

The Great Field is a sea of green and blue once more, just as it was at the beginning of the day, except that everyone is 100 percent more tired, sweaty, and keyed up. The excitement of the final event hasn't died away, and the members of the Green team are still celebrating their big win in tug-of-war.

It takes a full minute of Ms. Martin calling, "Quiet, please!" through the megaphone before it is quiet enough to actually hear her.

"Thank you, Camp Cedarcrest," Ms. Martin says, when she can finally be heard, "for another successful Colorwars! You all played hard, and you all played fair. And that makes you all winners!"

Well, not all of you played fair. But they don't need to know that.

"And the winner of this year's Colorwars and the Cedarcrest Cup is…"

Dramatic Pause