Sequel: Chapter 9


The unshaved men kept on thrusting the knife over and over again until I released a final groan of agony. At the sound of my affliction, three more men added themselves to the blissful scenery, revealing their beer-stained teeth in a simper of mockery.

"Robin isn't that bulgy as he won't believe. Guess your mind won't help"

I refrained from correcting that tosser's grammar and focused on the only person that may have substituted a genuine painkiller. Veronica. I have recounted the four moles on her right arm, those beautiful stretch marks on her upper thigh, and the two dimples of her mouth. 

I have re-envisioned the indistinct specks of gold that tainted her green orbs, the chiseled texture of her plump lips, and their exquisite taste that still lingered in my mouth like the finest wine out there