Chapter Twenty-One: Back to Sandy Shores Part One

It's the night before the score. And all as of right now is well. Trevor called your bodyguard to keep a close eye on you while Franklin was near on his way to Sandy Shores. Michael is out who knows where, but not too far. And Trevor is at the cook site talking to Chef about where the next batch of meth is going.


Trevor: I'm telling you, Chef. With the Aztecas, O'Neils, and the Lost Pussy Club out of the way, we'll be making some serious money. I mean, we already do, but you know.

Chef: I'm finally putting my college education to some real use. 


Trevor walks out of the cook site. Business is running smoothly as usual until he gets a call from Franklin. 


*Trevor: Franklin, buddy. Wassup?*

*Franklin: Hey look, there's these redneck dudes been looking for you homie. Some angry motherfuckers. I found where they stay man, and I've been following them.*

*Trevor: Okay, that's got to be the O'Neil brothers. What's left of 'em. I'll pick up Michael and we'll come to you.*

*Franklin: T! Eh, man!*


Franklin follows the men speeding down the highway in his vehicle. He follows them for miles on the highway before they make the sudden turn to the mountain trails. Not wanting to lose them, Franklin takes the same trail and stays behind them. He calls Trevor to let him know where they're driving. 

Franklin stays on their tail for at least twenty minutes on the mountain trails before an Elk on the road made the O'Neil brothers take a drastic turn to avoid hitting it. But they accidentally turn the vehicle over the edge, thus the car flips and turns as it goes down a small hill before landing on another trail. 

Fire comes out of the engine, making the car useless to drive. All the men survive, and they quickly exit the burning vehicle before making a run for it in the woods. 

As Franklin runs down the hill with his dog, he sees the wreckage and calls Trevor. 


*Franklin: Trevor, man, shit. You there? There was a deer in the road, man, these motherfuckers crashed out.*

*Trevor: They crashed? They dead?*

*Franklin: No, they're gone. They ran into the fucking woods, man. I need air support, like, right fucking now.*




Trevor hangs up the call just as he and Michael get into the helicopter. Who knows why Michael wanted to come along, but he always chooses to do things that are against his better judgment. 

Trevor takes control, and soon they take flight. They got the exact location from Franklin which means it won't be long before they get there.


Michael: Look, why do these guys, the O'Neils, want you dead anyway?

Trevor: There was a deal, the contract to end all contracts. Serious multinational stuff. I was this close! And they stole it from me. 

Michael: Hold up. If they stole your business, why do they want you dead?

Trevor: Wa! What's with all the questions? Can't you just take my side for once? 

Michael: Hey, I'm coming along for the ride, ain't I?

Trevor: Yeah. But I sense your heart ain't in it.

Michael: I'm lucky my heart ain't in a pie on your kitchen table. 

Trevor: Always with the quips. You're such a depressing cynic. 

Michael: Oh, poor Trevor.

Trevor: I'm sorry I'm a human being with thoughts, feelings, and emotions. 


The two finally get to the location where Franklin is, and Michael takes the gun. This ain't going to be a typical hunt, but it'll do. And this gun, from a high viewpoint, is going to get the job done in taking care of every single one of those rednecks. 








Commercial Narrator: Redwood is soon heading out of the market. Because of the controversial bullshit they put in their cigarettes. They couldn't even guarantee you a strong flavor that'll burst inside your mouth. So, what does that tell you? But Hardwood Cigarettes are different. With at least 70% of ethically sourced tobacco leaves, more flavor, and twice the additives that'll have you begging for more break time at your office job to enjoy more than one. Hardwood Cigarettes are the best thing to put in your mouth. 


It's been a bit since you heard of your dad, and maybe you should give him a call. It's not like you have anything to do right now. You're in the hotel room watching whatever weird show is on. Like Karens Gone Wild, Rehab Island, Organ Farm, and Implant Outsource. 

You dial your dad and wait for him to pick up. The phone continues to ring until it goes to voicemail. That's weird, he usually picks up. Maybe he's busy right now. This kind of makes you sad since you want to know if there's an update on when he's coming back. You don't know how long you can be alone in this city. In so, you decide to leave a voicemail. 








He feels his phone vibrating in his pocket, but he can't answer the phone since he has to have two hands taking control of the helicopter. Plus, he's having way too much fun watching the rest of the O'Neil's get extinct. 




...Later that Night...




By the time the trio finally lands on the ground, it's already late into the night. And just as Michael and Franklin drive off, Trevor finally checks his phone. He sees a couple of missing calls, one from Ron and one from you. There is also a voicemail from you. He presses the button on the screen to hear it.


*Y/n: Hey Dad, I was just calling and see if everything's going good over there... Uh. Yeah. I kind of miss you and I was hoping you'd come back soon. But I'll understand if there's a lot of work and stuff, it's okay. But uh, yeah. Call me whenever you get a chance, I'll talk to you soon.*


The voicemail ends. Maybe leaving you alone in the city was a bad idea. He doesn't know the isolation is getting to you. And the fact that he can't give you an exact time of when he'll be coming back to Los Santos, he now knows you'll only feel worse. 

