

"Hey, Muskrats!" All eyes instantly snap up to you. "Wait here. I'll be right back."

You dash out into the rain over to the dining hall, hoping that you won't get too soaked and that there won't be too much chaos in Cabin 12 when you get back.

Ten Minutes Later

Achievement: Popsicles


Breathless and drenched, you burst through the door of Cabin 12 and triumphantly hold your prize aloft. "Check it out!"

"POPSICLES!" they shriek in unison.

The cabin erupts into gleeful chaos as the campers surge forward to surround you. "I want a red one!" "I want a red one, too!" "I was here first!" "No, I was here first!" "Stop pushing!" "Can I have a red one pleeeeease?"

As soon as a popsicle hits each grabby little hand, the kids withdraw, and a few seconds later, they're all quiet, with their mouths happily full of sugary ice.

And then you're out of there!

Okay. You don't have much time. What will you do?