Wake up stupid big brother

"Wake up jazz."

"Wake up, you stupid big brother."

Hearing this voice, jazz open his eyes, he could see a cute little girl face with blue eyes and black hair with ponytail. Her age is around 10 or 11. She's looking at him annoyingly.

"What happened little cricket, why are making so, much noise let me just sleep it's Sunday we don't have to go to the school today."

"It was you who told me yesterday to wake you up earlier in the morning, stupid Jazz."

Remembering something important, jazz jump up for him bed to check time.

"What time it is now."

Looking at the clock on the wall he saw time is 9:00 am with grave he looked towards his sister. "You little cricket, why didn't you wake me up earlier at 7:00 am like I told yesterday."

"Why are you looking at me like as if it is my fault when it was you who didn't wake up earlier I tried to wake you up, but you didn't flinch bit I was trying to wake you up since 7:00 am. "

"Just to let you know that your clingy best friend had already called us 5 times already this morning asking did you leave home for whatever place you are going, and we told him same thing all the time that you are still sleeping like pig on bad."

Hearing what his sister said, jazz check his phone he could already see 40 missed calls.

Jazz drop his phone on his bed and ran towards the bathroom without even looking back or saying anything to his sister.

After 20 minutes later Jazz came out after taking bath looked himself in the mirror his soft white skin, black hair and brown eyes and handsome face made him look like hero, all the girls in their High school are dying to get closer to him that was jazz thought too himself.

Jazz has average body, average face and his height is 5'11" inches his grades in exam are might be above average but his not the topper of their class and his good in sports game.

"I'm already too late now, I don't if I will reach there before the starting time of underground fighting match."

"Dameha already bought tickets for us that place I need to rush now to get to the railway station, why this fight club has to locate in another city daylock."

Daisy look at Jazz with worries on her face, " big brother when will mom and dad will return home it won't be long time right they did leave behind case and their card for us to use."

"don't worry much about that they will return on one or two days may be a week."

"You don't have to worried for anything your big brother is right here for you, you know that right."

"That's the reason why I am worried."

"Mom and dad are at their workplace today due to something new project they just got, I don't when they will come home."

Just as jazz about leave his home his sister asked him "Hey, where you going you didn't tell me yesterday."

"I didn't tell because this has nothing to do with you mind your own business, little cricket."

"I know where you are going."

Jazz was about to close the front door of their house but just as heard his sister knows where his going he left frozen At that moment because their parents have warned them to stay away from illegal activities and underground fight.

"How did you know that, Daisy."

Said Jazz with shacking body, fearing that his sister will either tell their parents or blackmail him to remain silent about this.

Seeing Jazz expression Daisy smile cheerfully, " What do we have hear I never thought you will ever have date in this life which unlucky girl is this, she's definitely not from your class if she were she would never have gone to date with you."

When Jazz heard that he let out a sigh of relief that Daisy didn't know the truth and just making false assumption, but he didn't want to correct her in any way.

"Hey, come home early, you stupid big brother."

"I won't be coming home early today you hear that brat and don't stay out house if anything happens just call me, I will run through space and time to help you."

After saying that, Jazz close the door and run towards the railway station. In city one could see big skyscraper that is reaching the cloud, the flying car and bike. Little kids are looking at the flying car with amazement, but Jazz didn't have time to admire them because his late.

After running for while he finally reached the rising sun railway station in front of him, he run towards empty ticket counter for train ticket inside the counter one old man was sleeping on his chair.

"Hey, old man wake up, I need one tickets of daylock city."

Hearing young teenager voice, old man open his eyes and looked at him annoyingly on this age where everything done simply with system or online why a teenager would come over here to bother him despite that he give him ticket without saying anything to jazz.

Jazz had seen the look old man has given him so said, " I just turn 16 few days ago, so I don't have neurochip system, yet I will get in few days now, so I don't have to bother you."

"Annoying brat."

Jazz heard would man said, but he didn't try to get in argument with him and run towards platform on the railway platform in just few seconds cybertech train arrive.

Train look like a beautiful piece of art and door s open with announcement on board that the train has just arrived at the station.

Just as Jazz was about to enter, five men in cyberarmour enter inside cybertech train while pushing him away from their path.

"What is wrong with this people. Hey, dude can't you see that I was in front of you need to apologize for your bad behavior in a public place."

All of them turned around the same time and looking at him without saying anything. Seeing that they didn't say anything and their scary helmet and clock over their shoulder made look like a part of an gang member.

Seeing that time is limited, Jazz enter into the same door in few seconds door closed.

Seeing those groups of five man Jazz decide to sit on the corner.

From time to time, jazz is looking at them without them noticing his gaze. The man in cyberarmour has been acting suspicious for quite some time, jazz doesn't know their intentions but its must something bad.

After two minutes four of them enter into the front coach ahead of them leaving behind only one person from their group, at this moment Jazz look around his coach and realised that only four passengers are left on their coach.

Except him, everyone was wearing cyberarmour and that one was wearing full-body armor.

Jazz doesn't know why but he's starting feel uneasy and scared he can't help but looks at that suspicious person again now that he looks closely all five of they have same mark on their cloak despite having different types armor, its looks like they are par of some sort of organizations or mafia.

There has been a rise in crime like something big about to happen in this city.

Cybertech train has left rising sun city and now entering daylock city.

Distance between rising sun and daylock is around 100 km but in just around 15 minutes cybertech train is about to reach it's destination.

Looking out of the window, Jazz could see the outer area of daylock city outer area of daylock city is big slum areas near the river shore.

Looking outside Jazz was big slum areas daylock city has one of the biggest slum on their planet the dark clouds made of polluted gas that hie coming out of factories and polluted river only thing you will see inside is sticky black substance and crime rate of this city always been huge.

Now thinking about it, Jazz suddenly started to feel regret that he was agreed to visit daylock city.

Now thinking back their plan to watch underground fight was suggested by their senior in high school he is famous delinquent in their school but no one has guts to complain about him to principal, since his father is rich businessman.

One day, he suddenly approached us to have friendly chat with us as then later on that day was decided that we go to daylock to watch underground fighting.

"I am really stupid. I shouldn't have come here since getting on this train, I have been feeling like a Catastrophe event is about to befall on everyone."

"I hope it's just something that's only I'm feeling, don't think anything negative Jazz."