Appointment and Planning

"Thank you." Ariel said pausing with a smile. "A pleasure as always." She said and hung up the phone with a smile. "That land is mine." Ariel said and was overjoyed about that. One problem down, a hundred more to go.

"Excellent news." Vento said to her.

"Yep, just need to sign a few papers in Como city today. Then all will be good." She planned it that way so that she could also go in for her appointment. She felt ravenously hungry over the past week and threw up a couple times but not much else.

"Where's Natasha?" Ariel asked as Malachi sat down and Vento moved to leave. 

"Probably still sleeping off her bender." Vento said. "If you ask me, she's used that news as just more incentive to drink. She was going in to see if anything could be done wasn't she?" Vento asked pausing in the doorway.

"Yeah, but she hasn't yet. She hasn't been very cooperative to talk over the past week. I've given up trying with her. There's no point."