Chapter fourteen

Mma's POV,

I felt intimidated by the goddess that just entered the dinning room, Osondu almost tripped while staring at the gorgeous woman, her expensive dress, earrings and ornaments shows that she is a woman of high caliber.

"Good morning my king, good morning my queen" she greeted with a smile which made her dimples more visible.

"How can one be this beautiful?" I asked within myself while watching her calculated movements, everything about her seems special and with class.

"Good morning my daughter" the king answered while the queen reciprocated with a smile.

She went towards the prince who was busy with his food and pecked him before sitting down beside him.

I felt myself getting jealous at her action which made me wonder why I was jealous in the first place.

"I heard you are the daughter of Chief Magnus from Ikwerre kingdom?" The king suddenly asked as the lady looked up and smiled.

"Yes my King" she answered.

"Your father used to be a great friend of mine before he relocated to the city, you know the world is a small place, I never knew there will come a day I will have to meet one of his daughter and to think that his daughter grew up into such a beautiful woman" the king said as the lady smiled.

"So tell me, how did you met my son?" The king asked as the prince looked up from his food.

"Father, we are eating, talking while eating is too bad" the prince said.

"Don't mind him, just tell us, we are eager to know everything" the queen chipped in attracting a smirk from the prince.

"I met him during one of our medical adventures in the states, I was a science student studying pharmacy, he was the most handsome male doctor I've ever set my eyes on and that was what attracted me to him in the first place. My attraction for him changed into love when I found out he is a Nigerian but you know what my king, your son is really cold" The lady said.

"Yea he really is but I promise you that isn't how he used to be before his mother's death" the king said as I wondered how affected the prince would have been because of the former Queen's death.

"Son I must tell you, you've chosen the right woman and I'm proud of you" the king said.

I felt like my heart was shred into thousand pieces when the prince smiled at his father's compliment.

"Mma you shouldn't be bothered over this, you are just a maid" my inner mind shouted at me as I tried to hide my anger while faking a smile.

"Water" the lady said as I moved towards her to serve her.

I was so occupied with my thoughts and I didn't know when I filled the cup to the brim.

"What exactly is this?" The lady shouted bringing me back to my senses. I was greeted with a resounding slap from her as I held my left cheek in pains.

"Chelsea why did you slap her?" The prince shouted angrily as he stood up from his seat.

"Honey just look at my dress, she just spilled water on my dress, can you imagine that? This dress is worth more than her and…."

"Just shut up!!" The prince shouted attracting the attention of everyone on the table including the servants who were also serving in the dinning.

"Son, take things easy, you don't have to shout at our future queen, especially not in the presence of the servants" the king said as he patted the lady who was on the verge of crying.

"Your future queen? I can never marry someone as rude as her" the prince shouted as the lady stood up and ran out of the dinning.

I was still confused on what was going on as I held onto my cheek.

"You all should just leave, just leave!!" The queen said angrily as I ran out of the dinning not minding if the other servants are coming after me or not.

Prince POV,

I felt pained watching Chelsea spill to my father and the queen about her unconditional love for me, I wasn't interested in her chitchat but I was worried and pained knowing that Mma was present to hear all that, I felt like I was betraying her although I knew I owe her no explanation or obligation but I found myself trying not to make her jealous.

"Father, we are eating, talking while eating is too bad" I said in order to stop their discussion but my trick didn't worked on them instead it triggered them more to know about my love life with Chelsea.

At a point, I felt like leaving the dinning for them since they couldn't eat without discussing about me and the fact that my greatest enemy the queen is smiling sheepishly throughout the story also angered me the more.

"What exactly is this?" A shout from Chelsea made me to look up as my eyes landed at the surprised Mma. I was trying to figure out what exactly was wrong when the slap from Chelsea made me loose my mind.

"Why did you slap her" my voice came out like a thunder obviously due to the anger I was withholding from the very start.

All Chelsea was saying was just like music to my ears because all my mind was at the innocent girl who was holding her cheek with her palm.

I was so angry that I ended up saying something I was not planning to say, for a fact I knew Mma will be an enemy to Chelsea from that moment ranging from the fact that she spilled water on her and I also defended her.

"God, what is wrong with me, she is a maid for Christ sake" I soliloquize while wondering why I can't withstand seeing her being punished or maltreated by anyone.

Chelsea POV

"I can't believe the prince embarrassed me in front of everyone because of a maid, I am his woman and he is supposed to take sides with me but he defended that girl, I still can't believe it" I tapped my feet on the ground in anger.

"Who exactly is that maid to him?" I asked myself "no it can't be, my prince can't stoop to that level, it can't be possible" I said consoling myself.

"On a second note, the prince I know for so many years doesn't care about anyone so why is he bothered because I slapped this girl" I fumed in anger.

I knew for a fact that the maid is beautiful, for the first time I felt intimidated by someone's beauty but still she stands no chance with me, I am far exposed than her, a first class graduate from one of the reputable University in the world while she is just a maid who have never seen the four walls of the lowest University in the country.