We just have a few questions for you, Madame," the lead officer says. His eyes fall to the military insignia on your chest. "I do apologize. This shouldn't take long."

The demon appears—briefly. It manifests as a shadowy figure on the road, dark and fuzzy around the edges, then vanishes just a few seconds later. Clearly, something went wrong with your summoning attempt.

The militia reach for their weapons. Their leader unholsters his pistol. "Why don't you come with us, Madame," he says darkly.

You feel inclined to agree.


Your transport is rough, but not abusive. The National Guard mostly seem upset at having to bother dealing with you at all.

Eventually, you arrive at the old tavern this National Guard brigade has been using as their home base.

The National Guard carefully restrain you, tying your arms behind you. One grasps your arm tightly. Then they march you inside to see the chief.
