Chapter I.


"Back at the Imperial Academy"

Inside the Imperial Academy

Building A, East Wing


'As I fall sleep

On such fine day

I heard a voice

asking for my help.

Was it a dream or a nightmare?'

"Hey! Rai! Rai? RAI! Wake up, sleepy head. Our afternoon class is about start." Hikaru said as he finally found Rai sleeping on the rooftop, again. "Uh? Who are you?" Rai said as she slowly opened her eyes and immediately doze off.

"Hey! Come on. Seriously? How can you sleep that FAST?!" he said, poking Rai's face with his pencil. "O-okay! That's enough. I am awake." she said, shoving his pencil away from her face. "Here. I will help you to get up." He said as he offered his right hand to help her get up. "Thank you." She cheerfully replied, making him blush.

"S-so, tell me...How can you really sleep that FAST?" Hikaru said as he curiously asked Rai. "I had a dream." Rai said as she rubbed her eyes and yawned. "Dream? What kind of dream?" he asked. "Uh? I do not remember but it is not a dream, I guess." She replied.

"I think you are just really sleepy, Rai. Let's go." He said as he chuckled, opened the door and went out of the rooftop. "Hey! Hikaru, wait for me." she said as she ran away and went out of the rooftop.

Few minutes later...

"Finally, we are here." Hikaru said as he slammed the door and they both went inside.

"That was close. Our next subject is Mathematics and I have to take some notes." Rai said as their teacher and classmates stared at them.

"Hikaru Hashimoto and Rai Akimura, you are both late. Please get out and wait in the 3rd floor Hallway." Mr. Mathematics teacher said as the two didn't realize that they already interrupting his class.

"Eh? What?" They both yelled out as Mr. Mathematics teacher opened the door and motioned the two to get out and their classmates start laughing at them.

3rd floor

East Hallway...

"Why is this happening?! That is our Mathematics class. I really to take notes or else I will fail again." Rai said as she began sulking beside Hikaru as they both wait in the 3rd floor Hallway.

"Me too. I really need to study or else Mother will scold me again." Hikaru said as he also began sulking beside Rai.

"You too?! You got the second highest score in our Mathematics exam last semester! Are you kidding me?" she said, pinching his right cheek.

"I know! That's why I have to study hard so that I can defeat 'Mayumi' in the next exams. " he said as he shoved her hand off his right cheek.

"Mayumi? Ah! That student from the Air Class C-1 who defeated you in our mixed Archery Class yesterday." Rai said as she looked along the 3rd floor Hallway.

"Lalala! I don't remember anything. Lalala! What happened yesterday is so embarrassing. " Hikaru said as he pinched Rai's right cheek.

"Yes. That was embarrassing. During the Mixed Archery Class yesterday, you were unable to aim properly on the Field Target, so instead of using a pair of bow and arrow you threw your medieval dagger to the Field Target-...Please stop pinching my cheeks." Rai said as she narrated what happened yesterday during their mixed Archery Class.

"And then out of nowhere, an arrow hit my medieval dagger and it fell on the ground. That annoying girl gave me a pair of bow and arrow and taught me on how to properly aim while I was embarrassed in front of everyone." He said as he continues the story and still pinching her cheeks.

"You, deemed as one of the 'Strongest Swordsmen' in the Imperial Academy teased by our classmates for being lame for getting defeated by a girl. The end." Rai said as she finished her story telling and saw Hikaru sulk on the corner.

"You know what... this is your entire fault, 'Glasses'! If I hadn't tried to find you earlier, I am probably inside our classroom right now." Hikaru said as he was not listening to Rai and started to blame her for what happened to them.

"MY fault?! You, 'Annoying' guy have the choice not to wait or find me and just go in the class." she said while Hikaru was only staring at her.

"Ha-Hahahaha! I-it's been awhile." He said as he suddenly laughs out loud, making her blush.

"W-why are you suddenly laughing?" she said as she asked and wondered.

"It's been awhile that you called me 'Annoying' guy. I liked that nickname though. Anyway, I decided to find you because I wanted both us to pass the last exams." Hikaru said as he smiles, making her blush like a red tomato.

