

You leave the temple, ready to share what you have learned with the people of Cabria. You find a group of citizens hiding behind a wagon, waiting for the rage of the wanderers to subside.

"Has a pack of lost souls frightened you into submission?" you ask. "I tell you, your true enemies are your own mystics. They are responsible for the horrors of this night. Go to the temple and see for yourselves!"

The moans of the wanderers draw nearer now. It seems that your warning to the Cabrians has revealed your location. But you can also see that those you addressed are intrigued by your assertion. Even as you head toward the edge of the city, you can see them making their way to the temple, there to learn the truth. Suddenly, you hear a mortal call your name.

You turn toward the sound and discover the stranger from your dream. Your mind is excited by the realization of your vision.

But there is something else about this stranger that draws your attention now, a detail that must have escaped you in the dream: she is dressed in the attire of a Cabrian mystic. Is your mysterious friend an adversary in disguise?

She is breathless, waving you toward her. "The wanderers are coming. We must go, now!"