

The Timeless Circle is wonderful: peaceful and calm, filled with people you want to live with and learn from.

But it's not perfect, and you want to change it.

Maybe you can use your time to solve some of the world's problems: philosophical problems, the way Lianna does, or scientific problems the way Janice does. Maybe you can get them to take those solutions out into the world.

Maybe you can get them to draw their magic from different sources. Maybe you can help them use their magic in different ways.

You'll have all the time in the world, and you want to use that time to make things better.

"Yes," you say. "I want to join."

Josephine's smile actually widens, and her eyes shine behind her spectacles. "Well done," she pronounces, in a voice that is very close to affectionate. "Take the time that you need to resolve your affairs in the world, then return. I look forward to welcoming you into this community."

You head back to camp for the night, knowing that soon, you're going to be staying here every night.
