Everyone seems to still be confused. My father is furious but at who? Me? What could I possibly have done? He drags me to the sitting room where his sisters stand.

'Sit.' They didn't move an inch. 'Now!' Fuck, they did.

I am still standing though. Am I included? He's talking to his sisters not me, so? He gives me the look. I look indifferent panting like a cheetah after chasing its prey. I stand leaning towards my right. Hellbent on the fact that he isn't referring to me but them. I stand in these bloodstained clothes waiting for the next move. "Will I receive a slap or get dragged again?"

I battle with my thoughts till I hear, 'Get seated.' In a calm yet commanding tone. 'Yes sir.' I reply. I sit after all the headstrongness I tried to pull. I did it because I wanted to not because I was told to.

The calm yet authoritative voice speaks. 'We all know why we are here.'

'I do not.' Natalie says in defense.

Aunt 2, Nanette, I came to know of her name after we got down from the car. It was when she told Natalie to take a box from the booth and Natalie was like why would she.

'Cos I said so.' Nanette said back to her.

'Nanette, would you please!' Aunt three said in a frank manner, one that says to piss off.

'Thank you! ' Natalie said. Aunt three ignored them both walking with her shoulders up to the front door. I was watching from the window of my room before all of you know happened. But I think it is kind of my habit to spy on people without them knowing but isn't that what spying is all about invisibility?

So, as I was saying. Nanette intends replying Natalie but my father gives her the look. What she only did in reply to what Natalie said was give a face and raise a fist.

Quite a drama. I seriously get bored being on my own but just look at this. Circus!

'I need you all to be serious. We are discussing important issues. Life-threatening situations whether for the victims or us. Do think you all? And where are the rest, Noa? He asks Aunt 3 of his other sister's whereabouts.

'There will be here any minute from now.' As she truly said, after a minute we heard a knock on the door showcasing beautiful Asian ladies marching in files. It seems like a fashion show and the models displayed on the walkway are my aunties. It is breathtaking. My aunts walk in, three they are. So now everyone is complete, three (3) plus three (3) plus one(1). Crazy seven. They are all here. Everyone.

'Hello, my niece.' Someone takes notice of me here. All the rest seems to care about is the dailies. I still have bloodstains on my face as if it was splashed. Well, it was technically.

'Wouldn't you wash that off my dear?' She asks me interrupting my thoughts. It feels nice for someone else to care about my wellbeing after my father. 'I will. I'd go now.'

"Where did that respect come from?" I say to myself as I get up to the toilet.

'Thank you.' My father says to the one who asks about my well-being. 'How have you been Nellie?' "So her name is Nellie."

'Been good my dear, how have you been too, my niece included?' Nellie said. My dad smiles. "Can't I stop spying, wash my face won't I ?"

I get out of the toilet with a change of clothes. I feel refreshed after I took a light shower. 'Now that you are out I will introduce you to your aunts, sit.'

'Okay.' I said.

'Here's everyone; Natalie, Nanette, Noa...'

'Ooh, aunt three is Noa?' Before I knew that the words came out of my mouth it was too late.

' What? ' My dad asks me.

'Nothing please go on.'

'Okay...Noa, Nellie, Nancy, Nina, and Norma. That is everyone in order of birth. I am after Noa, Nathaniel. You know my name, don't you?'

'Ehn? Uhm...yeah, I do. But why do all your names start with N? I mean see.' Trying to make them understand my point of view not that I mean disrespect.

They give a unanimous smile and a unanimous answer so it sounds like an echo, a reverberation. 'Mom says, if it ain't uniform, it ain't good and if it ain't good, we ain't good.' They end.

'So she chose later "N" for uniformity?'

'Yes, she did. She despised all English letters but N. She believed the English alphabet "n" will give her luck and remove the generational curse.' Nellie said to me.

'Generational curse?'

'Yeah. it is another story for another day.' Nellie said again.

'Okay. Now down to business. Siphoned, bring Laylah out.'

I followed the instruction. I bring out the latter. She looks in a bad state. 'Oh dear...tch.' I say in the sight of her. 'Has he all told you? She's mine!' Saying selfishly.

My dad let out a deep sigh. 'Yes, I promised her Laylah and nothing else. After Laylah, she will go home.'

'We didn't get to agree on that. Your sisters interrupted everything.' I say in defense.

'You're still going home!'

'No, I am not. I do not see the reason why I should. You all get to work and I just do nothing! It isn't fair at all!'

'Listen to me Siphoned.' He says in a high pitch.

'No! I refuse to. Why do you always sideline me? Is it because I am not your daughter. So you left me all at home by myself for five(5) fucking years. Do you think it's fair? Everyone thought I was an orphan. I thought you died!' I yell and burst out in tears letting go of Laylah whom I supported while she stood. Her bones let out a cry.

'2007, 2015, 2016! I didn't forget. You think I would. You sidelined me as you're doing now.'

'2007? are you being serious now? You were ten! Wait...are you saying I should have let a ten-year-old pluck out eyeballs! You are NOT making any sense Siphoned!'

'Why do you care?' I say out still in tears on the edge of breaking down.

'Cos you're my daughter! Why wouldn't I?

His words shake me. I stagger backward making a surprised face writing on my face that I didn't hear what he just uttered.

'What?' I can not make a sentence. It happens to come when I am startled, my stammering. Nellie smiles. She seems to be enjoying all of this. At the least, she's paying interest. The rest of my aunties are either staring at their phones, taking selfies, or getting lost in thoughts biting their nails.

'You heard. I love you. I can't watch you do that. No! Live a normal life, my dear.' He finishes. He looks exhausted. He's panting. I noticed amidst all of this he didn't sit down. He always stands when he speaks the truth.

I am still shattered. He hasn't told me before so it shook me. 'Why didn't you tell me before ?' I say in a soft voice.

' know how you are, you'd ignore me.' He says in defense trying to avoid eye contact with me like a child who stole. I can't hold myself. The next moment I see myself hugging him. 'Me too.'

'Okay now that all of everything's been solved. Sit.' Nellie says in a calm sweet voice. 'We've got business from The Top.

I get away from the hug and ask. 'The top? Aren't we The Top?'

Natalie smiles to the corner. 'Where's your head at, Nathaniel. You didn't tell her ?' She says.

Nathaniel looks guilty. Siphoned, curious. Everyone's staring at each other. Who'd break the news to her?