But an idea comes to his mind. What if he invites her to his home in Sandy Shores? It's definitely better than leaving you alone in a huge hipster-filled city. He can fly the company helicopter to get you and bring you here. He's even thinking of either purchasing or stealing a trailer for you to stay in. Yeah, it'll be right next to him that way, he can keep an eye on you and spend time with you. He can take you hunting, and fishing, and teach you all the things that his father never taught him. 

He looks at the time on his phone and sees the time. Feeling bad about not picking up your call and seeing how it's late and you must be asleep by now, he vows to himself he'll call you the first chance he gets. Unfortunately, it won't be the morning since he was to rob the bank with the guys. Knowing how big the score is, it might even take him the whole day, more so just to get away than the actual robbery. But he has to get in contact with you as soon as possible. Worrying that another day of silence from him may cause you to distance yourself, he makes a few calls. 




By early morning, everything was set in motion. Trevor barely got any sleep since he and Ron were busy stealing a new trailer and settling it next to his trailer. He made Ron clean out every junk and trash around while Trevor moved all the guns and drugs out of his home, with the help of Patrica right by his side. 

And by the hour before Trevor and the guys are supposed to meet at the cook site, everything was done. Michael pulls up to Trevor's trailer in a stolen truck he carjacked earlier. Michael sees Trevor clearing out some stuff out of his trailer. 


Michael: What's going on here?


Trevor throws out his old couch out onto the lawn for Ron to move.


Trevor: You haven't heard of a little spring cleaning?

Michael: (Laughs) Spring cleaning? You're not exactly the housemaid type Trevor. 

Ron: Hey Trevor! The new trailer is coming in this afternoon, I'll set everything up.

Michael: New trailer? You're finally getting rid of this shithole?

Trevor: No, and this is OUR shithole, thank you very much. (Trevor throws the small nightstand out onto the lawn) The new trailer is for my daughter. She'll be staying here for a while. 

This not only confuses Michael, but it also angers him at the same time since they both know they have a bunch of people after their asses. And bringing some teenager isn't exactly a good idea for them or for her. 


Michael: Hold on there Trevor! You're telling me, you're bringing your kid over here? You can't be serious.

Trevor: Oh I'm serious, I already arranged everything she needs.

Michael: You are fucking serious. 

Trevor: I can't leave her alone in a city full of hipsters, gangs-

Michael: And this is somehow better? In the middle of the fucking desert. You know you got a lot of enemies. We're being hunted by the fucking Mexican mafia for stealing his fucking wife, or did you forget about that? You're also being hunted down by "The Lost"-

Trevor: The Lost are not a problem. And for that crazy Mexican, all we gotta do is steal something priceless and that greedy motherfucker will take it and forget we ever stole his wife. 

Michael: We? There is no we. I told you to take the documents back to his house nothing else. But no, you decided it was perfectly sane to steal one of America's dangerous mafia's wife! And we gotta hide out here in the middle of nowhere.

Trevor: He wasn't going to pay us! I was just asking for a fair day's pay-

Michael: Yeah and look where the fuck we are now! 


Their argument carries on for the rest of the morning even minutes before they all head out to rob the bank. 




Back to you, you decided to stay in the hotel room for the day and order carry-out. There's only so much to do in the city alone, and of course you can go out, but you're pretty much bored of this place by now. 

But then Trevor calls, which instantly raises your mood better than this morning. 


*Y/n: Hey Dad! How are things going over there?*

*Trevor: Y/n, it's going...well. Listen, I have an idea. Instead of being by yourself in the city, I can fly you here to Sandy Shores, and that way we'll have good father-daughter bonding.*

*Y/n: Yeah, that sounds good. Should I head to the airport?*

*Trevor: Nope! I'll be coming to get you with my helicopter.*

*Y/n: Really? That's awesome! I get to be in the helicopter again!*

*Trevor: A lot better than being in a crowded plane. Say I gotta go, I'll let you know when I'll come get you. Probably either tonight or early in the morning tomorrow.*

*Y/n: Okay, I'll see you later Dad.*


After hanging up the phone, you happily jump up and down completely excited to get in the helicopter again. But you know what, last time you were there there's not really a lot of things to do or stores in a desert like Sandy Shores. Maybe you should go out and get some necessities to help with eventual boredom. Like Game Switch, with plenty of games, maybe some books, definitely some sunscreen, tank tops, jean shorts, sandals, and so on.

And while you're thinking about what you need to get before you go back to Sandy Shores, Ron has the new small trailer parked right next to Trevor's trailer. Of course, he had to get rid of one side of the fence and some trash including the furniture Trevor threw out, but all in all, it looks great.

Meanwhile, the guys are riding in a white van getting their guns and gear ready to rob the bank. Michael is the one driving while Trevor sits in the passenger seat. Trevor tells himself that he should be done with this job by tonight to come get you. Even if he's there at three in the morning. He hates leaving you alone in the city, but he assures himself that as soon as he's done here, he'll go straight to his land strip and get in the helicopter to come get you. If you're going to be here in this state for a whole summer, he's gotta make the most of it and not keep putting you to the side because of his work or whatever some FIB assholes tell him what to do.