Chapter Ten: A Day to Yourself

Female Tv Narrator: In times like these, it's important to remember the good things. Sure, the economy may be a little rough, and we may be shuttering schools, hospitals, and libraries to pay union pensions. But San Andreas is still the place where dreams are made. There is where counter-culture began and then morphed into a nanny state. A place that preaches environmental stewardship but has a terrible public transit system, and the worst air in the world.


Y/n: Okay, maybe I should buy a bike or something. (You sip your lemonade).


Female Tv Narrator: Experience more of San Andreas. The suburban sprawl, no sense of community, and no buildings more than thirty years old. Where fluffy children's theme park animals are both our heritage and culture. San Andreas leads the country in removing pristine first-grown forests to build generic strip malls and tracked mansions. San Andreas, we won't be broken hypocrites forever. Brought to you by the San Andreas tourism board.


As you take another sip of your lemonade, eat your donut as you switch the channel. You woke up pretty early and since you couldn't get back to sleep; you decided to watch tv instead. So far, you've seen some weird commercials.


Male Tv Narrator: American plastic surgery is too expensive. Why not do like the rest of America industry and reduce your cost by going abroad? Implant Outsource. The reality show that sends contestants to exotic locations for permanent body modification. Pirates love booty. Why not get ass implants in Somalia?


Y/n: What the fuck?


Male Tv Narrator: Take a relaxing vacation in Mongolia. The land of Genghis Khan and get your legs lengthened. Or a second penis installed in Tijuana?


Y/n: How the hell is this a real show?


Male Tv Narrator: Implant Outsource, Mondays on CNT.


You switch the channel.


Female Tv Narrator: Life has you down? Did you fail the test you spent weeks studying for? Did you catch your younger and hotter sister fuck your boyfriend in the living room? Or maybe you just feel like walking over the edge. Well, we might just have what you're looking for to relieve all that stress.


Y/n: Would I be surprised if they said drugs? Maybe not.


You sigh as you turn off the tv and get ready for today. You're already dressed. Now you just need to figure out where you want to go without going too far out into the city.


Y/n: There should be some stores nearby. Maybe if I stay within fifteen miles from here, I should be good. It's not too into the city.


You grab your purse before heading out the door. You take out your phone to see for any good clothing stores nearby and it turns out some of them are in good walking distance from here. It's hot outside, so you're wearing jeans shorts, and a light-colored tank top while also wearing sandal wedges.








It's never too early for work or fun, especially for your dad, Trevor. In fact, he's trying to outrun the police and gangsters right now. Well... more like out-ski. He and a couple of other guys are at the ports of Los Santos trying to escape from the police that's chasing them right now by helicopter.


Trevor: We ain't going to lose the cops on these things.

Franklin: Yeah man. We need to get to land.


Trevor finally stops the jet ski and jumps into the water before swimming towards the ladder. He quickly climbs up the ladder and runs towards a nearby truck. Using his elbow to smash the driver's window, he jumps in the truck and hot-wires it before speeding away.

As he makes his way into the city, he's reminded of tomorrow's hunting trip with you coming up. Of course he hasn't forgotten about that, and he's going to take you. Spend some quality father-and-daughter time. But ever since he's found out you're his kid, it's like... an awful feeling in his chest. Knowing that he lost so many years of being your father. And the only reason he knew you even existed was that you showed up and told him.








Female Reporter: As a result of a shootout on Grove Street, over twenty men have died from gunshot wounds and ten more injured. Police and ambulances have just arrived at the scene. We'll see if I can get an interview with an officer or injured gangster.


Y/n: Oh my God...

Sales Lady: Oh that's normal. It's like, happens every month with those gangsters. The Families, Ballas, and the Lost MC. They're all trying to kill each other on a daily basis. By the way, there's like a sale going on. Buy two shirts and get the third one free. Same with jeans and shorts.

Y/n: Oh uh... okay.


You're in a clothing shop not far from the hotel, and you overheard the news from the tv above the shelf about a shoot-out that happened in Grove Street not too far from here. Well... if the girl said this happens often, then it's definitely best to stay away from that part of town. That and hearing that makes you more nervous about being alone in a hotel.