"W-well you didn't have to do that. I can study at least on my own and I don't need any tutor. And also it's been awhile that you called me 'Glasses' " Rai said as she looked away from Hikaru.

"You are cute when you blush like that. 'Glasses'." Hikaru whispered as he also looked away, trying to cover his blushing face.

"Huh? What did you just say? And why are you blushing?" she said as she wondered why Hikaru was blushing.

"N-nothing! It's nothing! Hahaha! I was just wondering if you want to come to our review study for the incoming exams this weekend." Hikaru said as he asked Rai.

"Review study? Uh? I'll think about -...." Rai said as she suddenly heard a voice out of nowhere.

'Your Highness,

Please help us...

Stop the 'Hero'.'

The voice she heard said as it echoed along the 3rd floor Hallway.

"Rai? Rai! Are you okay? " Hikaru said as he noticed that Rai was didn't listening to him and ruffled her hair.

"Huh!? Hikaru!? Stop ruffling my hair." Rai said as she blushed and shoved Hikaru's hand off her head.

"So, are you coming or what?" Hikaru said as he asked Rai again.

"Alright! Don't worry. I'll come so that I can copy your notes in Math." Rai said as she sighed and eventually yawned.

"You just slept during the entire lunch break and after that you are already sleepy again. That's an amazing talent." Hikaru said as he complimented Rai, making her blush.

"I-I'm just sleepy. That's all." Rai said as she got embarrassed and gently punched Hikaru's right arm.

"That's because you spent another night watching your favourite anime series." Hikaru said as he pouted and looked away.

"Well, about that - ...." Rai said as she slowly fell asleep onto Hikaru's right shoulder.

"And she fell asleep, again. I wonder how she does that." Hikaru said as he heard Rai's soft snore. Hikaru also yawned, intertwined his right hand with Rai' left hand and silently fell asleep.

15 minutes later

Along the 3rd floor

East Hallway...

"T-this is so heavy. Why I am the only asked to carry these 50 training manuals back to the East Library?" Mayumi Yukimura said as she was walking in the 3rd floor Hallway while carrying 50 training manuals back to the library. She continued to walk along the 3rd floor but she suddenly stopped as she heard someone snoring behind her.

"W-who's there?" She looked back and saw no one that made her scared.

"Shut up..." Hikaru said during his sleep-talk which made Mayumi scared and accidentally slipped and fell on the floor.

"O-Ouch! Who said that? I am going to-...Uh?" Mayumi said as she got angry, looked beside her and saw Hikaru and Rai, sleeping on the corner while holding each other's hand.

"You! Finally, we've met my number one mortal enemy. " Mayumi said as she was surprised to see Hikaru, her number one mortal enemy.

"Who are you talking to?" Kazuki Hamasaki, one of the Hamasaki Twins said as he asked and suddenly appeared behind her.

"Ka-Kazuki?! When did you?" Mayumi said as she was surprised to see Kazuki beside her.

"Few minutes after you slipped and don't worry no one saw your pink pan-... Ouch!" Kazuki said as he was interrupted by Mayumi pinching his cheeks, making him blush.

"You pervert! Don't say it. It is embarrassing." Mayumi said as she squished his cheeks.

"I-I didn't say anything. Please stop squishing my cheeks." Kazuki said as he asked Mayumi.

"Yes! Sorry about that, Mayumi. My big brother is a certified pervert." Kenji, Kazuki's younger twin brother, said and intentionally let the three manuals he picked up earlier fall onto Kazuki's head.

"Kenji too? Why are you here?!" Mayumi said as she was also surprised to see Kenji.

"Kenji, why did you do that?!" Kazuki said as he got angry at Kenji and immediately got up.

"Here. I'll help you." Kenji said as he ignored Kazuki and offered his help to Mayumi which she gladly accepted.

"Thank you Kenji!" Mayumi cheerfully said, making Kenji blush.

"N-No problem. Anyway, let's pick up the training manuals and return them to the library." Kenji said as he starts to pick up the training manuals off the floor.

"I'll help you. Kazuki you are going to help us too." Mayumi said as she suddenly grabbed Kazuki's navy blue necktie and gently pulled him to help them.

"Alright! Alright! I'll help you. I was wondering who they are." Kazuki said as he wondered and looked at Hikaru and Rai, still sleeping on the corner of the Hallway.

