Sequel: Chapter 1

Robin felt a chill go down his spine, which was weird considering he had experienced dead bodies plenty of times since he had become a medical examiner four years ago.

He had grown immune to it, not that it was a good thing, as his friends like to point out, but it's what made him catch details others missed.

The truth was he had to grow cold to it, or the images of his parent's murder would continue to haunt him every time he had to process a scene.

The chill returned, and he stood up from his crouching position next to the body. It felt as if he wasn't alone in the room.

"Ghost? Who am I kidding!" He never believed in that stuff, and he wasn't going to start today, but the thought of it caused him to smirk, and once again, the chill down his spine multiplied the feeling of being watched.