

But she will not yet have the opportunity to show you how brave she is. The moment that the stranger's eyes meet yours, you awaken back in your chamber. You rise from your bed immediately, determined that you should not fall back into the dream. You know that you must discover the source of these visions—but who in Vhyr could help you uncover the truth? You can think of only one person, and you are loath to seek him out.

At dawn, you walk to a small, nondescript sanctuary in the shadow of the palace. Two attendants nod in recognition as you approach, and lead you down through a passage in the rear of the room. The columns make it seem like this tunnel was carved by mortal hands, but that is mere theater—here and there you also notice the ragged cave walls and the jagged rocks that dip threateningly into your path. The air becomes warmer as you descend, and heavier with the smell of raw earth.

You find Belairon seated in a torch-lit chamber, on a floor of great flat rocks. Steam carries forth from the openings between them, forming a wall of whirling mist that he peers into, oblivious to your presence. This, you well know, is how the high mystic discovers Vhyrian's will for the future—but where you see only mist, Belairon sees the very mind of his god.

"Holding fast to what can no longer be," you hear him mutter to himself. "Such hope, such insolence…"