Xiao He looked at Qin Su unblinkingly.

Qin Su didn't make a sound, so Xiao He questioned him. "I want to know the reason."

Treatment had to be prescribed according to the illness. Xiao He's demand couldn't be called excessive.

But Qin Su sighed softly and said quietly, "I'm sorry, Mr. Xiao. If I knew the reason, I'd have told you long ago."

Xiao He's brows creased. This answer didn't surprise him, but he still felt a little disappointed.

In the past, Qin Su had always cooperated with his course of treatment. If he really knew, Xiao He was afraid he wouldn't have waited for him to mention it, and would've said it on his own long ago.

But if even Qin Su didn't know, how could anyone else?

Xiao He asked this question, and Qin Su shook his head. "The young master never liked getting close to people, and no one could ever read his thoughts."

When Xiao He heard this, he really felt a little worried.

Why did he feel like Fan Shen might be even more thorny in reality than he was in his mental worlds…

But now wasn't the time to think of this. Xiao He organized his thoughts and continued looking for clues. "According to reason, a split personality should be caused by suffering some huge mental shock… How about this, Qin Su, do you know Fan Shen's family background? His parents, his childhood, things like that…"

Qin Su said to Xiao He unreservedly, "The master and the madam had a good relationship with each other. They only had one son, the young master, and they doted on him a great deal. The family was very harmonious."

So it was like this...Xiao He let out a breath of relief as he listened, but he was soon a little confused again. "Then where are his parents…"

It had already been around two years. If they really loved their son dearly, then they shouldn't go so far as to never show their faces…

Qin Su said slowly, "The master and madam passed away eight years ago."

Xiao He was abruptly startled. Passed...away?

Could it be…

As if he knew what Xiao He was thinking, Qin Su continued speaking. "The master and madam died due to assassination. The young master took revenge for them six years ago."

Qin Su said it lightly, but Xiao He was a little disoriented upon hearing it.

Assassination? Revenge?

Why did it sound so…

Forget it, now wasn't the time to be tangled up over this. The important point was to think about the cause of Fan Shen's illness.

"Um…" Xiao He continued thinking. "Then could it be that once he'd taken revenge and dealt with what was weighing on him, he felt that there was nothing much…"

As he spoke, Xiao He actually felt himself that it wasn't likely.

And Qin Su gave him a few direct, efficient words. "Do you think the young master is such a weak person?"

Xiao He gave a wry smile. "No."

Qin Su: "..."

Alright...Xiao He let out a sigh. He really couldn't think of any other reasons.

And for the sake of cooperating with him, Qin Su continued speaking of many of Fan Shen's past experiences.

As Xiao He listened to them one by one, he really couldn't determine what flaws this perfect life held.

What could've caused his personality to split to this degree, to the point that he didn't even want to wake up?

As soon as he thought of Fan Shen's last words to him, Xiao He felt a faint stab of pain in his heart.

—Give up, don't continue anymore.

He didn't want to wake up...he didn't want to see him for real...he…

A burst of bitterness spread from his chest, but Xiao He couldn't let these emotions continue. He took a deep breath and controlled his feelings, continuing to rack his brains.

All of a sudden, as if a flash of light had struck his mind, Xiao He asked a little nervously, "Qin Su, did Fan Shen have a lover before? Has he ever liked anyone? Was...he heartbroken?"

When he asked this, Xiao He almost held his breath. If Fan Shen really had liked someone else before, then he…

Immediately afterwards, as if it were a chain reaction, Xiao He suddenly thought of the words Qin Su had said to him back then: Please don't have too much affection for him.

If Fan Shen had really had a lover before, then he...what was he…

Xiao He imagined things foolishly by himself. Qin Su could only look at him with the eyes of a dead fish.

"Mr. Xiao, what are you thinking? The one most suited to the young master in the world is you. If there was someone else who could make him fall in love, what need would there be to go to so much trouble to find you?"

Qin Su's tone when saying this couldn't be called that polite, but Xiao He's heart settled down.

Damn, he'd been letting his imagination run away with him!

"Mr. Xiao, please be at ease. As far as I know, before falling unconscious, the young master had never liked anyone, not to mention having a lover."

Xiao He relaxed, but then he felt a little embarrassed.

Come to speak of it, it was really quite strange.

Fan Shen was such an outstanding man, so why was he so compatible with him? If you said it was because their personalities were compatible, there should actually be a lot of people with personalities like his…why did it have to be him?

Xiao He was pretty bewildered, but he couldn't ask this.

He felt like if he asked this, he'd be laughed at…

Ahem, let it pass.

No matter what the reason was, in any case, he wouldn't give up now even if you put a gun to his head!

The two men talked for a long time, but they didn't have many clues.

In the end, Xiao He simply didn't ask anymore, and straightforwardly said, "I'll feel it out slowly for now. Let's continue on to the next world!"

