Hot shower

"Teacher Monica, look who is here?" I said to her. She was so happy. "Teacher Daniel, you are okay. I am happy you are alive." She beamed happily and hugged each other. From the reaction they had, they were an item. They were together.

I threw them a knowing look and went to sit next to the old couple. "Here is my son. Javi." I said to them as I pulled my son in front of them.

"Wow. Boy, you really are lucky. Your mother is one tough one. She fought all those people out there to find you."

"I know my mom is a badass." He said, and we all laughed. I pinched him playfully. "That's not a language you can speak." He looked down and apologized" Sorry, mummy."

"Stop being tough on the keep. He is right. You are badass." I laughed along with teachers Daniel and Monica, who had joined us

"Teacher Daniel, how are things here? Is it safe?" I asked him. He had been there longer than them. He seemed nervous for a bit before crouching down next to me.

"I don't know if it's right to tell you but, I don't think this place is safe to stay. We are still in town are just a few kilometers from town. It would be best to go down east where the population is not much. The man here is very stingy, and from the way the other people were planning, there may be war here is future."

"Then, we should move out as soon as possible," I suggested

"No. let's wait here for a while. Things outside are going to be worse than these last few days." Old Kibali, who had been quiet, said, looking at the people inside.

"I need to find my husband," I said to them, and they all looked at me.

"That's true. But you said your husband works with the medical research facility. Then he is the safest of all of us. They need them to work on the vaccine or whatever they are going to be giving us." Old Kibali analyzed the situation. Besides, he will look for you. You only need to stay safe for a while until everything cools down before going out again. Think of your son at this moment. You have seen how hard it had been to run wild with kids on the street and woods. You will be torturing him. This place is good and safe for now. Let's stay for a little longer."

I listened to his advice and looked at my son. It's true, Richard will find us. And he will be safe. The government must protect him at any cost. He was one of the lead researchers in his workplace.

"Let me show you where you can shower and sleep," Teacher Daniel said as he led us from the hall towards a different section. From an open entrance from the main hall, we saw a room arranged in an L shape. We moved to the last room. He opened it and entered. We followed right behind him. The room was not that big, but it had six beds. It was perfect if we wanted to stay together. It was then that it dawned to me that I did not see the other kids apart from Dan, whom I saw with his mother.

"Where are the kids," I asked teacher Monica

"Oooh. They were lucky to have found their parents in here."

"Wow. That was amazing. How did all the parents end up in this place?" I asked, looking at teacher Daniel.

"That day was crazy. After we separated on the highway, I ran with the rest of the kids here. In the process, we found this place. I was not alone. Most of the people on the highway ran this way. In that few moments, I got a call from a few parents, and I told them where we were going and what happened before the phone was disconnected. The parents came here. Some of the parents took their kids with them, and a few remained here because their homes were not the same."

"That's really something." I sighed, sitting on one of the beds. Old Kibali patted my shoulder and went to the last bed with his wife. They were really tired. They needed the rest. I watched them as they went and took Javi.

"Are you okay?"

"Yes, mummy. I am fine. Teacher Daniel and a few of the uncles here took care of us here."

"That's amazing," I said

"Thank you again, teacher Daniel. I don't know what would have happened to him if it were not for you." Thinking of it made my mind run wild. All the horrible images I had before popped up, but I was happy they were just figments of my imaginations.

"It's nothing. I am in the other room. I'll be taking teacher Monica with me. There are bathrooms just next door. We are all sharing them." He said, heading out, holding Monica's hand dragging her. I laughed at her blushing face.

"Wait," I called out to him. "How many people are in here?"

"There are around 50 people. But I heard some of the people say they'll be leaving tomorrow morning."

"Okay. Thank you."


Taking a warm shower felt amazing. I changed into new clothes I found in the bathroom clothing section. It seemed some workers stayed in the warehouse. Javi also took a shower and changed into the same clothes he had worn. I washed the clothes we changed out of and hung them in the room. I didn't want my treasured clothes taken, especially with none around to wear.

We were called for supper a few moments later.

The people had come out of their rooms. We followed behind them into the hall that we walked out of when we came in. There was a huge table that was arranged with plastic plates. Were sat down together. Old Kibali and his wife sat at the opposite right side of the table together with Monica and Daniel. Javi and I sat on the left side of the table but facing them. From the moment I sat down, I noticed Monica was not okay. She was sweating. She was also shaking. I didn't want to expose them in front of others but made a note to talk to her when supper was over.

We were served rice mixed with cooked yellow beans. Each person got a share. It was not much but enough to last the night. I urged Javi to eat faster. But he seemed to have changed his eating habit in the last few days. He ate faster than I ever saw him. I stood, took my plate and Javi's, and washed at the sink at the end before placing them on the table set like a kitchen. I turned to the owner, thanked him, and went back to the allocated room.

Right, when we entered the room, we heard shouting from the dining area…..