

"This is a smart decision," Kirill says. "We are only trying to fool Ashley, not the police. It will be easy."

"Easy, maybe, but ethically sound?" Anuja asks.

"We left the land of the ethically sound long ago," Addy says.

"Let's get the bill and figure out how to do this," Kirill says, and waves at the server. "I think maybe we have little time to waste."

You hash out the details of your plan while on the drive to the shopping mall a couple of towns over. While Diego isn't crazy about you lying to Ashley about supposed evidence, he does agree that it's better than blackmail. No matter how convincing the fake evidence is going to be, it's going to come down to how good you are at making her believe that it's real. You go quiet in the car as you think about how to best pull that off.

Once the car is parked and the lot of you are marching across the garage towards the mall, Kirill comes up to you when the others are out of earshot.

"Are you having regrets?" he asks. "If you aren't confident in the lie, it will be hard to convince her."