

"Maybe," Anuja says. "But even if that's the case, we don't know anything about it other than that it's in the fog and whatever the folklore says about it. That's not enough to go off of."

"So how do we go about finding it? This thing in the fog," Kirill says.

There was a thought that kept crossing your mind last night as you slipped in and out of sleep. It was about what Ennis told you when you first got back to Arbor Isle.

"Some people are saying that the story about the fog is true, that he was a liar and that's why he died," she had said. If there was any truth to that, then what lie had gotten Rex killed? Several possibilities floated through your mind before it plummeted into sleep.

"The legend says it goes after people who have wronged someone and haven't confessed to it," you say. "That's why Ennis is so upset about people saying Rex was killed by the fog, and why she thinks if it's real, it would get me too. In her mind, I'm responsible for his death but won't admit to it."

Kirill furrows his brow in thought. "So, if we wanted to test that, all we would have to do is make sure we have wronged somebody else before the next time the fog comes in, and then not admit to it."

"I think that might work," Diego says.

Though Addy is wearing their "this is stupid" face, they don't say anything.

"Wait. We're going to try to purposefully draw it to us?" Anuja asks.

"Yeah," Diego tells her. "I think that's the best way to find it. Maybe the only way. It's just a matter of how extreme we go with this."

She sits with that for a moment, then turns to you. "You're okay with this?"

Everyone waits silently as they wait for your verdict.