"Based on that guy's scarlet necktie and that girl's scarlet brooch, I guess they are students from the Fire Class." Kenji said as he was picking up the books.

"Eh? From the Fire Class, that's interesting." Mayumi said as she approached Hikaru and Rai while the two are still asleep and took out a black board marker.

"W-wait! Mayumi, what are you doing?" Kazuki said as he saw Mayumi writing the word 'LOSER' on Hikaru's forehead.

"Hahaha! Finally, that's his punishment for making me an idiot during our mixed Sword Practice." Mayumi said as she closed the cap of the black marker and walked away.

"Oh! I see. That's why that guy looks so familiar.' Kenji said as he piled up the training manuals on the floor.

"Kenji, please don't -..." Mayumi said as she sadly picked up the training manuals off the floor.

"Ah! Yes. That was embarrassing. During the Mixed Sword Practice yesterday, you were unable to fight properly using a medieval sword, so that guy started pointing out your fundamental mistakes and you got annoyed-..." Kazuki said as he narrated what happened during their Mixed Sword Practice yesterday but he got interrupted by Mayumi who was shoving the manual onto his face.

"You mean she snapped out and threw out her wooden sword. Then, she used her bow and arrow to defeat her training partner but instead she aimed her arrow to that guy and fired. Luckily, that guy caught the arrow single-handedly and broke it into two. The end. "Kenji said as he ended the story telling and piled up the last manuals on the floor.

"That guy is really getting into my nerves! Because of that, I have to attend another Sword Practice with my big brother. I swear, I will defeat him in the Final Field Training. Let's get out of here. " Mayumi said as she got annoyed and only brought two manuals along with her.

"I'll bring these and you will bring the rest." Kenji said as he brought eight manuals with him and walked away.

"Wait?! What!? You mean these 40 books? Hey! You two wait for me." Kazuki said as he turned around and saw the remaining books piled up and waiting for him to bring them back the library.

10 minutes later

Along the 5th floor Hallway,

Outside the East Library...

"Uh? Do you need any help Kazuki?" Mayumi said as she and Kenji arrived outside the East Library looked behind and saw Kazuki trying his best to walk and carry all the 40 training manuals.

"I wish you asked that earlier! And yes! I OBVIOUSLY need help." Kazuki said as he carried the 40 manuals using both of his arms.

"Don't worry! He already carried the 40 manuals from the 3rd floor until here without slipping so he will be alright. Let's go inside. Huh!? " Kenji said as he slides the door and then...

"Get out of the way!" The girl said as she ran out of the East Library and accidentally pushed Kenji away. Kenji fell on the floor.

"Are you going to help me or what? Huh!?" Kazuki said as he saw the girl passed beside him, making him lose his balance and also fell on the floor.

"Kenji, are you alright? Here. I'll help you." Mayumi said as she asked Kenji and offered her help.

"I am the one you should help with." Kazuki said as he got buried under the manuals.

"I am alright. Thank you Mayumi." Kenji said cheerfully as he stood up by himself, making Mayumi blush.

"Uh? O-Okay! I wonder who that girl is and why she is in hurry." Mayumi said as she looked around and saw Kazuki buried under the manuals.

"Based from her brown brooch, that girl is from the Earth Class. And are you going to help me or what?!" Kazuki said as he tried to get out of the pile of manuals.

"Alright, we are going to help you. Stay still." Kenji said as he sighed and was about to help Kazuki but...

"Come back, Harue! We are not finish reviewing for the exams." Another girl suddenly ran and went out the East Library.

The second girl was on a hurry, didn't noticed Kenji and accidentally pushed him away. Kenji slipped and fell on to Kazuki along with the pile of manuals still on the floor.

"You are heavy, get off." Kazuki said as he gently pushed Kenji away from him.

"O-Ouch! Hey! What the hell is your problem?! Where did she go?" Kenji said angrily and Trying to find the second girl but she got ran away.

"I would like to apologize about that fuss. Harue doesn't really like math." The male student said as he went out of the East Library and started picking up the manuals off the floor.

"Eh? Eito?! I thought you are back in the Literature room." Mayumi said as she turned around and saw the male student which she immediately recognized.

