On The Mend

"Hey!" Cameron said excited seeing Ariel walk in the room. "Can I take this fucking thing off?" He said, raising the sling that his right arm was in. "Seriously, it pisses me off and my arm feels fine." Unofficially she was his doctor. No one else needed to know that he got shot, nor how he healed. The actual doctor that had checked him had made him put it on.

"You had a fracture to your bone." Ariel said patiently. Cameron had been staying at their house so Ariel could help his healing along. Four days had passed and you'd never guess that he'd been shot at all. That he'd lost so much blood.

"Yeah, and you fixed it because you're awesome. Plus I'm a super healer, so double whammy. Now can I take it off?" He demanded and Sally smacked him in the head and he gave her a frown. Though the smack wasn't that hard.

"Make him keep it on for being such a complainer. Really the poor woman has been attending to you so that you can move as freely as you can and this is how to treat her?" Cameron rolled his eyes.

"The same as I would treat anyone else." He stated. Ariel gave a smile moving over and moving her hands over his shoulder. She was trying to work out the scar tissue as much as she could so that he would have perfect use of his arm and shoulder. She'd been reading articles on shoulder injuries trying to understand. Trying to see if it would help her in some way. It sort of did, at least she knew what she was feeling inside of him.

"I think you can take it off." She commented touching down on his stomach.

"I like your bedside manner Ariel. All calm and patient like, unlike a few others I know." He gave Sally a look who stuck her tongue out at him. He watched as the scar grew fainter. It was odd but it also felt like the muscle was suddenly stronger as she touched it.

"That's really something Ariel." He admitted moving his hand over his shoulder. A silhouette appeared in the doorway as they sat there..

"There you are." Natasha said exasperated. "Feeling better Cameron? Ariel's little oddity can come in handy doesn't it?"

"You could say that." He said looking at Natasha who was wearing warmer clothes but still the height of fashion. Not one strand of hair out of place.

"Are you just about finished?" Natasha asked Ariel in an impatient tone. This was the first time she'd really come up here. That was okay, because for two of the days Cameron had been a wolf. Sally had made it her personal mission to make sure that no unauthorized person was allowed in the room. Which honestly was Natasha only. Everyone else kind of knew, and since Natasha hated Sally for the most part, she just stayed away.

"Yes." Ariel said.

"Good, we are going for a fitting today. I have the dresses picked out and so you need to have your size taken. It should still look good on you even with your figure. Did you want to come Sally?" Natasha asked no expression on her face.

"A little girl time." It seemed like Natasha was just pretending to be nice.

"Uh," Ariel gave her a pleading glance. "Sure."

"What's wrong with her figure?" Cameron asked confused. He looked at Ariel who stood up. Natasha rolled her eyes, it clearly said that she thought he was dense. Ariel just walked with a more submissive and disheartened walk which always happened around Natasha. Sally walked like she normally would and nudged Ariel giving her a smile and they disappeared out the door.

"She's such a bitch." Cameron said getting up and moving to the mirror to check himself. Front and back you could barely see the scars, she was amazing. Ariel had serious talent and she hadn't even worked on developing it. Another figure appeared in the doorway.

"Good to see you're a ray of sunshine again." Malachi said. He'd finished down in the study, and having heard the women leaving decided that it was alright to come up here now and visit Cameron.

"Yeah, just like always." Cameron said. "Your soon to be wife is a bitch. I have to give my honest opinion as your best man. Your choice in women sucks."

"I didn't choose her." Malachi reminded.

"Well then your father's. I'm starving. Let's go to the kitchen." Cameron said. They moved out into the hall and then down the way to the stairs that were there.

"She is difficult. Her treatment of others gets on my nerves but I try."

"You should just forget her and take Ariel instead. So much better, she doesn't bitch and doesn't care that we have a furry problem. Plus she's a catch, and I don't mean just because she is attractive." Cameron himself thought that there was a lot Ariel had to offer..

"Yeah if the contract wasn't with Natasha and the fact that Natasha is the one whose name is on everything." Malachi growled. Cameron could not know how much he wished it was switched. How much Malachi was truly beginning to wish for Ariel to be the one.

"Ah so you've thought about it." Cameron teased with a smile and reached for the fridge door as they came in the kitchen.

"You know that I have, how is that shocking? I'm stuck in this house most days with just the two of them to look at. My contact with the opposite sex is limited." Cameron laughed.

"Yeah whatever. You'd get whoever you wanted if you went out. You're just wound a bit too tight, too selective. What does it matter, not like Natasha is nor will be faithful to you. Maybe you should shop around." Malachi raised an eyebrow at him and hid a smile.

