I'll give up everything, just for the sake of being with you.

Xiao He's words shocked Fan Shen into stillness.

If Xiao He really gave up everything and didn't care about anything anymore, then...what need was there for him to act?

Giving up military power, family and the entire Galactic Empire. If Xiao He was no longer the First Marshal, if he disregarded everything, would he become truly his?

This idea was something Fan Shen hadn't even dared to imagine, but now it kept stimulating his vision and taste buds like a sweet cake exuding a rich fragrance, tempting him to take it.

Xiao He thought it through at once. He seized upon the idea in his mind, striking the iron while it was hot and saying, "I'm not joking. I'm serious, Fan Shen. I can announce my resignation right now. I can give you all the information on my computer, right now, and I won't hesitate."

Xiao He had been distressed over being unable to explain that stretch of memories, because it was really an out-and-out betrayal, and there was no possibility of whitewashing it.

But now, Xiao He suddenly figured it out.

He didn't need to explain. There was no need for that at all.

He'd just let the past remain the past. As long as Fan Shen still loved him and wasn't willing to let go of him, then he could give up everything, and throw off the glory that surrounded him. As a simple person, he could love him and stay by his side as 'Xiao He,' slowly entering his heart once more and letting him trust him for real.

Xiao He had never been interested in those worldly possessions anyway, so he really could give up everything.

And this kind of determination was one-hundred percent moving.

When Xiao He no longer desired power and status and no longer engaged in scheming or political jockeying, how could he possibly still deceive Fan Shen?

Without any self-interest involved, he was willing to stay by his side. What could it be but love?

This was the only solution Xiao He could think of to this dilemma.

But it had to be said that it was the right course of action!

Fan Shen was irresistibly moved.

What he longed for and couldn't forget had always been this man, Xiao He.

If Xiao He were really willing to let go of everything, then Fan Shen was willing to accept him once more.

It was just that...he wouldn't be deceived by mere words.

Fan Shen stared at him unwaveringly, and his voice didn't hold the slightest warmth. "Under your authorization, I'll take over the position of First Marshal and the fleet under it. I'll announce your official retirement to the entire empire, seize that position at the top, and then cripple the Xiao family's influence…"

"No problem!" Xiao He said straightforwardly, "I'll give you authorization right now."

Because of the computer link, Xiao He understood the process of this pretty well. Afraid that Fan Shen would back out, Xiao He didn't leave himself the slightest room for reflection, swiftly beginning to work.

Fan Shen never turned a hair, but his heart beat so fast it seemed to want to burst out of his chest.

He actually didn't care about the resources in Xiao He's hands in the slightest. He wasn't short of them. Even without them, he could attain everything he wanted.

He only felt nervous and restless over Xiao He's decision.

If Xiao He really did all of this, then he was willing to try to trust him again.

But at the same time, he was afraid that this was another trick of his.

A trick where he didn't scruple to break his own wings in order to make Fan Shen relax his guard.

Fan Shen was nervous, but Xiao He was more so.

Seeing that there was hope for the path of treatment, Xiao He hated that he couldn't move faster and faster yet. Don't say that he was irresponsible, there was really nothing he had to be responsible for.

Don't mention how this was only a fictional world right now, even if it was a real one, he might not be able to abandon his own family for Fan Shen, but he'd definitely be able to change his job for him.

When two people were in love, there were some things they should give and concede in. He was happy to do so.

When he was giving Fan Shen verbal authorization, Xiao He suddenly paused.

Fan Shen saw this trace of hesitation, and he felt his heart freezing.

But soon, Xiao He spoke again. He looked at Fan Shen and asked without blinking, "That Li Liuyun, he's really your partner?" His tone was a little cold.

Fan Shen frowned slightly, while Xiao He interrogated him again. "You're really about to marry him? You like him? Love him?"

His successive questions made Fan Shen wake up, and his heart, which had almost stopped pulsing, began pounding again.

"Fan Shen, I'm willing to give up everything for you, but you have to at least give me a fair identity and environment. If I can only become a secret lover, then I'd rather die than agree."

