Maybe Next Time




Corolla picked up her phone to text her assistant,


Corolla: Call me now

Danielle: Now ma'am?!?

Corolla: CALL ME NOW!!!.

Danielle: Yes ma'am, of course!!!




Grinng Rinnng

Corolla, who was talking to Daniel's mother looked at her phone, that was ringing and smiled.

"Excuse me ma'am" She excuse herself and picked up her phone.


On the phone.

"What?!? I'm going there right now!!!" Corolla acted like the call was an emergency.

She hung up.


At this time, almost everyone had stood up from their seats. They all looked at her as if she owed then an explanation. Ch!

"Sorry, I really have to go, but maybe we can do this next time?!?" She said as she rushed out without waiting for a reply.

"Better, she's gone than polluting the air here..." Raven said but trailed off when Daniel gave her a hard look.


Outside the house, Corolla called a cab. The cab came and she got in,

"Claud Mansion!" She said as she put a five hundred dollar bill in the pay box. When the cab driver saw how much she put in there, he increased his speed and within thirty minutes, he dropped her off.

She got out, opened her purse to bring out her keys. But someone was faster than her and opened the door, her old housekeeper, Mandy.

"Welcome back madam!" She said and bowed her head lightly.

"Hey mom!" Her daughter, Kylie said from the couch as she looked up from the show she was watching.

"No hug for mommy?!?" Corolla asked playfully.

"There's always hugs for mom" Kylie said as she stood up and went to hug Corolla.

"So mom, what are we eating for lunch?!?" Kylie asked.

"I don't know!" Corolla said thinking.

"Mom, did you just say you don't know?!?" Kylie asked like she couldn't believe it.

"Yes baby, I don't know. I'm thinking!! Maybe we should just go out and have fun and lunch?!?" Corolla asked.

"McDonald's?!?" Kylie asked.

"Yes princess, McDonald's!!!" Corolla affirmed. "Go put on some shoes" She laughed as Kylie ran up the stairs.




"Aunt Ems, I want to go get some food and fresh air" Ayden said. He was sitting at the foot of Emeline's bed.

"Why?!? Isn't the food in the palace good enough?!?" Emeline asked surprised.

"I'm going out, mostly for the fresh air. I went through such a fright today" Ayden sighed.

"Sorry dear, of course, and have fun!! Remember to mingle and collect contacts!! Also, don't forget Corolla Fanners!!" Emeline said, referring to the girls and laughed. She reminded him about the task she gave him.

"Okay Aunty!!" He laughed with her and kissed her cheek and walked out.

He walked out the room and met the butler.

"Stay with her throughout the period I'm gone and don't leave her room. Any other work you have, assign to someone else, understood?!?" He barked out the order and walked out the door as a manservant opened the door for him. He got into is Lamborghini urus, and drove off.

"Is it that controller of a son that I have that asked you to wait on me?!?" Emeline asked smiling.

"Yes Milady" The butler, Jones said with a straight face.


Ayden didn't drive too far into the city to the nearest McDonald's, he got in and took a seat and just stared, people watching. A waitress came up to him and she dropkick a napkin with her phone number on it while asking him for what he wanted to eat and passing in the menu.

"What would you like to eat, sir?!?" she said while winking.

"Nothing thank you" He didn't even give the waitress face as he stood up and walked to the nearest wastebasket and threw the napkin in it.

He took his seat back and then started thinking about how it was going to complete the assignment that Lady Emeline gave to him. As he was watching the door, a lady with the blonde hair, green eyes and in great shape and her daughter that had dark hair and brown eyes. He watched as the two case it's too close to the window and he was wondering where he knew her from because, she was looking very familiar.



At this point I have to explain Ayden's character so you'll be able to understand the novel better....Ayden is not Emeline's biological son, he's just like a son.


Hey guys 👋✌️,

Hope y'all having a great day😊.

Another chapter's here🥳.

Hope you love it🥺!!!

Love y'all ❣️💫💯.