Mutiny on The Kernel

At the Dragon's Keep, the cock crow could be heard far in the jungle, and the early morning cold sea breeze blew into the crater and the dogs snooze on the crater floors.

The crewdogs of Benny Blanco lay wasted upon the crater of the Dragon Keep.

The crewdogs were wasted on rum, three sheets to the wind, some four sheets to the Northwind!

Benny was the first to arise and strut around the crater, he goes into the cavern where the loot is hidden, he recounts the chests, and they are fifty chests, hidden deep inside the cavern.

Benny struts out of the cavern and awakes his crewdogs.

"Arise you lazy bones! Make haste, for we set sail immediately before dawn!" Benny yells at his sleeping crewdogs.

The dogs begin to awake lazily one after the other, they stretch out their spines, as they awake.

Azkat awakes, and he struts around the crater, all the crewdogs arise and they make preparations to row back to the ship.