chapter five

Lily Smith walked into the supermarket that afternoon with only one aim, if she could not buy the food, then she was going to steal it. There was no other solution for this little situation she has found herself in. even going to be a first-time committing crime, really knew that she had no other choice. if she went back home with your food today then it would probably be the end of her. she never understood that somehow, destiny would always work in her favor.

''Hey, hi!'' She heard the loud voice calling from behind her. the tone was hoarse, like an adolescent boy finally growing up. When lily turned around, a dubious expression rested on her face as she looked at the unfarmailiar figure approaching.

She definitely did not know him, she did not even know anyone. it had to be a mistake. but how long did she need to tell herself that?

When he stood before her, he flashed a beautiful set of white teeth, smiling menancingly at Lily.

''You've skipped class, did not think the quiet girl would be a badass. '' he said to her, an eyebrow quivering as he smirked at her mischievously.

For a split second, his eyes glazed over her petite figure, the way that tiny cardigan sweater loosely hung on her shoulder, and a plain black shirt she had been wearing for longer than years. She expected his face to distort, form a look of disgust by what he saw. Instead, the young man only looked at her in a queer way. It was extremely uncomfortable for Lily to be under someone's gaze for that long, especially a stranger. She did not recognize how impressed he was as he called her a badass, or how his eyebrows rose, indicating that behind those words might have lay a far more distant meaning.

He waited for her to talk, expected her to at least smile and nod politely. Lily Amore Smith however kept a stern face. No emotions evident as she glanced over at her watch. She was getting late, she needed to find food and get home before dark.

''Im Noah by the way,'' the boy said, the open palm of his hand moving forward as an invitation for a handshake.

Lily however winced, taking a step back as she waited for what she always got whenever her three fathers back at home talked to her. Noah noticed that simple gesture, he noticed how she stepped back and slightly shut her eyes. He had seen those signs somewhere else, he had seen someone acting as afraid and scared as Lily was. He could not mistake it for anything. Abuse was the only red flag that rang inside his head.

As simple as it was, Lily ignored his handshake and walked away, going into that little store, leaving a dumbfounded Noah at the entrance. She was shocked and confused. A thousand questions plagued her mind. How had someone just attempted to start a conversation with her?

She was almost about to enter the store when she saw the familiar face of Gerald standing in front of her. That threatening smile that he wore clearly showed her that she was in deep trouble.

'' I fancy seeing you here. today I just got out to see what a beautiful day it was and to my surprise, my beautiful daughter has started talking to boys. '' The man said, taking a step further as he brought his hand towards her shoulder.

Even though the action was supposed to be something light and gentle in the eyes of the public, Lily knew just how much anger and bad intentions was held behind that crocodile smile. she knew that when you got home, bad things awaited her. How did Malik receiver give the courage to call her his daughter and yet she was nothing close to back.

Noah Came to stand behind her, an actual regret especially because he was not needed in that conversation. he was making matters worse for Lily.

''How are you, my name is Noah, I'm Lily's friend.'' he says confidently bringing his hand up for handshake.

Gerald however stares at the young man's hand and then towards his face. He feels anger spiking inside him but he however maintains his cool.

''He is not my friend, i dont know him.''

Finally, lily said it. She took a step forward and moves towards Gerald. she wants to create the impression that she is safe with the man, especially because she notices how Noah act apprehensive of his character. Really understands that Geraldo often threatens and intimidates anyone he comes into contact with but Lily does not want to cause a scene.

He knows that Gerald has no boundaries and he might even go as far as attacking the young man in the middle of the street. she prays that he can just let it go especially because she is going to get her punishment when they get home. there were times when she really thought about running away but all her attempts were fruitless because the men always found her.

''This young man and I are going to have a little talk,'' Gerald said, taking a step forward. the young man stepped back, feeling a little intimidated by his stare.

for the first time ever, Lily felt the need to stand up for herself. she needed to fight back because she would never let anyone else be ensnared into the claws of those same men.

''i think I'm going to head back home now,'' Noah said, aiming at finding a faster way out of the situation. he had seen weird things, but this definitely crossed all lines. A father who made their daughter afraid was way out of line. as though he read along the lines, the situation always hit home. it was way too personal for me. he felt the need to protect her, that sense to stand up for her clouded his better judgement. he could see the way lily latched onto the strands of her bag pack, the way little sweat dripped from her forehead. she was scared, obviously afraid of the man and to call himself family was an insult. he suddenly got different courage, a chance to stand against that very man.

''lily, are you ok? do you know this man? do you trust him?'' he asked suddenly, ignoring Gerald's presence as he stepped towards lily. The girl was not going to talk, she could not even speak under the pressure of having those scrutinizing eyes on her. she needed an escape, because, at the end of the day, Lily was still prone to the danger of living with those dangerous werewolves.

even though she was a werewolf herself, the men she lived with were dangerous. she was outnumbered, even with the will to fight, she could never win.

lily hated the way Noah interfered, she hated how he went ahead to address her as though they were acquaintances. the friendship was bonded. the both of them were two opposites. she could never be friends with him, she could never be friends with anyone.

but would Noah drop the issue? Would he let the innocent girl walk home with the intimidating man?