The process was a little winding and bumpy in the last world, and quite a few unexpected things happened, but their time was short, so it was better to proceed to the next world.

Qin Su was worried for him. "You can rest for a while."

Xiao He understood his concern. He'd been going through this for a long time, but the process was intense, so the effect it had on his mind couldn't be called small. If he began the next world without a break, Qin Su was afraid the mental burden on him would be greater.

Xiao He hesitated a little for a moment. Should he go back to see his parents? Taking a day off wasn't a big deal.

Just as he was thinking this, Xiao He was abruptly startled.

He'd been staring at Fan Shen all along just now, and to his surprise, he saw his finger move.

Xiao He was so excited he almost shrieked, "Qin Su Qin Su! He moved! His finger moved!"

When Xiao He shouted like this, Qin Su instantly got up and walked over.

The two of them stared at Fan Shen unwaveringly for three or four minutes, but the man lying there didn't move in the slightest.

Xiao He was a little disappointed and a little unresigned. He was absolutely certain that he'd seen Fan Shen's finger move just now!

Qin Su's tone fluctuated more than usual. "Mr. Xiao, you keep watching here, and I'll go check the equipment."

Xiao He nodded and replied, "Hurry and go!"

Qin Su rose and left, and Xiao He continued watching Fan Shen without even blinking.

However...half an hour passed like this, but Fan Shen didn't move again.

And Qin Su came back, shook his head regretfully and said, "There wasn't anything different."

Xiao He sighed softly, but he wasn't discouraged.

He was certain he'd seen him move a while ago. He'd moved, so that meant their treatment had an effect!

Even if Fan Shen didn't want to wake up, following Xiao He's constant interference, he'd still changed greatly.

Like this, Xiao He found his enthusiasm again. As long as he could finish merging all of the personalities, then even if Fan Shen didn't want to regain consciousness, he could only wake up!

After this little episode, Xiao He gave up the thought of going home. He just wanted to enter the mental world and cure him quicker!

Not delaying any further, Xiao He said, "Qin Su, let's begin, I'm fine."

Once the equipment was connected, Xiao He felt the familiar dizziness, and began to quietly look forward to what would happen next.

He looked forward to the new world, and to seeing Fan Shen sooner.

His emotions surging, Xiao He opened his eyes.

And then...he was scared silly!

What the fuck! What the actual fuck!

What the fucking hell was this!!

Xiao He looked blankly at the huge, sticky, sinister, terrifying mouth before him that was emitting a bloody red stink. He felt like he was about to throw up.

What were they playing at this time! What kind of monster was this aaahhhhhh!

My staunch heart is about to split open from fright!

The impact on him was so great Xiao He almost collapsed, but fortunately his body reacted on its own. Just when that huge, ferocious mouth was about to close, Xiao He suddenly recoiled and loaded the weapon in his hands. A bullet whistled out, running through the monster's skull precisely and flawlessly.

Blood exploded outwards, followed by white brain matter and a coppery smell.

Xiao He really couldn't take it anymore. His face paled to the shade of paper, and if not for how his current body had an empty stomach, he'd have thrown up all over the ground…

"There's more, there's more! They're four-clawed ripfang bugs!"

Following this shriek, a dense mass of insect monsters leaped forward with a rumble.

Xiao He hurriedly shot dead a few bugs. He swept his gaze over the surroundings, getting a rough idea of the scene.

They should be an army unit, currently battling with a bunch of monsters.

But the current situation was anything but reassuring. Many soldiers had fallen around them, and the ones still living were mostly injured, with blood all over their faces, arms and bodies. From their alarmed shouts, they didn't have much ammunition left.

And the enemies before their eyes were packed densely enough to terrify them.

There was no chance for victory in a battle like this at all!

Xiao He was fuming with rage as he shot down the enemy.

Fuck, did Fan Shen want to just kill him like this?!

Even if you kill me, I can still come back, don't you get it, Classmate Fan Shen?

You want to get rid of me? It's not that easy!

Furious, Xiao He's morale rose as he killed the enemy.

The violent battle went on like this for almost an hour. The soldiers still standing grew fewer and fewer. A man who looked like a commanding officer shouted, "Keep going! Brothers! Hold on! Reinforcements are on the way, and they'll arrive soon. They're about to rescue us, so hold on! If we're victorious this time, I'll apply to the superiors when we get back and give you priority, I'll fight for you to get your own omegas!"

He spoke passionately and fiercely. Xiao He's mood surged when he heard the first half! Great, reinforcements were coming! But then he heard the last half...Omega? What the hell was this? Giving each person a watch after winning was worth getting excited over?!

Xiao He didn't really get it, but seeing that the soldiers around him were filled with morale, he could only do as the Romans do.

"Brothers, let's go all out for our own omegas!" The man shouted.

Xiao He's hot blood surged as well. "Brothers, let's go all out for the sake of our watches!"