Six months passed in the blink of an eye.

Xiao He had forced himself to get through the painful days.

For half a year, Xiao He didn't step a foot outside, agree to see anyone or smile a single time.

His mother and father were terribly worried, but no matter what they tried, their son stayed like this.

Staying at home, he'd greet them, eat and drink, and he wasn't a slob, but he just wouldn't go out, talk or socialize.

Actually, his mother knew that her son would cry in his room every night, but when she asked him what was wrong, he wouldn't talk no matter what she did.

Only Xiao He knew what he was doing.

The brush in his hand had never stopped for a moment, and there was only one man beneath it.

As soon as he lifted his brush, his heart would ache. He'd slowly sketch out a version of that man, and then...cry in front of the drawing paper until he was in a complete mess.

Before, he'd always said that men didn't cry easily.

But currently, Xiao He didn't know any other way to alleviate the pain and despair in his heart. He didn't know how to stop his mind from constantly missing him.

When he opened his eyes he thought of him, and when he closed his eyes he dreamed of him.

But he could never see him again.

Xiao He was the one who had said that they should never see each other again and continue living.

But now, he regretted it terribly.

He really couldn't see an end to pain like this. It disheartened him, made him want to collapse and made him...desperately long for death.

But in any case, Xiao He still cared for his parents.

He couldn't bear to let his parents send off their own child before their time, so he could only muddle along like this.

The full 60 million Qin Su had sent him was sitting in his account.

That long trail of numbers in the balance didn't interest Xiao He in the slightest. Instead, as if he'd seen the most terrifying thing in the world, he didn't dare to touch it at all.

These endless days were finally broken when Xiao Rong left work and came home.

She hadn't come back for half a year, and once she did, the first thing she did was go to bed and fall asleep.

Her mother and father were worried sick.

Their son had gone out to work for more than a year, and though he'd made more money than he'd make in half his lifetime, it was as if he'd been completely destroyed…

They had a daughter, who was obviously a girl, but she didn't mention marriage, and stayed shut up in the research laboratory all day, almost turning into a madwoman.

Everyone said that with a son and a daughter, you could enjoy a lifetime of happiness.

But Mr. and Mrs. Xiao were completely dejected.

Xiao He heard his sister had come home, but didn't feel much interest. It just so happened that Xiao Rong had fallen asleep right away, and he didn't feel like provoking her. It'd save him from a round of questioning that would take ages.

It was just that after Xiao Rong slept for a day, she was completely refreshed, and started looking for trouble everywhere.

Her mother and father dragged her off and admonished her for ages, until her ears were about to fall off. Afterwards, she grew impatient.

When she was impatient, she liked to find her brother.

Other older brothers doted on their little sisters, while other younger sisters relied on their older brothers, but their family had it different.

Xiao He did dote on his little sister, but because the two of them were twins, and Xiao Rong had been stronger than him since the moment they were born, he'd gotten pushed around for the first half of his life.

After getting pushed around for so long, he'd gotten used to it, and he almost felt that if his sister didn't come looking for trouble he wouldn't be able to feel her love.

And Xiao Rong had gotten used to it as well. If she didn't bully her brother after coming back, she'd feel uncomfortable from head to toe.

A while ago, both of them were wildly busy, and they hadn't bumped into each other once. Today, hearing that her brother had come home, Xiao Rong kicked open the door and came in without saying another word.

Who knew that Xiao He would close the door again!

Xiao Rong frowned and lifted a hand, wanting to destroy this lousy door lock, but then considered that she was at home and had to restrain herself a little. So she didn't make a move, and only pounded on the door with a bang.

Before she pounded away for long, Xiao He came out and opened the door.

When Xiao Rong saw her older brother, she couldn't help but have her frown deepen.

Xiao He had never been tall, but in any case, he was 1.76 meters. He'd never been robust, but he hadn't been like he was now...so thin he seemed like a girl.

Xiao Rong said with disgust, "Xiao He, what's with you? You broke up?"

These words were really an inadvertent stab at him.

Xiao He's mood had originally eased a little when he saw his sister, but when he heard these words, he immediately wanted to slam the door in her face.