"Mayumi? Indeed, I was asked to go in the Literature room to get the reference materials but Emi called me, asking for my help so I immediately went in the East Library." Eito said as he continued to pick up the manuals off the floor and hand them over to Mayumi.

" -_-! Who are you talking to?" Kazuki said as he stared at Mayumi and Eito.

"Try asking more politely, stupid." Kenji said as he picked up the manual and shoved it on Kazuki's face.

"Uh? Yes! Let me introduce him. Kazuki and Kenji this is Eito Yoshiyuki, one of my classmates in the Air Class. Eito, this is Kazuki and Kenji Hamasaki, my best friends." Mayumi said as she introduced Eito to Kazuki and Kenji.

"Identical twins eh? I'm Eito and it is nice to meet you." Eito said as he introduced his self to Kazuki and Kenji.

"I'm Kenji and this is my older, twin brother Kazuki. We are glad to meet you. "Kenji said as he stood up, introduced his self and his brother to Eito.

" -_- Hmm? There is something suspicious about you." Kazuki said as he suspiciously stares at Eito. Kenji sighed and shoved another manual on his head.

"Now then, I should get going. I really need to find those two. See you around." Eito said as gave the last manuals to Mayumi.

"Uh? Okay. Thank you for picking those manuals for us." Mayumi said as she thanked Eito, making him smile and ran away.

" -_- Eh? I wonder if I've already met that guy somewhere. " Kazuki said as he wonders and still buried under the pile of manuals on the floor.

"What are you doing? Hurry! Pick those manuals up and get them inside the East Library." Mrs. Librarian said as she went of the library and saw Mayumi, Kenji and Kazuki outside the Library and the remaining manuals still scattered on the floor.

"Yes Ma'am!" Mayumi, Kazuki and Kenji said as they started picking up the remaining manuals off the floor.

4th floor, Hallway...

"Harue! Where are you?" Emi Fujimoto, one of the Earth Class D-1 students said as she ran along the Hallway, still trying to find a girl named Harue.

"Uh? Are you looking Harue?" Aia, from the Earth Class D-2, said as she saw and wondered why Emi was running along the Hallway.

"Y-yes! Did you know where she went?" Emi said as she stopped from running and also asked the female student.

"I think I saw Harue running going down to the 2nd floor earlier." Aia said as she thought of a plan to trick and deceived her.

"T-Thank you." Emi said as again she ran away and went up to the 4th floor of the West Building.

"Aia! I'm done. Let's go." Hayami, from the Water Class B-2 said as she called Aia

"That simpleton. Hahaha! She really left and went down to the 2nd floor." Aia said as she walked away and went inside the 4th floor, Female restroom along with Hayami

Inside the Female Restroom...

"So, where is that annoying brat?" Aia said as she asked Hayami.

"Here she is. Take a look." Hayami opened the first stall where she locked up Harue after she tied her up and covered her mouth with a white cloth earlier.

"Let's take her up to the Abandoned Room." Aia said as she ordered Hayami.

"In the Main Building? But what would we do if a teacher saw us?" Hayami said as she dragged Harue out of the first stall while Harue was struggling to untie herself.

"Don't worry! I asked Koji take care of that and meet us in the Main Building. Come, let's go." Aia said as he helped Hayami dragged Harue out of the female restroom.

"Harue! Are you here? Um? Excuse me, may I ask you a question" Eito said as he got tired from running along the 4th floor Hallway.

"Yes. Uh? Are you a student from the Air Class?" Koji, one of the students of the Fire Class A-1 said as he noticed Eito's silver necktie.

"Have you seen a girl running around this floor and wearing a brown brooch?" Eito said as he asked Koji who closed his book.

"Then, have you seen a girl running around looking for another girl?" Eito said as he asked Koji again.

"Um? No. I haven't seen her either. I am sorry. I suggest you should try finding on the 3rd West floor. Hey!..." Koji said as Eito suddenly ran away.

"Thank you." Eito said as he suddenly ran away and also went downstairs to the 3rd floor.

"Hahaha! He did run away and went downstairs. Just like Aia said this is going to be fun. " Koji said as he laughed and walked away.

2nd floor

Building B. West Wing

Outside the Faculty Room...

