

"Mail!" Pearl calls, pushing her way into Cabin 12 with her arms full of packages.

You didn't think that summer camps were so focused on snail mail anymore. Your parents told you about the way that mail call was the highlight of their summer-camp days, but they sent snail mail all the time back then anyway. But Camp Cedarcrest is old-school enough that they still have mail call—not to mention that with the way the camp administration goes on about helping kids unplug and get away from screens, snail mail feels much more important than it does out in the real world.

The Muskrats squeal excitedly as they crowd around Pearl, clamoring for their packages, postcards, and letters. "Maddie, there's yours," Pearl says, juggling envelopes and parcels to hand each one out, "and Sydney, you've got a postcard, and—oh, hey, Pika Shimon Capela, you've got a package!"

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