Sequel: Chapter 45

"It happened last year while Leo was home catering for Thelma. I met this beautiful young lady known as Sofia, I didn't know what happened, but I fell for her charms and did her bidding. I destroyed a warehouse that was owned back then by Leo himself... It is a personal warehouse, and I took eight hundred grams of cocaine and gave it to her..... I didn't give it to her. Along the line, I discovered how much of a fool I am and decided that I would kill her instead.

The day we met, she was hoping I would hand over the cocaines to her but instead, I shot her right in the stomach and thought she was dead...Back to the present, she is back hale and healthy, and now she is threatening to show Leo everything we did together unless I did her bidding" Not for once did Lucifer dare look at the Bishop's face.

"And what exactly are her bidding?" He asked.