"Finally, we are out. I don't want to come back inside that room again." Rai said as she and Hikaru went out of the Faculty room.

"Well, Mr. Mathematics Teacher asked us to wait in the East Hallway not to sleep and while we are asleep, someone stupid wrote-..." Hikaru said as he tried to wipe off what was written on his forehead.

"'Lo-se-r? Hahaha! Whoever wrote that on your forehead has a good handwriting." Rai said as he read what was written on Hikaru's forehead and laughed.

"Because of this, some faculty members started laughing at me while we are being reprimanded. Damn it! I swear I will find that stupid person who wrote this on my forehead. Who is that?" Hikaru said as he and Rai saw a girl asking something to the students and immediately ran away.

"I guess that girl came from the Earth Classes. Anyway, let's go! We have to bring these printed references to the Fire Class A-2." Rai said as she walked away trying to carry the printed references.

"Hey, 'Glasses'! Wait for me. Huh? " Hikaru said as he also walked away but...

"You two. Please wait up." Emi said as she saw Hikaru and Rai along the 2nd floor Hallway and ran towards them.

"Uh? How we can help you?" Hikaru said as he asked Emi, who was trying to catch her breath.

"H-have you seen a girl running around along this floor, wearing a brown brooch like this?" Emi said as she asked Hikaru and Rai.

"No. I'm sorry but we haven't seen her." Hikaru said as a female student passed by and overheard their conversation.

"Thank you." Emi said as Hikaru and Rai left and went upstairs.

"Harue, where are you? Uh?" Emi said as she saw a female student approaching her.

“Hi! I’m Mari, she accidentally bumped on me.” Mari, a student from the ‘Special Classes’ said as she introduced herself to Emi.

"I-I'm Emi. Nice to meet you Mari. I think the girl you saw earlier was Harue." Emi said as Mari looked at her brown brooch.

"Are you from the Earth Class?" Mari said as she asked Emi.

"Y-Yes! I am from Earth Class D-2. Anyway, thank you, Mari. I should get going...Huh?" Emi said as Mari suddenly grabbed her right arm and dragged her to a corner where Koji was waiting for them.

"" Mari said as she dragged Emi along the Hallway.

"Hey! What are you doing?! Let me go! "Emi said as she tried to free herself from Mari's tight grip before she got dragged away but it was useless. After a few minutes...

"There, you are all tied up. Now, we need you to be quiet." Shuji, one of the Air Class C-2 students said as he got finish covering Emi's mouth with a white cloth.

"Let's go and meet the others in the Abandoned Room." Mari said as she dragged again Emi along the hallway followed by Shuji

3rd Floor

Building A, East Wing

Fire Class A-1 Classroom...

"We are back. Huh?" Hikaru said as he slides the door and saw Gina, one of their classmates staring at him.

"The lovely couple is back." Gina said as she teased Hikaru and Rai.

"We're not a couple!" Rai and Hikaru said in chorus as they blushed and went inside their classroom. Rai was about to close the door but someone suddenly opened it again from the outside.

"Wait up! Uh?" Eito said as he opened the door and was surprised to see Rai.

"Uh? What I can do for you?" Rai she wondered and looked at Eito.

"Ehem! May I ask you a question? Have you seen a girl running around this hallway wearing a brown brooch?" Eito said as he asked Rai.

"Uh? No. I didn't see her. So-" Rai said as Eito was just staring and trying to compose himself.

"Uh? Sorry for interrupting. But, I saw that girl running along the 2nd floor earlier not in here. By the way, I'm Gina. " Gina said as she interrupted Rai and Eito's conversation.

"-_- I wonder why that guy is blushing." Hikaru said as he silently observes Eito's movement.

"Thank you for that information Gina. See you around, Rai " Eito said as he smiled, making Rai blush.

"Wait?! That's my name. How did-? Hey! Wait up." Rai said as she was confused but Eito suddenly ran away and went downstairs.

"Who was that? Was he your boyfriend?" Hikaru said as he got suspicious and asked Rai who finally closed the door.

"Boy- what?! What are you saying? I didn't even know his name!" Rai said as she blushed and went back to her seat behind Hikaru's on the third row.

"Eh? Then, why he does know your name?" Hikaru sadly said as he leans back to his chair and asked Rai.

