As I got home I felt my energy almost going to zero. I tried to recall the day’s happenings and ended up clouded by the thought of this girl I just met. Damn she’s beautiful. I looked down at my right hand, recalling her warm hand on mine. I can clearly feel its warmness just by remembering it, it seems like it’s still longing for her touch. I tried to lie down on my bed and still think of her. Gosh I think I’m being crazy. I think I should go for a run to keep off things a bit. She literally was clouding up my mind now. I stood up and changed to my jogging shorts and sports bra and put my comfortable shirt for running. I took my phone and put it inside my jogging belt bag with my earphone plugged in. I locked my apartment and run off along the block.

I blasted my playlist through my cellphone it played “I caught myself of Paramore” as I run. I can feel my legs now stretching but still go for a run for another 15 minutes. I can feel my sweat streaming down my whole body so I decided to run across the highway to buy some water at 7eleven store along the street. While running I saw a car pulling to the sidewalk few meters away from me and lowering down its window. I run slowly along the car and then saw her smiling widely. It was her.


“I’m so glad I saw you again.” She said still smiling widely. I blushed at that statement. Was she that glad to see me? I thought she never bothered to see me again. She was not in the office the whole day and thought she might have forgotten me already. But I am really happy to see her again. “Actually, I am too.” I replied. Her smile widen even more, she looks cute when she smile like that. “Going home now, I assume?” I asked her. “Yup, sorry I was out with a client earlier so I was missing at the office the whole day.” She replied. “ I see.” I just said simply. “Very good of you to explain your absence.” I thought. She seemed to notice my sudden quietness. She then joked around. “So this is how you got that awesome figure. I assume you run every day.” She always has that habit of complimenting. “Not really. Actually I run not to get fit but running makes me keep off things a bit. You know once you run, all you can think of is running and just staying up on your feet. Once you’re tired all the tension inside of you releases together as you chase your breathing. I like that feeling, listening to your fast beating heart after you tire yourself from running.” I told her. “You know what I used to do that as well. I used to run to keep off things even just for a bit. Getting the good figure was just a bonus right?” she laughed. Wow her laugh was amazing. What a nice music to hear. She looks at me after laughing I feel conscious with all the sweat from running and I bet the smell from all these sweat was not good. I never bothered to bring a small towel for I was just thinking of a short run. “Wait a sec Lil I think I still has a spare towel over here.” She opened her glove compartment but instead of a towel she got out a spare T-shirt. She blushed. I believe that refusal to an offer was an insult so I grab her T-shirt. Actually I am more than happy borrow her shirt I bet it smells like her. Am I being a pervert? “That will do, Kyrstin Luz, thank you.” I assured her it was okay. She just smiled and said “You know what Lil you should change from that shirt, your sweat might get dry on your back it’s not healthy. I insist you change here inside the car.” She offered. “Inside your car? It was okay I’m actually, I’m just going to 7eleven over there to buy some water and just go straight home.” I refused. “I insist Lil get in, I’ll wait here outside while you change. Okay?” she demands so I just agreed. She went out and I went in quickly to change. I was about to get out the car when she said to stay inside and she sat back to the driver seat. I obliged and she hand me a bottled water from here back seat. “Here drink this.” I accepted it and drank almost all of it. I’m not just thirsty but nervous as well knowing I’m seating at her passenger seat and there she was staring at me so I’m almost emptying this bottle on my hand. “I’ll take you home.” I almost spit out the water when she said that. “No it was okay, you let me borrow your shirt and gave me your bottled water. That’s a lot of kindness to share with a girl you just met this day.” I tried to refuse again. “I insist. Maybe sharing my kindness to a girl I just met this day was my thing.” She laughed again. I agreed so I can her laugh once more. “That's why I’m hesitant Kyrstin Luz coz you have to completely turn around just to drop me off home.” I told her and but still insist of it. I was a bit guilty for the bother. “Really Lil it's okay. Just tell me where to turn. Okay?” She said as I nodded in defeat. She turned her car around and I pointed out the second street front us. She acknowledged it and drove towards the directions. After a few more turns, now we're just outside of my apartment. “Thanks Luz, I really appreciate your kindness by dropping me home.” I said while looking at her whole face under the dim lightings of her car. Gosh, she really is beautiful. “You’re welcome Lil.” I really like her nickname for me. She's the only one who calls me that. I feel special. Stop doing that lady. I might fall. “Hey, you must be very exhausted better go inside now.” She said, maybe she noticed me staring at her blankly. “Luz would you like to have dinner with me at the apartment?” I told her for I don't how to give back from all the things she has done for me this night. “I’d love to Lil but I guess tonight's not the night. I have to get something for home tonight. But it's not a complete refusal Lil. Will you still give me that invitation? She said. “Of course, Kyrstin Luz. Perhaps another time?” I replied. “I’d love to.” She said as flash me her beautiful smile. “I’m going in now. Good night and see you tomorrow.” She just nodded and went out of her towards my door. I waved good bye and saw her waved back then closed her window, driving out the block. “Perhaps another time Kyrstin Luz.” I told myself as I went inside.

The sudden encounter was dream like. I tried not to think of her and just a few moments she magically appeared on the side walk. Yeah I met this girl with enchanting green eyes and I’m stupidly thinking of her the whole day. I wish I had other friends here in the new city. Why not her? She’s fun to be with and really a great company. Yeah, she’s great, and kind and pretty and hot. Wait. I have to stop thinking of her like that. Seriously I need a friend to talk with, this girl I just met was already making me fantasize her and getting head over heels.