With how smart Xiao Rong was, she understood at a glance. "I guessed right? Who is it?! Which family's daughter? If you like her then go chase her, what use is hiding in your room?"

Xiao He didn't really feel like paying attention to her. What kind of words were these?! Were they something a girl should say?!

Once he got angry, he actually found a little bit of energy, but he still didn't want to acknowledge her.

Xiao Rong didn't show it, but to be honest, when she saw her own brother looking like this, her heart ached terribly.

Ever since they were small, she'd been the only one who could bully silly Xiao He. Once she thought that someone else had hurt her brother until he was in this state, she felt an impulse to tear them apart until nothing was left but bones.

"Let's go, let's go!" Xiao Rong pulled Xiao He out with one hand. "You'll forget all your worries once you get drunk. I'll take you out to relax."

Xiao He hadn't gone out for ages, to the point where he was afraid of sunlight. He simply refused. "I'm fine, I'm not going anywhere."

"You're going whether you like it or not!" Xiao Rong was used to getting her way. "What use is it acting like a snail like this? Drink some wine and have some fun, and you'll be able to get over everything."

Xiao He was really at his wit's end with this scoundrel girl, and the sad thing was, he couldn't freaking throw off her hand.

Helpless, he really did get dragged off to the bar in the end.

They asked for a separate booth, and Xiao Rong ordered a bunch of alcohol with a wave of her hand. Seeing her practiced manner, Xiao He grew discontented. "You come here often?!"

Xiao Rong picked up a glass of brandy and downed it without any care for her image. "When I'm tired from work, I relax a bit."

Xiao He grew more upset. "You're a girl going to a bar every day, and you call it relaxing a bit? It's unbecoming!"

"Alright already, Xiao He, don't berate me. I've been dying of exhaustion for the last two years, it's really taken years off my life!"

Xiao He looked her up and down, and seeing the faint black circles under her eyes, he couldn't help but feel a little distressed.

"What kind of job is this, that you just have to do? Quit! I'll support you!"

When he came out with these words, Xiao Rong was tickled to laughter. "Just you? Selling paintings and words? Working desperately to earn around ten thousand?"

Xiao He didn't want to listen to this. He was just about to retort when when Xiao Rong sighed and said, "There's nothing I can do about it. After getting myself into this dubious venture, I can't get out…"

Xiao He frowned tightly. "Are you sure you're doing a legitimate line of work?"

"Nonsense!" Xiao Rong rolled her eyes.

But Xiao He knew that even if it was legitimate, when it had to do with the government, there were some things you shouldn't think of rejecting after getting involved. Once you had too much information that could be used against them, it would be very difficult to free yourself.

They both had secrets they couldn't say out loud, so they just kept competing at drinking.

Xiao Rong and Xiao He, a pair of twins, were quite different in other areas, but their alcohol tolerance was on par.

One was dizzy with intoxication, and the other was dazed as well.

Xiao Rong had signed a non-disclosure agreement. She couldn't say any of the specifics, but general complaints were fine.

"Let me tell you, Brother, I'm really almost dying of exhaustion. First the boss got sick, then a bunch of things fell to us. We've been working day and night, until we've almost become beasts of labor! But there was nothing we could do, we could only take it. We endured for a year and a half, and the boss recovered, but as a result, we had even more work. Another six months passed, and we didn't rest for a moment. We really wanted to die."

Xiao He mocked her: "You found this job yourself! You're the one who sent yourself up!"

Xiao Rong picked up a bottle and poured it down his throat. "What a brother! You don't know how to empathize with me! I had no choice! Birds of a feather flock together. If I didn't join them, then sooner or later, I'd have to let someone else give…"

She didn't finish the last sentence, and Xiao He was in too much of a daze to hear it clearly.

He'd drunk too much and thought of sad things. He couldn't help but start up a topic: "Sis, do you think there really are people with superpowers in this world?"

His single, simple question made Xiao Rong sober up immediately. She no longer felt tipsy at all.

"Brother...you ran into something?"

Xiao He didn't notice the change in Xiao Rong, only picking up his wineglass and swaying it back and forth, saying, "I'm just curious…"

Xiao Rong frowned hard. "Come to think of it, what have you been doing for the last two years?"