

You decide not to bring up what you saw, or thought you saw, to your friends until you all have had breakfast and you've had more time to process. The diner is the obvious choice for a filling meal, so you ask them to meet you there. The only problem is that your mom has known you your entire life and can tell when something is off. You're barely in the diner for one minute when she nods at you to come into the back to talk.

"Hey," she says, and you can see her suppressing about a million questions that want to spill out. "What's going on? Is something wrong? You look like something's wrong."

While it would be nice if you could tell her the full truth about what's happening, having her go into overprotective mother mode could make things worse for you. The last thing you need is to have her call Ennis's parents, or making big snap decisions on your behalf about sending you back to Aunt Emma's. Even if she doesn't do any of that, she might vent to her friends and employees here about what you're going through. She needs someone to talk to, after all. The problem is, those people talk too, and before you know it the whole town knows your business.