

That's right, you are! You've been on your own all summer, and you don't need a curfew. How are you going to get your mom to take away the curfew?

You arrange your face into the most pitiful frown you possibly can. "Mom, really?" you moan. "I'm only home for one weekend! And in a couple months I'm going away to college, and so are all my friends! I mean, Haley's going to be in California! I want to spend as much time as I can with them before we're all gone."

"That won't work on me," Mom says flatly. Something in your tone must not have sounded sincere enough; she can tell that you're playing her. "You're in our house, and you'll follow our rules. Your curfew is 11:00 p.m., and that is final."

Okay, so that didn't work. Now what?