Chapter Twelve: Gone Hunting Part Two

You feel something tug at your line and you quickly turn your attention to the water and reel it in.


Y/n: I think this is a big one!


After reeling it above the water, you realize it's a big fish about the length of your arm. Trevor puts down his pole and helps you bring it up to the docks by grabbing the string with his hands and he starts pulling it up.

It takes a good few seconds since the fish's heavy, but you guys finally bring it onto the docks. The fish starts moving around, trying to get back into the water.


Y/n: Damn!


Trevor then grabs the fish with his bare hands, managing to have a good grip on it.


Trevor: So what do you want to do with this?


You place your phone at a good spot that's facing you and Trevor before you turn the camera on and set the timer. As soon as you press the button, you quickly run over to Trevor and smile at the camera together as he holds the big fish in front of you before the camera takes the picture.


Y/n: Sweet! Okay, you can throw it back into the water now.

Trevor: You're not going to eat it?

Y/n: No, but if you want to then be my guess.


While you turn around and grab another bait, Trevor hits the fish in the head by banging it against the floor of the docks, knocking it out. He does this only one time and when you turn around to see what happened; he plays it cool by putting the probably dead fish to the side.

You two continue fishing for a couple of hours until you get hungry. Luckily there's a small snack shop by the docks. You tell Trevor you'll be back before going over there.

They sell sodas in plastic bottles, organic fruit juices, chips, candy, ice cream, and fish plushies.



~~Simply Organic Mango Juice~~

~~Fruity Fruit Punch~~

~~Untouched Mountain Water~~

~~Organic Pomegranate Flavored Water~~

~~ Organic Apple Juice~~

~~Strawberry Banana Smoothie~~

~~Chilly Cucumber Water~~



What kind of drink and snack would Trevor like? You should have asked if he wanted anything. The Chilly Cucumber Water sounds like it'll taste good, plus cucumbers are good for you as well so... why not?

After picking out your drink and snacks, you make your way back to the docks. But on your way there, you almost bump into a lady in a blue crop top and blue shorts. A tight bun holds her blonde hair, and her abs are clearly visible.


Y/n: Oh, sorry ma'am.

Woman: It's fine, whatever.


She takes a deep breath as she stretches out her arms and legs in front of you.


Y/n: It's definitely a nice day today for jogging isn't it?

???: Jogging, running, biking, swimming, stretching, I know it all and do it all little missy. I take on mountains and oceans before even thinking about taking a break. I'm on a run.


You can't tell if she's being mean or if that's just how she talks. Maybe she's having a rough day today.


Y/n: Yeah, I'm out here fishing with my dad.

???: Lucky you. A father in your life while mine had commitment issues and left the family when I was six, but that does not bother me at all! My mother was a strong and independent woman, just like me! If there's any advice I could give you, kid, is that you don't need disgusting pigs also called "men" in your life. They'll screw anything with a little hole.

Y/n: Are you okay ma'am? Did you have a rough day?

Mary-Ann: It's Mary-Ann, and yes, I'm okay. I'm fine. I'm okay that I'm thirty-nine and single. It doesn't worry me a bit. I don't mind waking up every morning drinking homemade broccoli juice instead of coffee. And I especially don't mind being single.

Y/n: Maybe... you should take a vacation. Relax a bit and enjoy yourself.

Mary-Ann: Tch, I don't need a vacation. And I am relaxing, can't you tell?

Y/n: No, not really no. I have to get back now. It was nice chatting with you, Mary-Ann.

Mary-Ann: Yeah, sure same here. What's your name kid?

Y/n: It's Y/n.

Mary-Ann: Well, Y/n, remember my words.


She then jogs away from you, going into the hills. That... was weird. You walk back to the docks and see Trevor on the phone with someone. As soon as Trevor sees you walking back, he makes the call short and hangs up.


Y/n: I got you cucumber water if you want and some snacks.

Trevor: Thanks.

Y/n: Who was that?

Trevor: That, was your good old uncle Micheal. He wanted to discuss business with me.

Y/n: Oh, you can take the call. Don't let me stop you from your business.

Trevor: It can wait. Besides I'm here spending time with my daughter, and family comes first.


You just smile and hand him some snacks as you take a break from fishing and sit at one of the wooden benches facing the waters.


Trevor: So how are you enjoying Los Santos?

Y/n: It's pretty cool, for the most part. There's some weird people I overhear whenever I go to get food or go shopping.

Trevor: Same here. This place is nothing like Sandy Shores.

Y/n: Or my state. I just ran into a weird lady on my way back here. I think she's addicted to exercising.

Trevor: Exercising is the least of what I usually see.

Y/n: It's definitely a culture shock, this place.

