I'm impatient. "I'll visit you, but come on! It's your job, and you should do it. Do you want to get fired?"

Carla rolls her eyes. "God, do you have to be so serious about it? Yeah, I know it's a job, and believe me, I know I need it." Tension spikes up in her voice for a second—she needs to get a job to help support herself and her grandmother. Carla has never held it against you that you're going to be able to go to college, and you believe that she honestly doesn't resent you. But that difference is still there.

"So act like it, okay?" I meant it—Carla needs to grow up.

"The hell, Pika Shimon Capela!" Carla snaps. "You sound like my grandmother. It's our last weekend together for God-knows-how long, and you wanna get on my case about jobs?"

Some of the spark has gone out of the conversation after that, but you manage to keep it going for a little while more.

Finally, when it's so dark that you can hardly see anything at all, Carla sighs. "Gotta get back. Gram'll wonder where I am." For all of Carla's toughness, she sincerely loves the grandmother who raised her. You know she's the one person Carla would never want to hurt or disappoint.

Besides you. You hope?

That thought makes you realize just how quickly time is going. Do you want to hold onto this relationship? Or do you want to break up with Carla and be free this summer?