Hearing so many wonderful words in one day, Fan Shen felt as if it were unreal.

But this trace of absent-mindedness made Xiao He worried.

Damnit! Fan Shen, you wouldn't really have an affair, right?! What the hell are you doing, having an affair with a mental fragment in your own mental world!

Xiao He was so angry his liver ached. He glared straight at Fan Shen, looking like he was about to come to blows if the other man didn't explain himself clearly.

But at the next moment, Fan Shen reached out and pulled him closer by the waist, dipping his head and kissing him hard.

Xiao He's eyes suddenly widened.

Fan Shen parted his mouth and the tip of his tongue drove straight in, and he kissed him fiercely, fervently and impatiently.

The joy in his chest could no longer be described in words, and the violent beating of his heart could no longer be suppressed by reason.

Fan Shen deeply experienced Xiao He's affection. It was real, without holding any pretense.

He'd held out hope in vain for many years, and despaired for a long time, but brilliant flowers were once again blossoming on this patch of soil.

Fan Shen just wanted to kiss him properly and taste his sweet flavor without rest.

When the kiss ended, Xiao He had been kissed dizzy, but he still had his principles, so the first words he said after coming back to himself were: "Hurry up and tell me your relationship."

Fan Shen's voice was low and rough from arousal, unusually sexy and tempting. "He saved me, and he's my good friend, nothing more."

Xiao He was unreconciled. "But he said that he was about to marry you."

Fan Shen wasn't angry at all. He said mildly, "Liuyun knows about what happened between us before. He's only afraid that I…"

There was no need for him to say anything more. Xiao He understood.

He was still a little angry, but it wasn't hard to understand.

Li Liuyun had only been provoking him back then, and he didn't really have anything with Fan Shen.

Knowing this, Xiao He was reassured.

"Alright, I trust you." After saying this, Xiao He swiftly continued giving him authorization.

The process of handing over one's own military power and status would make ordinary people feel a little unwilling, but Xiao He only felt happy.

What could be happier than having a prospect of a solution for this deadlock!

Xiao He spent the entire day handing over all of his affairs.

Returning to Fan Shen's residence, Xiao He was so tired he didn't even want to move.

Before long, Fan Shen came back.

Xiao He just happened to be coming out of the bathroom. Seeing him, he raised an eyebrow, smiled and said, "What do you want to eat tonight?"

Fan Shen didn't make a sound, only striding over, embracing him and dipping his head for a kiss.

Xiao he's scent after a bath was fresh and clean, like verdant bamboo after a spring rain, straight and slender but beautiful and tender.

There were only the two of them in the room. As they kissed on, the atmosphere began to heat up a bit.

Xiao He had only been wearing a bathrobe to begin with, and the neckline had widened without him realizing it, falling loosely open.

Fan Shen reached in and touched Xiao He's skin that was warm as jade, reluctant to even move his hand.

He'd messed with Xiao He to the point of arousal. His legs wrapped around him unconsciously, and his voice was soft and impatient. "Fan...Shen…"

It was only a soft call of his name, but it was an invitation.

Fan Shen kissed him on the neck, playing with him while saying, "Wait for me to take a shower."

But Xiao He couldn't quite wait anymore. "Go...go in first…"

"No need for a shower?"

Xiao He wrapped his arms around his neck, moved up to his ear and panted softly, "Wait a little and we'll go together...ah...mmm…"

The last few sounds were a stifled moan of satisfaction from being filled.

Being so idle he went and seduced people ended in—being unable to get out of bed.

Fan Shen satisfied Xiao He until he didn't even want to move.

The two of them had intertwined every night before as well, but being unable to kiss had always been a regret of Xiao He's.

But now that he no longer had any misgivings, Fan Shen would kiss him if Xiao He wanted it, kiss him harder if he wanted, lighten up if he wanted, move while kissing him if he wanted, move then kiss him if he wanted…

In short...Xiao Rabbit's treatment went from that of a bullied and enslaved plaything to that of a joyfully satisfied power behind the throne.

