Chapter LXXXI - Artox vs The Grand Lich

Artox turned around to see Bromir and Picanto posing as if they were superheroes arriving just in the nick of time to save the damsel in distress.

Artox's eye twitched in annoyance at the appearance of the two, "What are you two doing here? You're supposed to be defending the Western Gate!" He shouted.

"Common! Vice Master Artox, you should know we would never dare leave it unattended!" Bromir smugly said as he flicked his nose with his thumb and with a grin on his face.

"That's right! Lisa and Mawu came through the gate when we decided to come help!" Picanto chimed in as he puffed his chest out and placed his fists on his hips, posing once more.

"That's even worse!" Artox yelled once more. Bromir and Picanto looked at one another with confused looks as they huddled with their arms over each other as they conferred.