"Two wrongs don't make a right. Would you cheat on Sally if you found she'd been with another."

"No." Cameron said with a growl. "I'd kill the bastard then probably lock her up to make sure no one else touched her." Cameron then flashed a bright smile at him.

"Yeah, I could see that." Malachi said with a roll of his eyes. "She has you whipped." Cameron grinned, grabbing some leftovers and eating it.

"You'll see one day, someone will catch your eye. It's maddening you know. I just pretend I don't feel it, that it doesn't whisper to me. But I can't stand others looking at her, or talking to her. sometimes I have this urge to attack them." Cameron gave a sigh. "I talked to my dad about it because I felt a bit out of control a couple times. Sally got all pissed with me for being overbearing."

Malachi couldn't see Cameron being overbearing and he would do anything for Sally. He never stopped her from doing what she wanted. He did notice the way that he would watch others though at times when they were out, or his body posture. Sounded like Cameron might have failed at control a couple times.

"And?" Malachi asked.

"He said it was normal and deal with it, cuz he's like that with mom. It's the animal you know. Us men like to make sure that what is ours stays ours. Beat our chests primal shit we just can't seem to get rid of." They both laughed slightly. He gave a shrug. "I'm alright with it, it's Sally who has to deal if I get a bit to much sometimes."

"Well I can tell you that it definitely doesn't happen with Natasha. Twice now I've scented Nick on her when she came home. Plus another time there was someone I didn't know. It annoys me and my respect for her is at an all time low."

"It should be, mine would be too. Plus the way that she talks to others, and especially Ariel. Sally gets extremely annoyed at the comments. The fact that Ariel just seems to sit there and take it."

"Probably because it's all that she knows." Malachi said. "She's gotten better though, most of the time I think she goes off somewhere and isn't really listening."

"Well just before they left Natasha said that the bridesmaid dress should still look pretty on her even with her figure." Cameron gave him a pointed look.

"What's wrong with her figure?" Malachi asked, confused. "She has a damn good figure."

"I know right?" Cameron agreed. "I didn't get it either and I asked her. She just rolled her eyes at me like I was dense. Ariel is just as attractive as her sister, and she's not a bitch to boot." Malachi made an agreeing sound. Malachi sighed and changed the topic.

"Well we know that it was indeed Alectro's orders." Malachi told him knowing the change of topic was best. His mind had been stuck on Ariel for the past few days now. He found himself watching her when in the same room as her. Noticing her scent around a lot more. What could he say, he liked what he saw, but knew he should ignore it. How could he not look at her even more now? She knew about him and didn't care.

"Well that was a given." Cameron said, looking for a bit more food.

"Unfortunately we don't have any hard proof. Like always. Not that it matters but then we'd have a reason to be openly hostile with him."

"Should just go and kill the asshole. Just shoot him or hunt him down, that would be fun." Malachi smiled.

"That it would be."

"I know the two of you aren't talking ridiculous and are going to get me in deep shit." Vento said, coming into the kitchen. He could hear their talk as he'd been coming down the hall.

"Never father, we are upstanding citizens until the end." Malachi put a fist to his chest.

"Right." Vento said, giving Malachi an untrusting gaze. "I'm glad to see that you are up and moving about Cameron. Ariel seems to have done a very good job."

"That she has. I'll be going home today. Me and Sally won't darken your doorstep much longer."

"Thank god, I couldn't stand listening to you and her going at it all night again." Malachi jested. Vento laughed and Cameron gave a smile wiggling his eyebrows.

"You're just jealous, and I doubt you heard us unless you were being some peeping Tom."

"Shit, I'm sure the whole house heard you." Malachi corrected.

"I did hear something. But I pretended ignorance. I would have felt scared if it was my son and his wife to be. It's just a bit more disturbing that way." Vento said going into the fridge and the two of them laughed.

"Hey, want to go running? I have the urge right now, being cooped up for the past few days." Cameron said a light came to his eyes.

"Alright." Malachi said. "We can race, I love kicking your ass."

"You wish." Cameron said, moving toward the door.

"Are you sure your arm is good? I don't want an angry call from your parents saying you came back in worse condition." Vento grumbled. Cameron rolled his eyes. Yeah he was still two to this man.

"Just fine, if it falls off I'll blame Malachi." Vento gave him a head nod and a smile.

"Good, I knew I liked you. I'll give you and Sally a lift to your home later. I was going to head over to your parents, your house is on the way."

"Thanks, that would be appreciated." He said and both he and Malachi disappeared out the door to the garden area.