The attendant decants the wine into two glasses for you. "Leave the bottle," Thibaud says to him before he takes it away.

Thibaud has downed half her glass within seconds.

What do you and Thibaud mostly talk about?

There certainly have been enough events in recent months to discuss.

The latest legislation from the Legislative Assembly should be particularly notable, or at least so you might expect, but Thibaud hardly seems aware of its actions. Instead, she turns the conversation to foreign matters, to the machinations of the other great powers. Their foreign ministers have expressed displeasure at the course of the Revolution, the changes that have already been wrought on French society and their accelerating pace. Many suspect the other monarchs of Europe will take action to get involved directly here, perhaps even joining the war. And, of course, the war with Austria and Prussia seems like it's only gotten started.

Thibaud's eyes light up and her voice crackles with energy as she discusses this topic.

"Uzi Ariel Rios," she says. It's surprisingly informal for her to refer to you by your first name. She looks like she's studying your face intently. "What are you thinking of using this demonic power of yours for?"