Servants were like outside the palace, it looks like someone important is coming in. A maybach stops directly at the door. All the servants bowed and greeted "Good evening King Ayden". The yound blonde man nodded and walked past them to the private lounge of the west wing.

He sits down and switches on the television. A servant came and brought a bottle of white wine along with him. Lady Emeline walks in and sits beside him.

"God evening milady" King Ayden greeted

"Good evening Ayden, how many times have I told you to not greet me in that manner, you're like a son to me dear, you get that?!?" Lady Emeline chastened

"Okay aunty, I came to spend the weekend here" He turns to look at her with his puppy dog eyes. He knows he's like a son to this woman. The woman who helped him when his parents passed away. She helped him collect his property from his power and money hungry relative. He owed everything to this very woman.

Lady Emeline was watching the news and didn't pay attention to the young man beside her "Do you really have to ask?!? Fool, it's seems you're getting senile before becoming old" She laughs, but her laughter died down and she turned pale. She collapsed.

"Aunty, what's wrong?!?" He turns around frantically "Hey you incompetent fools bring me a cup of water and I need a towel in an ice bucket" He's frantic. He carries her into her room and and lay her on the bed, he went out to check on what he asked the servants to bring. Two servants rushes in and begin to change her cloth to something lighter. Alexander rushes in with the ice bucket and towel, he dips the towel into the ice bucket and allowed it to become cold before he brought it out to place on her head. He another person to continue the process then turned around to make a phone call to the doctor.


Thanks for being patient and all.

I really appreciate you guys a lot.

Love y'all ❤️🔥❤️