Space cube

When jazz wake up from his dream, he felt headache in his brain. Jazz body was feeling extremely hot burning sensation like his body was thrown in microwave oven!

Then he slowly opened his eyes to see the world in front of his eyes, with his blurry vision he could see the white smoke and black surface.

The world in front of his eyes was black and white. After a few seconds his vision got better, Jazz could finally see everything clear now.

"What the fuck just happened here."

The world in front of his eyes was burned to the ground. There was only dead silence in the surrounding.


Jazz started to coughing out because of smoke. It was becoming hard for him to breathe in this air.

Jazz stood up from his place and start looking around, but there was nothing in his surroundings, he remembers clearly that in this area were lots of home were still intact while few were destroyed in attack.

Jazz turn around to see the place where P.P.C.D. and terrorist were fighting but due to heavy smoke he couldn't see really well so, he starts walking ahead.

"I hope they are all dead, if not it will be me who will die here."

As he walked towards there his heartbeat is getting louder as time pass. Just as jazz about to make another step, he suddenly saw something in the smoke. In front of him is a deep crater made by explosion, he was standing on the border of the crater, he was only one step away from falling inside the crater.

"Damn it this smoke is covering my eyes sight, I can't see well in this situation. If I had taken another step, I might have fallen inside this crater."

As jazz was thanking his decision but as he was standing on the soft part of the soil. He falls inside the crater as landslide because of his weight.

"Damn, its hurts, I really have bad luck today."

As he looked in front of him, jazz got goosebumps in his hand as he saw lying body of someone in center of the crater.

The whole crater is empty except for the single body lying in the middle of it.

Without any hesitation jazz run to climb the carter but all of his efforts were in vain as his climb half of it. The soil beanth him slide down every time attempt to climb.

Jazz started to look around the crater if he could find anything to climb from here.

Jazz started to look around the crater for finding anything useful while avoid walking in the center.

As jazz was looking around, his footstep on the something solid on the ground. Jazz got scared and jumped back like if it's going to explode.

[Host has found blue grade 1 space cube.]

"What the hell is that." It was the first time Jazz is seeing the system screen in front of his eyes. The system screen is floating in front of his eyes like one that he saw in a vr game while playing.

[Don't be afraid, I'm the system that is assigned to you.]

[Host met the criteria for system installation.]

Jazz just keep staring at the words that is floating in front of his eyes, dumbfounded. What made him most shocked was he never undergo system installation process. In their world, when one turns 16 the got system brain chip from government.

Jazz still haven't gone through that process, yet then why is this system still in front of his eyes.

Jazz then remembered the story of MC getting powerful system in anime, manga and webnovel.

"In our everything works on science, there is no discovery of magic in this world are my magic system."


"Then are you monster system, divine system or something awesome type of system."

[Host should stop acting like 5-year-old kid. I'm not magic system or monster system and to know what kind of system I am host doesn't have the authority and the power yet.]

"That's not fair, you are living in side me still not telling me what kind of system you are?"

[I can give you the answer you need when you get enough authority and strength, but for host need to just forget about it.]

"That's rude, you can't talk to me like that."

System suddenly stop replying to his question,, no matter what Jazz did to make it appear in front of his eyes.

Then he remembered about system telling him about space cube. Jazz run towards the place he found that space cube.

"This is look exactly same as the one terrorist was using, system, can you unlock this space cube for me."

Space cube can only open by its owner no-one else open it and too open it forcefully you need advance equipment and time that is something jazz didn't have right now.

[System is analysing the blue grade 1 space cube. Analysis is complete, system can open this space cube for host. Does host want system to open this space cube.]


[Space cube has been opened, host can now use this space cube.]

Jazz holding the space cube in his and staring at the space cube with his wide open eyes.

"Why this damn thing is not working. Did you break this space cube, or you are making a fool out of me."

[Host, you have to pass your energy inside this space cube to open it.]

Jazz look at the system screen with an embarrassing smile. "I don't know how to do that."

[Host, you need to guide the energy that circulating inside your body to your hands, let it enter in space cube.]

"The thing is, I can't feel any kind of energy inside my body." Said Jazz while looking away from the system screen.

[System will help you to feel the energy flow inside your body.]

Jazz felt the energy of a ranging river flowing inside him. Jazz started to feel tingling sensation on his body.

This kind of sensation and feeling he never felt before.

[System has lowered the energy flow inside the host body to only minimum amount. So, host could use for opening space cube.]

After seeing that massage on system screen, jazz could see a space cube glowing in blue pattern all over its surface.

Inside the space cube, Jazz could massive space that is filled with countless items, weapons, and antiques.

[This space cube has 50 m³ space]

Jazz marveled the technology of this world that this little space cube can hold this much space inside.

While looking around, Jazz saw numerous items that isn't available in their solar system, only few of them belongs to their solar system.

"What that, I have never seen anything like that before."

Jazz look at the 10-meter tall head of unknown race made of rocks.

"That's flying board v10 of blue sky company. It's the most expensive flying board of our planet."

"I want to pull out that flying board system, what I need to do."

[Host need to focus his energy on to the flying board and try to pull out with your energy, and it will come out.]

"Okay, you better be right this time."

As Jazz try to pull out flying board from space cube, nothing happened. Then he tried a second time but still nothing is happening.

"Nothing is coming out, give me the right answer to this or else I will beat you up next time."

Mechanical voice of system resound in his ears once again without any emotions.

[Host try to attach your energy around items you want to bring outside this space cube and try to pull your energy to beneath the surface of this space, while your energy is still connected with the item.]

This time jazz able to bring flying board outside of space cube, he happily looks at the flying board.

Jazz holds the flying board with care and said, " I always dream of getting you and my dream finally has comes true."

While still being in his fantasy, suddenly reality hit jazz head that. His still standing at center of explosion place where gruesome fight has taken place.

If someone saw him here, then he needs to explain to police what happened here, and his parents warn him to not get in police related stuff.