After getting some new clothes, you walk out of the store with them in white plastic bags. You're at a small plaza that is close to small apartment complexes. There's some people around, and as you walk past them to go get something to eat, you just happen to hear their conversations.


Woman: (On the phone) Wow, I don't fucking believe it. I gotta go. I'm done talking about your abusive boyfriend.

Woman: (On the phone) Oh I'm just on my way to my man's house. I'm gonna surprise him with a little something, you know what I'm talking about. Haha... So what if my husband finds out? I need some sex and he ain't performing like he used to. Like I know it's not his fault, but it's like he doesn't even want to be bothered anymore.

Man: Bruh, what do you mean she has crabs? You get crabs from the water, not from sex.

Man: I mean, I'm not gay. But when I saw gay tony's dick swinging around at the pride gentleman's club I was like... I was only there because I was doing my bro a favor by taking his shift.

Woman: Well I'm done raising that little shit. He's your problem. Well, you should have thought of that when you were fucking my best friend. You wanted a kid, he's your problem. When? Oh, I'm never coming back. I might stay on the west coast forever.


Okay... there's definitely some weird people out here. But there are people like that everywhere. You obviously don't think everyone's a jerk. Except for your uncle Michael, you already know he's a dick.








Lester: The timing works perfectly. She looks like him, only more sane and normal. I hacked into the DNA website and she's telling the truth.

Michael: Man, I didn't think he could even have kids. At least would know about them. Okay, I got to go. And why don't you send some work to Franklin? He's a good kid. Still learning the ropes.


Michael hangs up the phone just as Trevor pulls up in front of him. He's still driving the black truck he hijacked earlier. Michael gets in the passenger seat and they drive off.


Trevor: Yeah, you, ahhh, really got to get out outta your funk, Michael.

Michael: What are you talking about? I like my funk, Trevor. I'm perfectly comfortable in this funk of mine.

Trevor: What happened, man? You're being so... so complacent. You're wasting yourself.

Michael: Oh, I know. I should be out getting messed up. That's wasting yourself too, bro. Only doing it publically. I'm happy to waste myself in the privacy of my own TV room. Thank you. And you shouldn't be wasting yourself on bullshit when you have a kid.

Trevor: I don't need your judgment. But I am taking her on a hunting trip tomorrow. Maybe you should come with Tracy or Jimmy. Teach at least one of them an actual life skill.

Michael: First off, fuck you. Second, I already know both of my kids are going to hate the wilderness. My son doesn't even seem to function like a normal human being without that damn video game and my daughter is always out of the house doing God knows what.

Trevor: Hmm, well, I wouldn't completely blame them. I can where they got their laziness.

Michael: Besides, you don't need me to come. This is a good opportunity for you to spend some quality father-daughter time. Just don't scare her by killing and eating some poor hitchhiker.

Trevor: No promises, but... you're right.

Michael: And ask questions. About her school and hobbies. Just try to know who she is and don't scare her off.

Trevor: Yeah, I can manage myself.

Michael: Can you? I mean, you're not the type of guy that's... you know.

Trevor: No, I don't know. What ''type'' of guy am I?

Michael: You're not the type to stay cool. Collective. Look, all I'm saying is that you have a chance to have a family of your own. Sure, I don't blame you for not knowing about her until now. But if she were to see the side of you that I've seen. I don't know.

Trevor: Alright, I get it.




...Later That Afternoon...




You ended up walking back to the hotel just to put the clothes you bought inside instead of carrying them around all day. Now you're walking at the boardwalk on your way to the Del Perro Pier while the sun's still up. While you're having fun, you keep track of time so that when you get back to the hotel, it's still daylight.

You walk until you hear your stomach start to growl. All you ate was a donut and some lemonade in the morning. Looking around you see a seafood cafe called the ''Dune-O's Beach Cafe''. It looks like a pretty chill place to get something to eat and relax.

As soon as you have got your lunch and drink you sit down on one of the benches in front and you start eating your lunch. There are a few people walking by, including a couple sitting on a bench. There's still a slight breeze, making it refreshing, even though it's still hot outside. You wonder what animals you and Trevor are going to be hunting. Probably deer or squirrels. You know more about fishing than hunting. Maybe you can convince him to go fishing after you guys' hunt.


???: Oh shit! Ya'll two did that?


