Train fall off the bridge

There was complete silence in the coach, Jazz was looking at that unknown person with fierce-eyes and give him mocking look.

Seeing the mocking look on jazz face and the answer he gave him, he decided to kill this brat right here and now.

No, matter how much he will beg to him to spare his life.

Jazz POV:

Every second seems like years now.

I remember the way father and mother you to carry around how much they use to pamper me.

Mom use to tell me live your life without any regret, you are right my I live my life without any regret.

Dad wanted me to walk on right path and never walk on path that is evil and hurt others.

Daisy that little cricket always creating trouble when she was small, we really spoil too much that kid. It was the best times of my life when we were together as family, and now I won't be there any more there with them.

I love you all mom, dad and Daisy.

So, it was true after all that in the last moment of your life you remember your family.

Now jazz is just waiting for the end.

Jazz POV end***

I have given this kid a one chance to live that he doesn't want it, then here comes your death.

Then he raised his hand to swing his laser sword to behead Jazz.

Just as he was about to slash, something happened that no-one has predicted it. The train got off the bridge and crash into the slum.

The impact was so strong that the engine room just exploded as it hit the surface and even 1st,2nd and 3rd coach also exploded right there.

All other coaches also crash into the slum lot of home get destroyed because of it, you can hear screaming and crying around everywhere because of explosion fire broke out in slum areas. Countless passengers died because of crash and civilians also died they have been crushed to death by train coaches and when train fall of from the bridge it runs over few houses and family living inside where buried alive inside their own home.

Pedestrian casualty were also rising in the slum areas now despite it's hard to believe, but it's because when train crashed into the slum lots of pedestrian crush to death and some had heavy injury that needed emergency treatment. People starts running around for their life when train crashed, this also caused stampede because roads in slum areas are narrow and population of slum is huge.

All over the place was sound of crying, screaming and dying people wail was everywhere in the surrounding and between this Jazz open his eyes his vision was blurry at first he could hear the faint sound of crying he attempted to get up, but then he realized that he was buried underneath the slab of a demolished house.

When Jazz gets his senses back at that moment, he finally can see the hell he was in their is child besides him buried beneath the slab.

The child was crying and screaming from pain, but now paid attention to then and no-one got near them to help.

Jazz look at the child with pain endeavor to shout for help "help us please somebody help us, the child buried besides me, please help us." but no-one come to help them.

The child crying and scream started to get low jazz look at this" Hey, listen to me everything we be okay, so don't sleep ok, help is just coming."

Hearing Jazz child look at the Jazz with his watery eyes that dried down from the all crying out for long time with his weak voice child said " There's no help coming for us big brother, we are in slum no one cares here for anyone life. That's how always been here."

"You can't lose hope there's sure coming here after this accident, authority must have acted they are own their way to help us."

After saying Jazz endeavor to lift the slab with back he put his hand on the floor and try to push himself up to lift the slab but too his disappointment he couldn't even move centimeters let on inches.

Jazz keep trying to lift the slab, "why I'm so weak come on Jazz use your fucking strength, there's no way I'm going to let this kid die here."

Jazz give it his all this time but still the result didn't change.

"You don't need to feel bad about me, big brother. Well, you see I don't blame anyone for what happened today because I already lost my family this morning, both of my parents used to work in the factory, but they suddenly lost the job, and it's become hard to bring home any food because we didn't have the money."

"That's why my parents decide to take some loan from the local gang, but when they couldn't return their money they killed both of my parents this morning."

"So, even if I die today, you don't need to feel bad about it. I will be with I'm mom and dad when I died. We will unite as family once again."

"I'm so sorry for you lose but I I don't think your parents wanted to see you die soon they want to see their son grow up and have family, they want their son to live his life to the fullest and happy."

Jazz could see now that child breathing has become weak. He couldn't open his eyes or speak after few second's child stop breathing and died.

"Why this has to be this way. Why everyone is so cruel to each other. He deserves to live his life. Why he had to die."

Jazz face ran over by sadness and pain, his eyes can't stop the tears from falling out.

At this moment Jazz could hear rhythmic footstep coming towards his direction.

(Someone finally coming to help us down here,, but it's too late now.)

Jazz could hear sound something activating because of his good hearing ability, and he heard this sounds before somewhere but couldn't remember it in this chaotic situation.

Jazz attempted to move his head where this source of sound came from after turning the head with couldn't see with his blurry blue that is shining even in midday.

Suddenly shivering run down on Jazz body after seeing that light he remembers it, it's the same laser sword that unknown man had with him that means his still alive.

After coming little closer to him, jazz could see that that men didn't even have single scratch on his armor like he was wearing brand new one.

That unknown man voice resound in Jazz surroundings. "Kid I told you before one must first show mercy too themselves and your death is mercy too my life."

"Your death is written by my hands today, kid."

Jazz losses all hope for his life after seeing him.

"Oh, you are not happy seeing me kid."

That man walk near where jazz is buried underneath the slab. "Oh, you are in so much after being buried underneath the slab, let me help you kid."

That man like it was nothing as he lifted the broken home slab and wall.

"Look like you wanted to die with this family being buried alive beneath this destroyed house but don't worry I will let you die in open space, so you could feel your surrounding and nature."

"You are really lucky kid."

After saying that, he grab the jazz pulled him out on the road.

"This time I want to ask your last wish, kid."

He held his laser sword hilt in his hand tightly, he stabs it through jazz stomach.

Blood-curdling screaming resound in the surrounding, jazz is screaming in pain because laser sword burning his inside body.

"It is really painful kid, let me help you kid."

He pulled out the sword from jazz stomach and lots of blood rush out from jazz stomach, visible rate. Then he kicked the jazz.

Jazz body hit the wall in front of him and his body fall in the alleyway.

Jazz keep screaming and crying from pain.

Just as that man was about to approach jazz loud booming sound resound in their surrounding the bullet has hit the that unknown person in the chest, but his armor didn't even have single scratch on it is once again like nothing could penetrate this armor.

That man look at the person who shot him, he could see a group of man standing in the road. He could see that they're like gangsters in this area.

"You think you can get way with killing our man here, bitch."

That man look at these gangsters for few minutes without saying anything at then turned his head towards jazz and said. " You need to wait little okay, when I'm finish killing this pest, then I will come from you so, stay at your place."