"Hmm? Someone is being jealous." Gina said as she approached Rai and Hikaru, carrying her math notebook.

"Huh? Jealous?! I'm not jealous." Hikaru said as he denies and looked outside the open window.

" -_- Okay. Then, why are you blushing? Here are the notes from the math class today. " Gina said as she gave the notebook to Rai.

"N-no! Thank you but I can manage to-..." Rai said as she refused to take the notebook but Gina shoved her notebook on Rai's right cheek.

"YES! You two REALLY need these notes, Rai. Also, let Hikaru, the jealous one, copy my notes and return my notebook later after class. " Gina said as she stopped and gave the notebook to Rai.

"What?! I already said that I'm not jealous." Hikaru said as he looked beside him and saw Gina.

"T-thank you! I will return your notebook after class." Rai cheerfully said as she hugged the notebook, making Hikaru blush.

"You should smile more often." Hikaru cheerfully said, making Rai blush

"I-I am trying okay? I still found it really weird when our classmates started to me in class unlike before." Rai said as he grabbed her bag and took out her own notebooks and pens.

"Based on my analysis, you usually doze off during break time or sometimes during classes. And you do not talk to anyone unless they talk to you first." Hikaru said as he suddenly grabbed Gina's math notebook off Rai's desk.

"H-how did you know all of that? Are you my stalker? " Rai said as she was surprised from Hikaru's analyses.

"No. I just saw my past self in you. I was the new transfer student so I decided not to talk with anyone because I thought I will not fit in this class but-..." Hikaru said as Rai suddenly grabbed the notebook out of Hikaru's hands and put it on her desk.

"But one day, you saw me dozing off during math class, started poking my cheeks and we were both asked to get out the room. That was the most embarrassing moment in my life." Rai said as she remembered her most embarrassing moment of her life and started sulking on her desk.

"Yeah! You forgot that you were also drooling on your desk on that day-...Ouch! Why did you do that?" Hikaru said as Rai suddenly grabbed her notebook and threw it at Hikaru's chest.

"After that, we started hanging out like friends." Rai said as Hikaru gave back her notebook.

"Here's your notebook. I don't need Gina's notes and I think I can manage to study math on my own." Hikaru said as Rai grabbed the notebook and placed it on her desk.

"I wish I have the confidence to say that. Now, if you won't mind, Mr. Mathematician let me copy Gina's notes in peace, please." Rai said as she opened Gina's notebook and read it.

"Okay. I guess you don't need my help in your review- Uh? What are you doing?" Hikaru said as he saw Rai reading the notebook.

"Oh my! I am so blessed to copy this clear and concise math notes from this notebook." Rai said as she was amazed and suddenly lifted up the notebook.

"Hey, let me see that. Oh my! That is neat hand writing." Hikaru said as he also took a look on the notebook and they both lifted it up in the air.

" -_- Rai? Hikaru?" Gina said as she and her other classmates looked and wondered what's got into Rai and Hikaru.

"Gina! Someone is looking for you." one of their classmates said as he tried to find Gina inside their classroom.

"I'm coming! Thank you." Gina cheerfully said as she went out of the room.

Main Building, Final Floor

Outside the 'Abandoned Room'...

"We're here. Uh? Why are lights turned off?" Mari said as she opened the door and went inside a room along with Shuji and Emi. Emi saw Harue sitting and also tied up on the corner.

"You're late. So, she is this girl they called 'Enchantress'". Koji said he took off the white cloth out of Emi's mouth.

"Are you alright, Harue? Harue! Who are you?! Why are you doing this?" Emi said as she asked Koji who also took the white cloth off out of Harue's mouth.

"Emi? Emi! Help me, Emi." Harue said as she saw Emi and cried for help.

"Shut up, you annoying brat. And we welcome you to the "Abandoned Room"." Aia said as she got annoyed hearing Harue's voice and kicked the chair onto the wall.

"The 'Abandoned Room'? Oh no, this is bad. Let us out." Emi said as she panicked and tried to untie herself but it is useless.

"I suggest you stop squirming because you are only hurting yourself." Aia said as she picked up the chair she kicked earlier and sit on it.

"'Abandoned Room'? What are you talking about?" Harue said as she slowly calms down and asked Aia.