Trevor: Culture shock? What's that?

Y/n: It means being confused, surprised, and/or anxious about being in a new culture. I learned that from my sociology class. Being in Los Santos, I've seen more of a variety of cultures than where I live.

Trevor: Is it the hippies and potheads?

Y/n: (Laughs) Yeah.


After finishing drinking and eating snacks, you and Trevor walk back up the hill and towards the parking lot of the park. He's carrying a bucket almost filled with fish that he'll eat later.

He puts it in the back of the truck before you sit in the passenger seat. But before Trevor could get in, nature calls.


Trevor: Hold on, nature calls. I'll be right back.

Y/n: Okay.


Trevor takes a bit of a walk before finding a good spot to go number one in. He usually doesn't care where, including who, he pees on. But because you're around, he'll try to be decent to how he behaves. No promises though if someone tries to mess with you.

After he relieves himself, he thinks he hears someone yelling for help. He walks towards one of the hills to see what's going on.


???: Do you know what my dad will do to you!?

???: Don't stop, keep digging!

???: What do you think I'm doing?


As Trevor finally makes it over the hill, he sees what's going on. There's a new model black pickup truck, a new model black SUV, and two guys standing with one digging a grave while the other keeps watch while holding a gun. There on the ground is a woman tied up.


???: Oh, if you're such an expert, why don't you give me a hand here?

???: We only got one shovel, and you need the exercise.

???: You two are dead! When my dad hears about this, both you idiots and your families are going to be hit!


Trevor takes out his gun from the back of his pants and puts the silencer on before he aims at the guy with the gun. One shot and that's all it takes. Trevor makes the shot at the man's head and he goes down. The other man notices Trevor but didn't have enough time to take his gun out since he was holding the shovel. Trevor quickly takes the shot again, aiming for the man's head, and just like the first guy, he goes down.

As both men are lying dead on the dirt ground bleeding out, Trevor hurries over to the woman still tied up. She's not shocked that he killed, as if as though she's relived and has seen dead bodies before.

Trevor unties the woman and helps her get up. She has a couple of old scars on her face, but thankfully no bruises or any signs of physical torture.


???: Oh thank God. I thought I was dead for sure. I don't even know where the Hell we are. You couldn't give me a ride, would you?

Trevor: No, you could walk. Only kidding! Too soon? Come on.


He gets an idea and reaches into the first guy he killed pockets. Taking his keys, he and the woman hop into the black SUV.


Trevor: First things first. I got to pick up my daughter. She's close by.

???: This is a nightmare! I kept telling him it wasn't safe. I got to make a call.


It doesn't take another minute before he drives up in front of his pickup truck where you were. Trevor opens the driver's door and stands up so you can see him.


Trevor: Y/n let's go! We're going it this ride.

Y/n: But what about your truck and the fish and animals we caught?

Trevor: I'll get a guy to take it. Come on and grab your stuff.


As you take your bookbag and hop out of the truck, you see a woman on the phone sitting in the passenger seat. Who is she? Maybe she knows Trevor. Just as you get in the backseat, she finishes her call.


???: Okay, I got a guy coming for me. Vinewood Hills.


Trevor takes off and as the minutes go by, it seems like the woman is finally collecting herself. You could tell she was panicking before, but now is trying to make herself feel better. You open your bookbag and hand her a water bottle. Sure, it's a little warm, but maybe it'll help.


Y/n: Here, is everything okay ma'am?

???: Thanks... Yeah, yeah I'm alright. (Sighs) Jesus, this is so messed up. (Turns to Trevor) I don't know what would have happened if you hadn't come along.

Trevor: Ah well, based on my observation, you would have been buried alive.

Y/n: What?!

Trevor: I saved her from an early grave.

???: Those sick sons of bitches.

Y/n: Are you okay? Do you need to go to the hospital?

???: No, I'm fine. I just need to get out of here.

Trevor: What was that all about?

???: Just my dad, as usual.

Trevor & You: That was your dad?!

???: What? No. I shouldn't really say, but what does it matter now... You're in the life, right? You can't handle yourself like you did and not be in the life. Have you heard of Sammy Bottino? Most people call him Sonny?

Trevor: Can't say that I have.

Y/n: No, I've never heard of him before.

???: The Gambetti family? Don't either of you watch the news? He was Don Gravelli's right-hand man. He more or less kind of ran the East Coast in the eighties and nineties. No? Well, that's my dad. Father of the Year. They tried to pin a murder on him in 2007 and we had to go into hiding, move out West. One day you're living the good life, the next, you're moving around safe houses in rat-hole hick towns where no one comes looking.

Trevor: And uh, your friends back there?

