

It takes a little while, but they eventually all figure out they need to stop talking in order to figure out what's going on.

"I need someone to come get me, there's someone out here with me and—oh my god."

"What's wrong?" you ask over the sound of movement on Anuja's end.

"I saw something move again out there. I'm hiding in a boat. There's a half-sunken one on the beach. I didn't know what it was doing here so I went inside to check if anyone was here, but I was followed. It's by that tiny garden surrounded by driftwood. I'm inside the cabin, and there's water everywhere. I don't think I can lock the door. Please hurry."

"I don't know where that is," you tell her, but start hurrying towards the beach anyway.

"I found a flare gun," Anuja says. "I'll open the hatch on the roof and shoot it."

You doubt you'll be able to see it in the fog, especially from where you are. Lo and behold, however, a bright light soars up into the sky in the distance, then falls like a slow shooting star.

"I see it! I'm coming!" Diego says. "I'm not close though."

"I'm not either," Addy says. "Petzeiros, I think you might be the closest to Anuja right now."

"I'm on my way," you say, taking off in Anuja's direction.
