and the obstacles you faced after you grew up. Even though you and the young master were together, there were countless misunderstandings of various degrees. Was this all a coincidence?"

Xiao He suddenly thought of the words Yun Qing had said to him in their last moments together. "Since this is my world...then if all I wanted was to be with you, why couldn't I achieve my desire?"

That's right, since it was Fan Shen's world, and Fan Shen liked him, then why did they have to go through so many trials?

Seeing Xiao He beginning to understand, Qin Su continued his explanation. "The young master split into many personalities, but without a doubt, all of the personalities that met you fell in love with you. But at the same time, this was followed by the collapse of those personalities' sub-worlds. They all merged into the main personality, but that doesn't mean all of the personalities want to end up like that."

Xiao He creased his brows. "But two times in a row, I…"

"Yes, you explained the truth to the versions of the young master from the second and third worlds, and they both chose to trust you. However...that was on the basis of them falling in love with you, liking you and wanting to obtain you."

Xiao He finally understood. "You mean to say that Fan Shen's other personalities, the ones that haven't come into contact with me yet, they've begun to actively reject me?"

"Yes." Qin Su adjusted his glasses, closed his notebook, looked at Xiao He and said, "They know that once they meet you, they'll fall in love with you, and the price of loving you is destroying the worlds they belong to. So they began to instinctively resist. At the beginning, they set up countless impossibilities, making you suffer, so that you wouldn't be able to fall in love with him. Or they made it so he was unable to trust you, so that even if he fell in love with you, he would only want to get rid of you."

These words were so convoluted that Xiao He still couldn't quite keep up.

"But...they don't need to go so far as to kill me."

"Why wouldn't they?" Qin Su said levelly, "They don't want to destroy their own worlds. If they kill you at the beginning, then there won't be any collapse taking place. Or they can't bear to kill you, but they can't bear to part with their own worlds either; then if they trapped you in that world from then on, wouldn't they have both? And if you never woke up, then what awaited you in reality...would still be death."

Xiao He completely understood. He couldn't help sucking in a breath of cold air.

To be honest, this sounded a little absurd.

But just from his current understanding of Fan Shen, Xiao He felt...that this was something very likely to happen.

Seeing that Xiao He understood everything, Qin Su looked down, and after scratching away in his notebook for a while, he gave him the altered contract.

Xiao He looked at the commission, which had doubled again, but he didn't feel much.

Qin Su said, "This is a life-threatening matter, after all, so if you refuse, we won't force you. It's just that the young master…"

"Don't waste your breath." Xiao He sighed and looked at him. "We've already reached this point, what are you still pretending for? I've fallen into this trap long ago, so how can I still get out?"

Qin Su didn't make a sound.

Xiao He turned and looked at Qin Su, his gaze mild and his voice low and unhurried. "Now, even if you wanted me to to avoid waking him up, I wouldn't be able to do it."

Without a doubt, he had fallen in love with Fan Shen.

How could Xiao He leave the one he loved unconscious?

Don't mention putting his own life in danger, even if they wanted him to exchange his life for Fan Shen's, Xiao He wouldn't hesitate in the slightest.

His only regret would probably be that he would be unable to perform his filial duty for his parents. Everything else, he didn't care about.

Xiao He chose to continue the treatment without the slightest uncertainty.

And while Qin Su seemed calm on the surface, he inwardly gave a sigh of relief.

Xiao He had slept for a shorter period than he had last time, only half a year. But last time, he'd woken up midway, while this time he'd slept until now in one unbroken stretch. So he had to take a trip home and see his parents and friends.

Qin Su was very efficient, and he'd already made the arrangements. That afternoon, Xiao He arrived at the door of his home.

Once he left, their son had been gone for half a year, so Mr. and Mrs. Xiao had missed him terribly.

Xiao He missed his parents as well. After he left, it had only been half a year for them, but for Xiao He, it had been more than ten years.

He'd lost his memory, but those experiences were imprinted deeply in his mind.

Xiao He couldn't go without having a good time with his parents and friends.

It was just that he missed his sister a little bit. He hadn't seen her last time, and on his return this time, he missed her again.

Xiao He couldn't help but ask, "Dad, what's my sister busy with? Her phone isn't accepting calls."

Once he mentioned this daughter of his, Mr. Xiao's head felt like it was about to explode. He sighed and said, "She came back a month ago. She came in a hurry and left in a hurry, without even the time to eat a meal."

Mrs. Xiao said, "She's a girl, but she doesn't know how to dress up prettily, and stays in that research laboratory all day. Tell me...how could this be okay?!"

