

Vhyrian is not known for his compassion, and neither is his city.

And yet the city's kah, its mortal leader, is such a kind sort! Indeed, the kah is unlike any ruler you have met, with a sensitive bearing that reminds you more of a caretaker than a sovereign. You have often wondered why a city as bold as this one would have someone so mild at its helm. Perhaps Vhyrian merely selected the person who would be the easiest to bully.

You are recognized formally by the palace guards, and you proceed to the kah's chamber. The room is still lit by lamps in the gathering dawn. Against its far wall, between two windows barely blue with early light, is a throne. Suspended on chains above it is a half-moon crown, too heavy for any mortal to wear. Seated somewhat precariously beneath this object and regarding you with a gentle smile, is the kah.
