Chapter eleven

Prince POV,

I was heading towards one of my personal car when I suddenly had the urge to drink water.

"Wait here, I will be back" I said to Osondu before going back into the mansion. I located the kitchen after asking few servants.

Entering into the kitchen, I was met with a hurtful sight which made me to intervene, the surprised look on the face of the maidens was visible but I was not moved. I knew what I just did was unlike me but I had that feeling to protect her.

"Get me a bottle of water" I said as I left the kitchen in a haste.

"I only did the right thing" I said convincing myself that what I did was not something unusual.

"My prince, I guess you missed your way to the kitchen" the voice of Osondu interrupted my thoughts as I stopped.

"No" I said and started heading towards my chamber.

"As for you escorting me to the site, you don't have to worry again, I will call you whenever I need you" I said.

"But my prince…"

"No but, I don't want to be questioned" I interrupted him as he nodded before leaving.

Mma's POV,

I struggled with the refrigerator trying to get a bottle of water but it was not opening, at a point I heard silent laughs from my roommate and her partners in crime as they pretended not concerned with what I was doing.

"I pray she breaks the refrigerator door, let me see how she will escape this time" one of them said to the others.

"Oh my God, how is this being open?" I asked myself while still struggling with the door.

The presence of Osondu in the kitchen immediately lightened my mood, it was as if he was an angel sent by God to help me out.

"Mma what are you doing near the refrigerator?" He asked while staring at my direction.

"Uh, I want to get a bottle of water but I don't know how to open the door" I said.

"You are doing it the wrong way" he said he walked towards me " look, this is the handle, you just have to place your hand on the handle and do it like this" he dragged the handle and the refrigerator gave way.

"Wow, I've not make use of this before" I said as I watched him get a bottle of water.

"Here take the water" he said as I took the water from him.

"Thank you" I said and left the kitchen.

Prince POV,

I was busy with my laptop when I heard a knock, I walked towards the door knowing fully well that it could be no other person but my personal maid. Opening the door, she bowed down immediately.

"Come in" I said as I walked towards my balcony and sat down on one of the seats.

"I'm sorry for being late my prince" her voice was low as she placed the bottle of water on the table.

"Get my a cup" I said as she nodded.

"Check on the stool beside my bed" I said as she nodded before leaving the balcony.

"Acting like a dummy all the time" I murmured to myself as I looked out at the vast compound of the palace from where I was sitting.

My eyes fell on the little house situated far from the palace, it seems like yesterday to me when my mother always stays in the house busy with her paintings, I smiled remembering the day I almost spilled all her paints while trying to draw my father as a birthday gift. Our happy moments was clearly embedded in that house but the worst moment I dreads most also happened in that same house.

I flicked at the sudden sound from my room which brought me back to present. I rushed into my bedroom as I met the surprised Mma.

"What just happened here?" I asked as I stared at the pieces of ceramics on the floor.

"I...I…" she stammered with a shaky hands"

"You, eheh, so what happened? Why is my cup shattered on the ground?" I asked as I picked one piece of the broken cup.

"I'm sorry my prince, I deserve any punishment you want to give me" she said with tears on her eyes.

"It seems this girl is good with tears" I thought within myself while trying to control my anger, I knew my anger is what brings the bad side of me and I wonder why I'm still keeping my cool not withstanding the fact that she just broke my last birthday gift from my mother before she died. All through my life in the states, I always treasure and protects the cup from anyone. I sigh in confusion while staring at the pieces of the cup and the cry cry baby in front of me, I was left in between the blue sea.

She bent down to pick the pieces and I interfered immediately.

"Just leave" I said as I bent down to stop her, I was taken unaware as my eyes met hers, I tried to look away but my eyes was paying no attention, I stared at the most beautiful and innocent face I've ever encountered all my life, I blink my eyes trying to regain my sanity.

"Uhm just leave it, I will clean it later, you will get hurt if you pick this with your bare fingers" I said while looking away from her.

"I'm sorry my prince" she said in a low voice.

"You just broke something I adore so much but I can't punish you and I wonder why I can't bring myself to do that" I said as she was obviously surprised at my word.

"How old are you?" I asked as she stared at me with an expressionless face.

"I am twenty one years" she answered while looking down.

"You look way younger than that" I said as I turned to leave the room.

"By the way, you seem bothered about something, I don't know what that is but you have to get a grip of yourself before you harm yourself, just in a day you broke two costly things in the palace, you look too thin too, you are thinking too much for a girl of your age, feel free to tell me what you've been thinking about" I said as I opened the bottle of water and gupped down almost half of it.

"Okay my prince" she said while still looking down.

"Hey, I'm not angry with you for what just happened but you might not be too lucky next time so this should not repeat itself" I said as she nodded again.

"Gush, why can't she say a word, a word, just a word, I'm getting tired of yes my prince this and my prince that" I said frustrated while watching her leave.

Mma's POV,

"What is happening to me?" I said to myself while leaving the prince chamber.

"Why are my breaking things" I murmured as I stared at my hands while remembering how scared I was when the prince cup slipped from my hands.

Within myself I knew I am very much worried for my mother and that might be the reason why I was not concentrating on my duties, I sigh in frustration when I remembered I could do nothing to help my mother but only to work harder and make her proud.

My thought drifted to the prince behavior when he saw his cup being shattered on the floor, I was already expecting a heavy punishment from him but was surprised at the outcome

"He said he can't bring himself to punish me, what does that mean?" I rhetorically asked myself as I shrugged not wanting to think much about his statement.