???: Just the latest in a long line of people who want to get back at Sonny Bottino. Could be something he's trying to run from the inside or someone else he squealed on. When he got pinched in 2011, he kind of copped a plea, gave up a lot of people. So he gets to sit in his five-star cell while I'm on the outside dealing with the consequences.

Y/n: Damn.

Trevor: Definitely right about being father of the Year.

???: Hey, my dad was many things, but I never thought he'd be a snitch.

Trevor: Whereas you seem to be the soul of discretion.

???: What's there to hide anymore? It's all out there. They even wanted me to do a reality show. "Wise Bitches", daughters of mobsters cat-fighting in Broker.

Y/n: Yeah no, I don't think that's ever going to be a good idea.

???: Well yeah. But of course, he wouldn't let me. He's so protective. I've always been a daddy's girl.

Trevor: Could have fooled me. Say Y/n, it's gonna be a while before we get to where we need to be. Free feel to take a nap.

Y/n: Alright.


You are a bit tired from hunting and fishing this morning, so taking a nap would do you some good. Plus, these seats back here are comfortable. You go to the seat all the way in the back and lie down. You just scroll down your social media for a few minutes before finally getting tired and soon falling asleep.




...Two Hours Later...




Trevor is still driving to the Vinewood Hills with the woman just staring out the passenger window. You're still sleeping in the back seats of the SUV. The woman turns her head around, seeing you asleep before she looks at Trevor, breaking the silence.


???: Is she your daughter?

Trevor: Is it that obvious?

???: (Chuckles) Well, she does look like you. Is she in the life too? I think most kids would still be freaking the Hell out that I almost got whacked alive if she wasn't.

Trevor: No, but I am teaching her the ropes one baby step at a time. But I do know that she's pretty tough.

???: Aw, you're a good dad. What's your name by the way?

Trevor: Trevor Philips. Why, am I on his list too? That would seem on the unfair side.

Antonia: I'm Antonia Boccino. And no, he's gonna want to know who saved my life. You'll be made right for this, I promise. Anyone who's on my dad's good side is going to be welcomed like family. And you saved my life. He'll reward you greatly.

Trevor: Whatever the code dictates.


Trevor looks at the interior rear-view mirror and lowers it a bit. Seeing you still sleeping, he thinks about what Antonia just said.


Trevor: Just... make sure my daughter is going to be fine. That's all I could ask for.

Antonia: Why? Is someone after her?

Trevor: No, but let's just say that I made a lot of enemies.

Antonia: Don't you worry. I'll let my dad know and we'll make sure no one touches her. You have my word.

Trevor: That's good to know.




...One Hour Later...




You all finally make it to the hills near Vinewood Hills. Trevor stops the SUV in front of a vehicle that's parked close to the road. You're still in the middle of your good nap while Antonia gets out of the SUV and into the other vehicle.

Trevor turns the SUV around and drives off. It'll be about thirty minutes or so to get back to the city of Los Santos. And a little over an hour to get back to where you're staying depending on traffic. But he knows you'll probably be hungry as soon as you wake up. So he's thinking he should get you something to eat while on his way back.

Minutes go by and you finally wake up from your good nap. You don't see the woman in the passenger seat. And it looks like you're somewhere in Vinewood Hills.


Y/n: Hey where's the lady?

Trevor: I dropped her off at her destination.

Y/n: Oh, that was pretty crazy back there. You saved her life, and she turns out to be a daughter of a famous mobster.

Trevor: Not too crazy in my books. But yeah.

Y/n: Well I'm glad everything ended up okay for her. Hey, can we pull over and get something to eat? I'm hungry.

Trevor: Sure. Why don't I get ya a pizza? It'll last you the whole night.

Y/n: Sweet! And chicken wings too! What about you?

Trevor: Oh uh, I'm not hungry right now. Plus when I drop you off, I got to talk to Micheal about some business.

Y/n: Do you think you and Micheal could be like brothers again?

Trevor: That's... hard to say. I do want to kill him. Shit on his doorstep. But... I still like having him around.

Y/n: I can't even imagine how you feel.


It must be difficult for him to let Micheal go. Despite lying and betraying your dad in probably the worst way imaginable, Trevor still cares for Micheal.

A little while later and after getting your pizza, chicken wings, and dessert, of course, he drives you back to the hotel. The sun's already set and you're starting to think maybe taking such a long nap wasn't a good idea. Cause now you're going to stay up later in the night than you usually do.


Y/n: I'll see ya later dad!

Trevor: Later kiddo.


You head inside the hotel carrying your food as Trevor drives off into the night and lights of the city. And while you eat your little buffet, maybe you can watch the show "Wise Bitches", to see if it's a good show or not.