Chapter Two: The Results

Some time passes by after you have gotten your DNA kit by the mail and you had to carefully sneak it inside the house so your grandmother didn't see it. She'd never let you get the mail, so going out and pretending to do something was your best bet. You send them a sample of your saliva, strings of your head hair, and a printed selfie of you.

Some days go by and you forget about the DNA test kit. Now you're in the living room with your grandma watching Family Feud. It's something you and your grandma loved to do ever since you were little. You two would eat in front of the TV and pretend to play against each other or be on the same team. Whether you win or lose, just spending time together like this is always fun.

Grandma: Commercial break looks like another charity commercial.

Y/n: At least it's not the animal charity commercial. At least not yet.

Grandma: Yeah, haha. I remember when we first saw it, we donated over a couple of hundred dollars.

Y/n: At least the money went to a good charity.

Grandma: Yes, but not all charities are created for good.

Your phone then dings and you take it out of your pocket. You see a notification from the DNA website that your test results are ready to view now.

Grandma: Is that Jesse?

Y/n: Oh yeah, I'mma call her. She's going through a breakup right now (You get up) and she might cry out loud even if I don't put it on speaker.

Grandma: Aww, tell her I'm sorry to hear that. She didn't need him anyways, you tell her that.

Y/n: Alright, I'll be back.

You walk out of the living room and head into your bedroom before shutting the door. You grab your laptop, turning it on as you go to the DNA website. As you enter your username and password, you felt extremely nervous. This is going to be the first time you get to know more about your parents and see what they look like.

You get to know all about them that your grandma refuses to tell you. A part of you can't wait while another part of you wants to prolong from trying to click on the "See Results" button.

You inhale... and exhale. You click on the "See Results" button. It takes you to another tab and while the website loads, you fiddle your fingers together. The website finishes loading and here comes the moment of truth... You open your eyes and slowly raise your head towards the screen. You see...

At first, you see your allergy test results. You're supposedly allergic to a couple of things, but that doesn't surprise you much since you sort of had a feeling about them. You scroll further down and see something... you see something that shocks you...

Near the end, you see two profiles with their pictures. One labeled mother and the other father. You click on your supposed mothers' profile and see her name is Alice Peterson. Age 32, has long straight light brown hair, a couple of small face tattoos, and has green eyes. It says that she's still serving time in prison for robbing a jewelry store a little over 15 years ago...

As you read more about her, you don't notice your jaw dropping. You read her charges, what prison she's in, and for how long she'll be there. You just couldn't believe it...

Your grandma told you your parents passed away in a car accident when you were a baby. Why would she lie to you? Is this real? Is this woman named Alice really your mother and is still alive? So many questions were running through your mind you don't even know what to think anymore.

You then click the "Go Back" arrow and click on your fathers' profile. His name is Trevor Philips, Age 41, short dark brown hair, has a mustache of the same color, looks weird...

You see he's been to jail and prison for several misdemeanors and a robbery charge. But there's not much information on his whereabouts since it's said that he, along with three other men, committed a robbery in North Yankton almost ten years ago. He escaped the police and was never seen again.

You... You don't know what to make of this... For some reason... You feel like... That he's somehow still alive... But first things first, your mother. She's locked up in a prison almost an hour away from your home.

You have to see her. You have to speak with her and find out more about her face to face. Why would your own grandmother tell you a lie about your parents all these years? She even took you to their graves several times when you used to want to visit them. Each gravestone had completely different names.

You send them flowers, prayers, tears... just why the hell is this happening?... There's got to be pictures of her somewhere in this house, more information about her right before you were born. You just need to know where to look.

You turn off your laptop saving the tab before getting up and going back into the living room. You see your grandmother still watching the show as she tries to figure out what the top answers could be. After taking a deep breath, exhale and walk over to her as if nothing happened.

Grandma: Took you a little while. Is Jesse okay?

Y/n: Oh yeah, she's fine. S-She's just umm... you know, trying to get over it and needed a good venting.

Grandma: Aww, well invite her over this weekend. I'll make my special gumbo.

Y/n: (You smile) Alright.

You sit down next to her and acted normal. As much as you wanted to grab her by the shoulders and yell at her, questioning why she would lie to you about your parents. You knew you can't do that just yet. You need to find out if she has anything belonging to this Alice Peterson.

Because in one scenario, they could have accidentally listed those two as your parents, or in the other scenario... they could actually be your parents.