

You leave the cabin behind you and head toward the edge of camp. You know that Samira was scouting potential nature walks for her campers, and there are only a few places in the woods that would be good for that. But you won't have time to search them all, especially in the dark, so you'll have to narrow it down somehow.

In the distance down by the lake, you can see the flickering glow of a campfire set up on the sand, and hear the sound of laughter and music. The counselors who don't have cabins to take care of aren't under as strict a curfew as you are. Maybe one of them saw Samira when she was out earlier today, and remembers whether she was wearing the bracelet or not. That would help you pin down when and where she lost it.

You could also just kick back and relax with some of your fellow counselors. It sounds like they're having fun. If you find Jared, you can ask him some questions about Pearl. But the more time you spend talking to people, the more time you'll spend out of the cabin, and you want to hurry back before you get caught.