If he wanted it faster then he'd get it faster, if he wanted it slower then he'd get it slower, and he could feel good however he wanted to. The aftermath of enjoying himself to the end was...his waist ached terribly.

The two men missed dinnertime, but when it was almost nine o'clock, Fan Shen ordered someone to bring them a late-night snack.

Xiao He wanted to get out of bed, but Fan Shen caught him by the waist and picked him up.

He carried him straight to the dining table. Afraid that Xiao He would be in pain, he padded the chair with a soft cushion.

Xiao He could hardly believe how different his treatment was before and after.

The two men ate, and when they were almost finished, Fan Shen suddenly asked him a question. "Now that you've thrown everything away, what will you do if I decide to retaliate against you?"

Fan Shen only casually mentioned this, but it made Xiao He's heart jump.

What he meant by these words…

Yes, Xiao He no longer held any use for him. If Fan Shen held a grudge and wanted to take revenge now, he could easily push him into a bottomless abyss.

After all, Xiao He had taken such extreme actions before, and he'd once treated him so cruelly. If…

But he wasn't even afraid of dying.

Xiao He's heart suddenly sank. He looked up at Fan Shen and said, one word at a time: "If you abandon me now, then I'll just die here."

In any case, he wouldn't be able to succeed with his mission. Since even handing over everything couldn't make Fan Shen let go of the past, death was the only path left.

No matter how great Fan Shen's desire for revenge, using his life to make up for it should be enough.

Such decisive words made Fan Shen's pupils contract.

And Xiao He didn't mean to evade at all, looking at him seriously and resolutely.

Fan shen felt a current of heat surging from his heart, making his gaze soften irresistibly. His voice eased a great deal as well. "I couldn't bear to, Xiao He. I only want you."

Xiao He rose and kissed him from across the table. "Me too...Fan Shen, all I want is to be with you."

After they confided in each other, their life was so sweet and happy it made the whole world light up.

Xiao He began his leisurely, carefree, idle days again. Without any worries or defenses, he could be himself again and get along with Fan Shen easily.

Around another two months passed calmly, without any more conflict.

Xiao He thought that his relationship with Fan Shen was becoming more stable, so after a little more time passed, he should be able to explain the truth to him.

Just when he was contemplating the best timing for this, Xiao He abruptly felt the world spinning.

What was going on?

Before Xiao He could react, he fell onto the ground and lost consciousness.

But soon...he woke up again.

But his location had already changed.

Xiao He had gone through three whole worlds, but Qin Su had never woken him up before.

Why did it happen now?

Xiao He was still at a loss.

Qin Su's voice sounded. "Mr. Xiao, the situation is really too urgent, so I had no choice but to wake you up."

Xiao He looked at him. "What's wrong?"

"The monitoring equipment shows that the personality fragment of the young master in the mental world you were in is in an extremely weak condition."

"What?" Xiao He asked in shock.

"This can't be, Fan Shen's in a very good state, he…"

"But the equipment wouldn't make an error." Qin Su pushed up his glasses. The emotions in his eyes were unreadable, but his faintly trembling fingers showed his nervousness and anxiety. "If we keep neglecting the situation, this personality fragment will disappear! If that happens, even if the young master is able to wake up, he'll lose part of his perception forever."

Hearing this, Xiao He tensed up all over and asked intently, "What exactly is going on? Tell me in detail!"

"All the personality fragments carry a portion of the young master's mind. Our method of treatment is to make these personality fragments wake up and merge into the main personality on their own. But in this mental world, the personality fragment is extremely weak, and it's already on the verge of being extinguished. If it's destroyed, then a portion of the young master's personality will be lost forever...he'll never be able to be complete."

"But this can't be. I've always been at Fan Shen's side, and he's in good condition. There isn't the slightest difference in him, so how could he be weak?" He said this out loud, but a chill surged up wildly from the depths of his heart.

A terrible idea was gradually forming, but Xiao He simply didn't dare to believe it.

But Qin Su didn't give him a chance to escape. "Mr. Xiao, are you sure that is the young master?"

A single sentence made Xiao He's heart drop into an abyss at the bottom of the sea.