Can't get in

How did they even think of going to the warehouse? The security is good, but how did they enter it in the first place. That was the question that was running in my mind.

The warehouse had 2 fences. The outer layer was made with the Razor wire fence, from what I know about the fence. It's made of a galvanized steel blade, then 2 pieces of the stainless steel razor are bound together to make it stronger on the second face layer. The welded Razor wire mesh security fence was used. As you know, they are highly secure fences and are impossible to climb or cut off with the standard tools. It gave off a secure feeling and is not easy to handle unless you won't feel pain going over it as it pieces your body.

"How did they even get in there?"

"I am not sure."

"Where are the zombies coming from? They are too many. It's getting hard to get in."

"Even so. That is the safest place so far."

"Look at the gate. Someone is there at the second gate on the tower. Look," I said, pointing at a man sitting on the tower overlooking the surrounding.

"They must take turns to man the area."

"We only need to get closer and get their attention."

"But it very dangerous."

"That's true. There are around. 1...2...3...4...15...39. that's a lot. There are at least 39 z's. How are we going to kill it?" Asked teacher Monica counting them

"Well. We could try and separate them and kill them one at a time. It would be bad if we waited till night. The kids are tired and hungry. We should try and see if their parents are in there." I said to them, looking at the surrounding

"Could they have made this place secure for the security of food, or they know a pandemic would come?" asked teacher Monica again

"How could that be? They probably thought of their food first," Old Kibali chipped in laughing. We all laughed out. It may have been only the second day, but it seemed like forever. Things were going too fast.

"Who has a phone?" Old Kibali asked all of a sudden. "I do," I said, handing over my phone. It was of no help to me. I could not communicate anyway." He took the phone and powered it. I then entered my pin again. "Does it have ringtones saved on the phone?" he asked, looking at the z's.

"Yes. I have a few in there." I said, wondering what he was up to. He then stood and turned to us. "I will try and get them away from here. You guys should run as fast as you could and get the attention of the guy over there. It's best to make sure the kids get there safely."

"Take care and be careful," Mrs. Kibali said to her husband, getting ready for a run. I held two kids and teacher Monica two. We looked at the man ahead at the tower. He seemed to have noticed us and called for someone over. The person looked down at us and got someone to go to the first gate. The moment Mr. Kibali ran where the z's could see him, he played the music on the phone and put up the volume. He ran in the opposite direction, trying to get all of them to follow him. As soon as they got his attention, we ran as fast as we could towards the gate. Though most of them followed old Kibali, some of them got a view of us and turned to us. Mrs. Kibali got ready to attack the few that were coming after us. Since we were not far from the gate, we could easily fight them at the gate while waiting for the people inside to open the gate for us. We fought with the one coming at us head-on. Mrs. Kibali was overwhelmed, and I had to join her fight them off. More of them came at us as we continued to fight. When the last one dropped, the gate was opened. Counting the bodies on the ground, there were around twenty of them.

"Hope Old Kibali makes it," I said as the gate was being opened by a young man. We ran inside as he closed the gate immediately. It was heavy though he opened halfway. We ran back towards the second gate and waited outside not far from the first gate. We could see Old Kibali fighting the last two of the dead. I was holding my heart out for him. He had to be okay. He was more of a family to me now. New family in the changing world. As soon as the last undead dropped, he ran back towards us. At first, I did not understand why he was running that fast. I stood still on the ground. Right at that moment, I saw something behind him that shuddered my heart. A dozen of undead were coming out from the woods.

"Open the gate. Open the gate before it's too late. We have to get him in," Mrs. Kibali shouted when she saw the scene. I also handed the kids to Teacher Monica before running after her towards the gate. The young man tried to stop us, but we were very adamant. There is no way we will let him die right outside the gate, and he had a chance to live. The young man had no choice but to help us open the gate. The moment he passed us and entered the gate, we closed it. The undead was already at the gate and pushing hard. Old Kibali joined in and helped us close the gate. I took my rod and started poking their heads. I pierced them hard on the head and killed tens of them before the others joined and stabbed them. By the time we killed enough of them, I was covered with dark red blood on my hand and sweatpants. It was disgusting, but what could I have done. I had no chance of clothes and needed a shower. All the sweat, bloody rotten blood all me made me want to put, but my mind was on my kid at that moment.