"Oh? You didn't know? Hahaha! Somebody tell her." Mari said as she asked the others to tell Harue the story of the 'Abandoned Room'

"Okay. Let me tell you the rumour about this room. One afternoon, two students decided to skip class and wander around this floor. They heard something howling coming from the first Main Library, opened the door and went inside. They went missing for three days until the Instructors decided to search in this floor and smelled something being rotten coming in this room. They opened the door and saw two, decapitated bodies lying down on the floor-..." Shuji said as he told the story of the 'Abandoned Room'.

"And then, the Imperial Council and our Imperial Instructors decided to move the Main Library down to the 5th floor and abandoned this room. Rumours say that the room has a secret portal connected to the ‘Dark Forest’ which allows the 'Black Hounds' to travel going to this room and murdered the two students." Koji said as he interrupted Shuji and continued his story.

"Now, here is the fun part. I, we want you to be part of our social experiment." Mari said as she dragged and separated Emi to the right corner of the room, Harue who's still tied up on the left corner.

"Let me go! I said, let me go!" Emi said as she struggled but Mari kicked onto the wall. Emi hit the wall.

"Hey! Stop it! Let Emi go. Emi? Emi!" Harue said as she tried to call Emi.

"I guess we are doing this in the hard way. Listen, we want you to help us prove if the rumours were true or not. " Mari said as she walked away and closed the curtains.

"Emi, the social experiment goes like this. You two will be staying in here until tomorrow. If the both of you are dead by tomorrow, then the rumours are true but if the both of you are still alive, then you can erase Harue's memories about this social experiment. You can do that right?" Aia said as she looked to Emi that was lying down on the floor.

"Erase her memories? How did you?! No! I cannot do that AGAIN." Emi said as she cried, making Harue wonder why she is crying.

"Erase my memories, AGAIN? What do you mean, Emi? Emi! " Harue said as she called out and asked Emi.

"Hmm? A person who has the ability to erase memories? Wait! I think I've read that on a wanted poster. Ah! Here it is." Shuji said as he took a folded paper out of his right pocket and showed it to everyone.

"Give me that. Hmm? The poster says that 'Wanted: Emi Fujimoto, the 'Enchantress' who has the ability to erase memories. Bring her to this place, ALIVE and you will be handsomely rewarded with 8 gold bars.' 8 gold bars?" Mari said as she suddenly grabbed the folded paper, opened and read it.

"Hahaha! This changes things. How about we immediately bring Emi to this place and claim the reward?" Aia said as she grabbed Emi's rope and started dragging her out of the room.

"Wait! We cannot just do- Huh?!" Koji said as they heard someone calling their names outside the room.

"Mari! Koji! Aia! Shuji! Are you here?"

"Let's get out of here. We'll just return in here after class. Let's go!" Mari said as she and Shuji, Aia, Koji panicked, went out and locked the room.

"Ha! Run away cowards. I promise that we will get out in here, ALIVE." Harue said as she looked at Mari and then ran out of the room, leaving her and Emi inside the 'Abandoned Room'.

"Help! Somebody help us! Help! Please..." Emi said as she got afraid, start crying and called out for help. But instead of helping them, someone kicked the door to shut her up.

"Don't worry! Emi. I am sure somebody will come and help us. Let's just patiently wait." Harue said as she tried not to cry.

"Now is not the time to be so optimistic Harue -...Huh?! Is that a?" Emi said as she sensed something dark and eerie beside Harue.

'Your Highness,

I've arrived.

W-what have they done you?!'

A 'Black Hound' said as it suddenly went out of the shadows and appeared beside Harue.

"A 'Black Hound'?! So, the rumour is true? Get away from her!" Emi said as she saw the 'Black Hound' appeared beside Harue.

"Uh? Hahaha! I'll explain it later. For the meantime, please send this message to Eito 'We are in the Main Building, Final Floor, inside the 'Abandoned Room.'. Thank you and please hurry." Harue said as she ordered the 'Black Hound' and it immediately disappeared.

"It disappeared? What did you do Harue?" Emi said as she was surprised and asked Harue.

"Uh? H-how should I explain this? Is this the first time you saw a 'Black Hound'?" Harue said as she asked Emi.

