Fan Qing's complaint only received a light smile from Fan Shen, as a doting, tolerant, good elder brother.

But Xiao He, watching from the side, felt bitter at heart.

What?! He kissed someone else right in his face and he didn't care at all!

Could it be that Fan Shen really didn't like him this time?

Xiao He felt a little uneasy. According to the norm, as long as he arrived in a world, Fan Shen would be interested in him. But now, following Xiao He's constant success, Fan Shen had changed. After all, Fan Shen knew he existed, so there was no longer a feeling of novelty. If Xiao He deliberately rejected him, then maybe he'd really…

No! He wouldn't!

Xiao He soon cheered himself up again. He couldn't be deceived. Fan Shen must like him, and was only pretending right now!

Xiao He stole several glances at Fan Shen, but unfortunately, he couldn't read the other man's emotions at all.

But that didn't matter. Xiao He blinked and thought about it.

It was fine if he didn't show it, Xiao He had plenty of ways to provoke him.

So...Xiao He began to actively respond to Fan Qing.

Fan Qing was very clingy. He was already seventeen years old, but he always stayed at home and rarely socialized with people, so his character was pure and unsophisticated. He'd set his mind on Xiao He ever since he was young, so he liked him a lot, and had to do everything with him.

Xiao He had originally made up his mind to act like this to provoke Fan Shen, but after constantly interacting with Fan Qing, he began to sincerely like this pretty little version of Fan Shen.

It was really an unbelievable experience.

Xiao He had personally raised Fan Shen in the second world, but at the time, Fan Shen didn't have the temperament of a child, and often spoiled Xiao He instead.

Now that he'd met Fan Qing, even though he knew Fan Qing was only a mental fragment, Xiao He couldn't help but like him.

It wasn't love. He just wanted to take care of him, take care of this unique little Fan Shen.

Half a month passed just like this.

Xiao He's plan to provoke Fan Shen didn't have the slightest effect.

He and Fan Qing came and went as a pair, stayed together all day and even did some intimate things now and then, but Fan Shen didn't care at all.

He would just remind them that they weren't officially married yet when they went a little too far.

Xiao He was rather discouraged.

Was Fan Shen too good at keeping his composure, or did he really take him as his little brother's husband?!

If it were the former, Xiao He would still have some motivation, but if it were the latter, then what...what should he do?!

Just when he was at a loss, Fan Qing inadvertently said something that reignited Xiao He's will to fight.

"Brother Xiao He, thank goodness you're an alpha, or I wouldn't be able to beat out my brother!"

These words made Xiao He's eyes light up, but he didn't dare to show it, only replying, "You're always joking around."

"I'm not joking!" Sitting in Xiao He's embrace, Fan Qing spoke as he ate the grapes the other man peeled for him. "You never took me out to have fun before, thinking I was too small and cried too much. You followed my brother all day long, and my brother liked going out with you too. You don't know this, but I was really jealous at the time, jealous that my brother was stealing you away, and jealous that you were stealing away my brother. In short, I wasn't happy."

As Xiao He listened, his heart couldn't help but move. Ah, it looked like there was more to this.

Fan Qing was still complaining. "At the time, I thought you'd marry my brother! However…" Fan Qing's eyes crinkled as he spoke. "I've grown up now, and I know that you like me, and you're mine."

Fan Qing went on talking about something, but Xiao He wasn't listening anymore.

He blinked, beginning to think of tricks to play again.

It looked like he and Fan Shen must have some underlying affection, but they hadn't shown it because of their statuses.

But now...he was going to expose it!

Xiao He continued being intimate with Fan Qing, but he stealthily began to observe Fan Shen more deeply.

Slowly, Xiao He noticed some peculiarities, and he couldn't resist feeling inwardly happy.

It was almost unnoticeable, but when Xiao He was feeding Fan Qing things, Fan Shen's fingers would curl up slightly. When Xiao He was holding Fan Qing, Fan Shen would deliberately look away. When Xiao He was having fun chatting and laughing with Fan Qing, there wouldn't be the slightest smile on Fan Shen's face…

As all kinds of details unfolded before him, Xiao He grew certain that Fan Shen had feelings for him.

As long as he was certain of this point, Xiao He was no longer afraid!

An excellent opportunity appeared a month later, at Fan Qing's birthday party.

The age of seventeen was a threshold for omegas. Once they passed this age, most omegas would enter their first heat. And this was the day when Xiao He and Fan Qing would marry.

So this birthday party was held very grandly, and as the hosts, Fan Shen and Fan Qing were busy all night.

Xiao He wasn't idle either. He had a lot of friends around him who all knew he was about to return with a beauty in his arms, and they were all terribly jealous. They poured him wine one after the other, itching to make him drink until he fell unconscious.

Fortunately, Xiao He still kept what was important in mind. He poured out each glass after taking a sip, and by stealthily cheating like this, he didn't get completely drunk.

For the sake of carrying out tonight's plan perfectly, Xiao He secretly added some stuff into Fan Qing's wine. So the little fellow soon grew drunk, and was sent back to his room before long.

Doing this was a little dishonest, but Xiao He was thinking at heart that this was only a mental world, and he only had one goal, so he didn't have that many scruples anymore.

Fan Qing was drunk, so Fan Shen would definitely take care of him until the end.

On the surface, Xiao He had drunk a lot and was completely plastered, but he was only putting on an act.

Once everyone had dispersed, Xiao He began to sway back and forth, unable to even walk steadily.

Fan Shen frowned slightly and reached out to support him. "If you can't take your alcohol, then don't drink so much."

Xiao He leaned close to him, his heartbeat picking up a little, and couldn't help but say softly, "It's because I'm happy today."

He spoke from his heart, but Fan Shen felt it pierced his ears. He creased his brows slightly and didn't continue this subject. "I'll take you back to your room."

"Okay." Xiao He replied, almost his entire body pressed against him.

Fan Shen frowned more tightly, but he was reluctant to push him away. Only the fingers around Xiao He's waist trembled slightly.

They weren't far away, and no matter how slowly they walked, they would soon arrive.

Xiao He was so dazed he seemed like he'd fallen asleep.

Fan Shen leaned down to look at him.

Wine didn't make Fan Shen drunk, but he made himself drunk. He'd drunk quite a great deal tonight as well. If this were before, he would leave now. But once he thought that this man was about to get married, and the one he was marrying was his own brother—that he'd have to watch them wrapping around each other sweetly all day long from now on—his heart felt as if it'd been run over, so painful he didn't even dare to breathe hard.

He was clearly the one who'd met and liked him first, but in the end...Xiao He was destined to not belong to him.

A heart-piercing pain spread through his chest. Fan Shen looked at Xiao He's face, fast asleep, and his rosy lips, and couldn't help but softly draw nearer and press against them.

Xiao He was so nervous his heart was about to leap out of his chest. When he felt the burning warmth on his lips, he was so excited he was itching to immediately open his eyes.

But he couldn't...he'd scare him off.

Seemingly half-awake, Xiao He moaned softly and opened his mouth slightly.

His damp, hot breath, soft voice and utterly unguarded sleeping face...all of it was like a flood attacking a fort, constantly battering down Fan Shen's reason.

Xiao He couldn't resist touching him with the tip of his tongue. That tiny movement was the last straw, making that towering building split open with a rumble.

Xiao He was still enjoying himself, but a fervent, intense kiss that seemed like it was about to set the prairies on fire soon stole away his reason.