1 vs 23 (part 1)

Ninety-six approaches the terrorist from behind while moving stealthily moving at his location. You might have been surprised, but P.P.C.D. full-body armor are made with new technology, so they move in stealth mode without making any sound at all.

Despite the heavy weight of 96 full-body armors he didn't leave behind any sound. When he gets closer to the terrorist, he gives the single to his and his location to his squad member.

Pull out a grenade from his armor and throw at the energy shield.

When the grenade come in contact with the energy shield it exploded with loud booming sound and next moment areas close enough to it started spark with lighting.

"It was my years of experience that save me today, do you think I will really get too close to you even you get in into the corner."

The lightning trap set by the terrorist is really deadly and frightening.

"This lightning traps are really childish, did he really think that we would let ourselves get the caught by those silly traps." Ninety-nine said while looking at the still active trap.

Just as 96 is looking out for the terrorist, were ever he is hiding. Then next moment laser sword come out from the 96 forehead.

" Did you really thought that I wouldn't know where you were hiding, after my traps failed to kill you. You will find me where I'm hiding and after getting locating my hiding place you will catch me off guard."

"You guys really thought like a toddler while catching a dangerous situation like this, or you think too little of me that I'm not big threats in your eyes."

He pulls out his laser sword from 96 foreheads. Ninety-six dead body falls on the ground.

P.P.C.D. cops gets the serious when they saw their squad member die.

Ninety-seven turn his head towards bear claw gang leader Daniel. "Tell your gang members to get the position we need to kill this bastard now."

Daniel looked at his one of the gang member. "Go and retrieve the Nick hammer now. " In just few seconds he brings back Nick hammer and give it back to the bear claw gang leader Daniel.

Then without any hesitation, bearclaw gets behind P.P.C.D.

Then the terrorist jump up in the air with his sword to ready to attack them. He slashes his sword at 99 to defend himself from the attack 99 activate his energy shield, but his shield was cut in half and slicing his left hand from his shoulder.

One hundred attacks him from behind with his baton,, but his baton did little to no damage to his armor.

He kicked him in the stomach, sending him flying across the road.

When 100 get up on his headgear, screen message appears.

[Chest gear had been damage by the impact.]

He couldn't believe his eyes, that simple kick had damaged his chest gear.

He warned others about the increase in strength of their enemy.

"His strength is increased by at least 40%, we have to fight him with everything thing we got because 96 is already dead and 99 got his left hand cut off."

Ninety-seven stood between 99 and the terrorist.

"Daniel, call your four men to help 99 and protect him for a few minutes, so he can heal his wound."

"Everyone will be fighting along with me against the terrorist."

Ninety-seven shot his laser blast attacking the terrorist to move to the side Daniel used the large hammer to hit him, but the terrorist manage to dodge his attack after all he wanted to avoid getting hit by the hammer once again.

(I have to get rid of that hammer before they realize its uniqueness and importance.)

Nive and he's fellow gang members were shooting him from the distance saw because when the terrorist attack them, they won't become hindrance to their boss and P.P.C.D. cops.

One hundred has also joined the fight now because the loose the fight this time.

Bearclaw gang four members are looking after 99. Ninety-nine, now sitting on the ground and told one of the man to let go of his left hand.

After getting his hand free, he grab the small metallic cube in his hand. On his headgear, a message screen came out.

[Space cube has been activated, what do you need from space cube.]

Ninety-nine looks at the message and said. "Retrieve the instant regeneration syringe."

After said that light came out from the space cube and one syringe was in his hand.

He told one of bearclaw gang members to inject this syringe in his injured part of left hand.

One of the gang member hold the syringe with care and injected the syringe into his hand.

Ninety-nine hands started to regenerate in front of their naked eye like a miracle. Because this type of medical treatment is expensive, they can't afford the treatment for regenerating their lost limbs.

All the P.P.C.D. cops has this regeneration syringe with them. So, they could use it in a fight when it's needed.

After getting his hand regenerated, 99 grab his cut off hand pulled out his gauntlet and wearing it in his new hand. The gauntlet get connected with his full-body armor without any interference.

Ninety-nine looks at the terrorist who cut off his hand, now it's my turn to cut off your head this time.

"Hey, don't you think it's really unfair to fight one person with 22 people on your side."

"You are not entitled to call if anything is fair or unfair."

Fight is becoming more intense as time goes further. It was unfair fight 1 vs 22 but despite having more people, their getting in the corner by one man.

Daniel, swings the hammer with his full strength to attack him head-on, but he ducked the attack 100 who is by his side attack the terrorist with his baton. The terrorist dodge the by lowering himself to the group he kicked the Daniel hand from this position the kick was so strong that hammer fall off from his grip not letting anyone have that hammer he picked it's up.

Just as picked the hammer from the ground 97 use his laser blaster to attack him head-on the direct hit from the laser blaster send flying across the road, the pavement also got destroyed by the laser beam that continuously poured at him.

Laser beam attack was more powerful than before, when 97 using it just for the blast. After few minutes he stopped the attack because on his system screen was showing a message.

[If you continue to with laser beam, maximum power weapon would be destroyed by itself]

Weapon itself have turn red from the heat it was releasing, it even made 97 hand gears red from it's hit.

This is the first time they saw the terrorist beat up by them, his full-body armor looks damage and smoke was coming out of his armor showing the deadliness of the laser beam attack.

"Now, start using your large laser blaster for laser beam attack with maximum outlet strength."

All the P.P.C.D. man had large laser blaster,, but it's only useful in range attack. If it you were in close quarters combat,, there is High chance of killing yourself or your teammates.

To fight in close quarters they have given baton, but its attack didn't work on the terrorist, but now they know how to kill him.