Mr. Xiao was worried as well. "That's right, our girl looks so pretty, so why does it seem like she won't be able to get married…"

Xiao He heard the first sentence, and once he heard the second one, he was very worried.

Xiao Rong was very capable, but no matter how capable, she was still a young woman. If she kept delaying things like this, she'd waste her youth.

If this were before, Xiao He would be able to stay at his little sister's place and look after her.

But now, Xiao He barely had time to take care of himself, and he simply couldn't catch hold of his sister who appeared at one moment and disappeared the next.

The family sighed together for a while, at a loss. In the end, Xiao He was afraid his parents would affect their health, so he changed the subject and talked about something else.

But at heart, he was still thinking about leaving a message for his sister later, to tell her to pay attention and not work too hard.

She was working on confidential matters for the country, but she still had to show a little concern for her family!

Xiao He stayed at home for more than a week, taking his parents out to have some fun (with the advantage of not lacking money).

When he was about to leave, Mr. Xiao secretly called him aside and gave back the money Xiao He had brought home in its original amount. "Your mother and I have pensions, and we usually don't spend much money on food. Take this money and use it. You're at the age to find a wife, so you should have a little more style. Don't mind what's going on at home…"

Xiao He didn't know whether to laugh or cry. "Dad, take it. My work is going pretty well, and I'm earning a lot. You don't have to worry about me."

Mr. Xiao grew discontented. "If you're earning more then save it properly, it's no use giving it to us."

Xiao He said, "How is it useless? I'll only feel at ease if I put the money here with you. Just treat it like you're saving it for me!"

Mr. Xiao was afraid that his son was being wronged out there, and he still wanted to say more, but as if his feet had grown wings, Xiao He slipped away at lightning speed.

He really, really, really wasn't low on money right now.

He still had millions in his bank account. If he wasn't afraid that taking it out would scare his parents, he would've already given them all of it.

Once he walked a little further away, the people Qin Su had arranged for picked him up, and they returned to the manor in the outskirts of the city.

Xiao He had been away for a week, and he felt as if it had passed in the blink of an eye. When he saw Qin Su again, he greeted him a good mood.

Qin Su had interacted with him for such a long time, so he softened more and more. Qin Su behaved with rigid discipline, but he was the kind of person that would give you an inexplicable feeling of reliability after interacting with him for a long time.

"Mr. Xiao, you've returned."

Xiao He responded, walked forward and took the familiar path to the treatment room.

When he saw Fan Shen, Xiao He's heart settled, but he felt a little impatient as well.

He really wanted to wake him up faster, and be able to say even one sentence to him in reality.

When they began to connect the equipment, Xiao He suddenly thought of something, and he couldn't help asking, "Qin Su, there's a problem that I've never been able to figure out."

Qin Su looked at him. "Please tell me, Mr. Xiao."

Xiao He paused for a moment before he organized his thoughts and said, "Since the mental worlds I enter all belong to Fan Shen, why do people like Su Yichen still appear?"

Xiao He had a deep impression of that boy. He had nothing but malice towards Xiao He, and his personality was despicable. He was an antagonist from top to bottom.

The depths of Qin Su's eyes flickered slightly, but he soon adjusted his emotions and said softly, "They're mental worlds, but the mental fragments within them come from all sorts of places. Just like how we come into contact with different people every day, and these people form projections in our minds. These projections evolve into mental fragments, naturally creating a world that's almost complete."

"So it was like this." Xiao He understood.

But soon, Xiao He grew a little confused again… There were really quite a lot of projections in Fan Shen's worlds. Had Fan Shen actually come into contact with that many people?

It was pretty unbelievable when he thought about it.

But Xiao He didn't think about it too deeply. After all, he was a determined otaku who didn't like socializing, while with Fan Shen's status, it couldn't be more normal for him to meet a great deal of people.

After clearing his doubts, Xiao He lay prone and prepared to connect.

He'd already gone through this three times, but this time, he was much more nervous than before.

After all...this time, it was dangerous.

Before starting up the equipment, Qin Su urged him, "Please be sure to pay attention to safety."

Xiao He nodded. "Okay."

The equipment activated, and Xiao He's consciousness began to fade.

He'd prepared himself mentally, but at the moment he woke up, he was still stunned.

A bone-deep tingle surged up from the depths of his heart. Xiao He was well acquainted with this feeling. He opened his eyes, trembling, but before he could see anything clearly, he felt a violent thrust from behind.

Broken sounds leaked uncontrollably from his mouth, and Xiao He heard a familiar, gorgeous voice.

"What's wrong? You're beginning to enjoy it so soon?"