The realistic dream

"Quick, she is losing lots of blood," Cynthia begged the nurses as they helped her beloved friend unto the stretcher.

Precious was tossing in agony as she felt the baby was almost coming out. The pain of giving birth is unbearable, and Precious came to this understanding during her entire nine-month.

Hurriedly, she was rushed to the ER, with Cynthia right behind her, watching as the doctor who was to handle her case closed the door.

She was scared that her best friend doesn't lose her life, as she found it to be hazardous. The thoughts of how Precious has been able to achieve the feat of having to build a gigantic hospital like that of St Gregory beclouded her mind.

"Excuse me, ma?" She was returned to her state of reality, and when she turned around, it was the doctor.

"Are you some sort of relative or a friend?"