

You breathe as quietly as humanly possible, listening closely to the noise, trying to discern if there's a pattern to it, or if you can at least tell who the voice belongs to. It's just nonsense sounds so far, basically static.

"What's going on?" Diego asks.

You put the phone on speaker and hold it so that he and Kirill can see the screen. They both go silent as they also wait for whoever it is to say something intelligible.

"Petzeiros? Can you—" the voice on the other end says before getting absorbed in the fuzz.

Diego goes pale, and you're certain you do too.

That is, beyond a doubt, Rex's voice.

"Can you hear me? Petzeiros, answer—" Rex's voice says again.

"It could be a recording," Diego says, for once being the one to suggest a non-supernatural answer.

"Hello?" Rex says. It sounds just like him. It has to be him.

"I think Anuja and Addy need to hear this," Kirill says, grabbing his own phone and desperately trying to find the recorder app.

"You have to keep him on the line," Diego tells you.