You glance in the direction of the guy who said that, since it startled you. You see two guys sitting on a bench but not entirely next to each other talking. The white guy with the cane stares at you for a couple of seconds before darting his eyes somewhere else. Weird, he seemed to be thinking about something while looking at you since it didn't seem like he was wandering his eyes at the entire scene around you. But you keep no mind and just kept eating your lunch.

Your phone rings and you see that it's Trevor. There is no doubt you still feel uneasy about him, but at the same time, you need to remind yourself that you need to give him a chance.


*Y/n: Hey Trevor.

*Trevor: Y/n, I'm calling to ask if you're ready for the hunting trip tomorrow. I'll pick you up early in the morning so we can get there.

*Y/n: Uh yeah, yeah. I can't wait. And uh, do we have time to go fishing after hunting?

*Trevor: Sure, we can catch some fish.

*Y/n: Sweet! I can go buy a fishing pole right now since I'm out here!

*Trevor: Where are you?

*Y/n: I'm at a seafood cafe called Dune-O's Beach Cafe close to Sandcastle Way. It's really good so far.


You then catch both of the men staring at you for a couple of seconds before they dart their eyes somewhere else. Okay, now they must be talking about you, or you're paranoid. Even though Trevor is your dad, you think about not telling him about it, but then you remember that he did protect you in the aquarium from that boy.


*Y/n: And umm... I don't know if I should tell you this or if I'm being paranoid.

*Trevor: What's wrong?

*Y/n: There's a couple of guys that keep staring at me. They're grown men, and I just caught them looking at me twice.

*Trevor: Just stay put. I'm close by.

*Y/n: Okay.


You hung up and that's when Trevor steps on the gas, running through a couple of red lights, causing people in their cars to yell and beep their horns at him. Not that he actually cared about running through red lights anyway, but he knows that he needs to get to you in case those men try to do anything to you. He doesn't know who these men are, but when if they try to do something then it'll literally be their last.

Five minutes haven't passed and one of the men walked away before getting on a motorcycle and speeding off while the other guy with the cane stays seated on the bench. It makes you feel a little better knowing that it's just one guy instead of two. Then from over the railing, you see Trevor walking towards the beach. You wave your hand to get his attention and it worked cause he's now hurrying toward you. Now standing in front of you from beneath the railing, his tone is serious as he asks...


Trevor: Where are they?

Y/n: One of them just left, but the white guy with a cane is still sitting down on the bench. He's wearing glasses, a green plaid shirt, blue jeans, and he's kind of bald.


Trevor walks to the cement boardwalk and sees the man you're talking about. He instantly recognizes him and walks up to him while you sit back down and watch. You don't think you're going to hear much from either of them, but you feel safe knowing that Trevor's here.


Trevor: Lestor the molester.

Lestor: Just Lestor is fine.

Trevor: What are you doing out here huh? I hope it's... not spying on my daughter.

Lestor: No, I'm not spying on anyone. I'm just giving out some practical employment. Now, if you excuse me, I got to go.


Just as Lester begins walking away from Trevor, Trevor shouts something at him that you can hear.


Trevor: Hey! I'm keeping my eye on you.


Trevor then walks back over to you as you get up and throw away the trash.


Trevor: I took care of it. Turns out that's my old working buddy Lester.

Y/n: Alright.


Knowing Trevor was willing to go the extra mile to protect you made you feel better when he said he would keep an eye on him. After that, he joined you at the Del Perro Pier and got on the roller coaster with you. The sun was starting to set and while you were walking near game stands you saw the cutest farm animal plushie you have ever seen. Even though it was so big that you couldn't wrap your arms completely around it, it was still so cute! And the best part is, is that it's a Bella Bell plushie. They're pretty expensive to get since just buying one of their plushies costs at least fifty dollars.

From what it looks like, the game is that you have to throw the baseball at the center of the color wheel where there's a hole where the baseball should go in. The hole kind of looks a little small for the baseball to go through, but maybe it's just your sight playing a trick on you.


Y/n: Look! It's a Bella Bell plushie! How about we play the game and see if we can win it.

Trevor: The hole looks smaller for the baseball to go through.

Y/n: Well, we can give it shot. Besides, you wanna know a secret to winning these things?

Trevor: What's that?

