Young Davis

Young Davis was filled with energy and life and was born into a unique family.

He was the only child in the family, and his parents had given it their all to make sure he came out to be someone very successful.

He was also never disappointed. He was just the best in all he did, and his parents were like his superheroes.

He was one of the most intelligent people anyone could come across, and he grew into a brave, handsome guy and was also well-to-do.

His only fear was something somewhat surprising, but it was natural to Young Davis.

He kept having this dream. It was more than a dream. It was as if he was reminiscing on something that happened way back when he was barely two years of age.

It wasn't clear to him, but it felt like something he had seen or experienced. In this dream, he could see two people, male and female, somehow trying to guard him away from something evil.