Y/n: You aim at the employees' head and take the prize when he's not looking.

Trevor: (Laughs)

Y/n: I know, I know, I shouldn't be thinking these kinds of things. But it's still funny and I just thought I'd share that with you.

Trevor: What are you talking about? That's a really good idea.

Y/n: (Laugh) Yeah, but we actually can't hurt him. We'll get banned from here if we do.

Trevor: Not if they don't catch us or remember who threw the ball. But fine, we'll play fair and square.


You two walk to the stand and he gives the male employee ten bucks before he gives you and Trevor three baseballs each. The hole is about ten feet away and while the male employee looks back down to his phone you throw the baseballs one by one to try to make it into the hole.

You sadly didn't get any of them in, but for Trevor, after you finished throwing, he gives it a shot. In the first throw, he doesn't make it, but the second throw causes the baseball to become stuck in the hole.


Y/n: The hole is too small, I knew it!

Trevor: Hey, I technically got it in.

Male Employee: I'm sorry man, but if it's not all the way in. Then it technically doesn't count.

Y/n: That's BS! The hole is way too small for the ball to go through.

Male Employee: I know but it's not my idea.

Trevor: Who's idea was it?

Manager: Mine.


Then a manager comes from behind a curtain and stands next to the employee. He takes the ball unstuck and holds it in his hand.


Manager: You see this is how we get more customers to play. Now of course, you can always purchase more tries to get it all the way in.

Y/n: For a rigged game? Hell no.

Trevor: Well, I do have one more ball.

Manager: Then go on, try your luck.

Y/n: But Trevor, the game's rigged. There's no way that ball is going to go through the hole.

Trevor: You're right, it won't go through the hole.

Y/n: Huh? Then what do you mean?


Taking a step back, Trevor throws the ball as hard as he can, hitting the manager in the head and causing him to pass out. Well... he did deserve it. You quickly grab the plushie you wanted and tell him to run.

You run and he follows behind you while the employee takes a selfie with his asshole of a manager and laughs at him. Trevor's not scared of confrontation, especially if it leads to fighting and stuff. The only reason he ran is because you ran.

You two keep running until you're at the end of the wooden boardwalk away from the pier. You stop running to catch your breath as you were also laughing at the same time.


Y/n: (Laughs) That was fucking incredible! You actually hit him with the baseball!

Trevor: I did, but he had what he had coming.

Y/n: Yeah, for ripping people off to play that stupid game. But at least I got my plushie! Man! I never felt a rush like this before!


You then notice the sun finally went down, which means you have to go back to the hotel.


Y/n: It's getting a little late now. I have to go back to the hotel.

Trevor: I'll walk you back.


It's a bit of a long walk, but even though there's not many people out while you're walking back. You feel more comfortable being around him than the first time you hung out with him. And so far, he's been showing he's a good dad. Sure, he gets kind of awkward being around you, but you keep in mind what Jimmy told you about him not having a good childhood with his parents. So of course, he really wouldn't be ready to be father material. And then there's the fact that he now knows about you instead of when you were born.

It's crazy how things are right now. You have trust issues with your grandmother. You recently had to find out by seeking through some things that both of your parents are alive. Your mom's in prison and your dad was a fugitive. Due to how nice he has been to you and the fact that he owns a big business, you now believe he's not a criminal, at least not anymore. You actually can't wait for tomorrow morning to go hunting and fishing with him.

He buys you something to eat before finally making it back to the hotel. All that walking has made you exhausted. You just feel like crashing into bed right now.


Y/n: Today was great. We should definitely hang out more. Good thing I'm staying in Los Santos for the whole summer.

Trevor: You have to go back?

Y/n: Yeah, my mom and grandma are still there and I'll have school to go to. But don't worry, we can still keep in touch. And hey, we still got the hunting trip tomorrow morning right?

Trevor: Yeah, I'll be here in the morning. You wake up bright and early.

Y/n: Okay, good night dad.

Trevor:... good night Y/n.


You head inside the hotel, leaving Trevor alone outside. He's taken aback by the word you just said. You called him dad instead of his first name. It's a very weird feeling since he didn't even think he'll ever be called that before he knew about you, but now, besides feeling weird about being called dad, he's also beginning to feel proud.