"Of course not! Just answer my question, Harue. " Emi said as yelled at Harue.

"O-okay! Calm down. W-well, my big brother said that 'Black Hound' saved me back then when I was kidnapped by some Red Assassins that brought me to the forest- Huh?" Harue said as she was interrupted by Emi.

"That 'Black Hound' looks familiar? Wait! That's what Hiiro told you. Listen, Harue that's not what really happened!" Emi said as she interrupted Harue.

"That's not- Huh? How did you know my big brother's first name? That was what my big brother said to me so I decided to keep that 'Black Hound' as a pet and hide him in my shadows." Harue said as she wondered.

"Y-you don't remember? You introduced him to us during the Welcome Party." Emi said as she tried to divert

Harue's attention to other topics.

"Oh? Yes. You're right. I forgot that I introduced him to you in the welcome par-... No! I really wished that I didn't attend that event. That was the most embarrassing moment of my life." Harue said as she started sulking on the corner.

"Uh? From what I remembered, Prince Shouta his throne and put you in charge to choose the next 'Imperial Ruler' of Alementalia along with the Imperial Council." Emi said as she leaned back onto the wall.

"I know; I also wonder why he chose me to fulfill that task instead of my big brother. But, I was pertaining to the event before that. You know the incident with the 'Cake Thief'!" Harue said as she yelled to Emi.

"Ah! That woman who you assumed stole your strawberry shortcake on the Dessert corner. I think her name was 'Rai Akimura'." Emi said as she remembered what happened to Harue and Rai during the welcome party.

"That woman, I really saw that she was the one who stole my strawberry shortcake and she denied it. Soon enough, I will revenge my shortcake and – Anyway, can I ask you a favour? " Harue said as she was frustrated to remember what happened to her strawberry shortcake.

"Uh? What is it? I am currently tied up and I can't move an inch so-..." Emi said as she asked Harue.

"About my 'Black Hound'... C-Can you keep it as our secret?" Harue said as she asked Emi.

"Okay! I'll keep it as a secret in exchange that you will not tell anyone what you have heard about me earlier." Emi said as she asked Harue, who yawned and tried to untie herself.

"I heard about-? Okay! I will keep it as our secret and I believe you are not that 'Enchantress' they were talking about. They were just fooling around. If I could just untie this rope-...Uh! I give up." Harue said as she stopped from squirming and gave up.

"Harue? Thank you." Emi cheerfully said as Harue yawned and eventually lie down on the floor.

"I guess I will take a nap while we are waiting. Good night." Harue said and fell asleep on the floor.

"Good night Harue and... I’m sorry." Emi said as she slowly fell asleep onto the wall.

Outside the 'Abandoned Room'...

Gina and Masaru, also a student from the 'Special Classes' were running along the Hallway went they saw Mari and the others, standing outside the 'Abandoned Room.'

"Gina? Masaru? What are you doing in here?" Aia said as she asked Gina and Masaru they were all surprised to see Gina and Masaru in the Hallway.

"There you are!" Gina said she and Masaru approached Mari and the others.

"Someone was calling our names earlier so we panicked and immediately went outside the room."

"I saw Mr. Mathematics teacher went up in here searching for all of you. So, I decided to secretly follow him and convinced him that I will search in this floor instead and asked him to search down on the 5th floor. He took the bait and went back downstairs." Masaru said as he told everyone what happened.

"So? Where are Harue and Emi?" Gina said as she asked Mari and the others.

"Harue and Emi were both locked up inside this room. Don't worry! We made sure that they were both separated and tied up properly." Aia said as she assured to Gina and Masaru.

'Help! Somebody please help us!'

"Shut up! We will just come back in here later. Let's leave." Masaru said as they heard Emi's voice calling for help, forcefully kicked the door to shut her up and walked away.

"You heard the boss, let's leave. And Mr. Mathematics teacher does not tolerate tardy students in his class." Gina said as Mari and the others run ahead of Masaru.

"Are you coming or what?" Masaru said as he looked back and asked Gina.

"Uh? Yes. I'm coming." Gina said as she walked away and followed Masaru.

That afternoon

Main Building, Ground Floor Lobby

After Class...

"Kazuki! I'm over here." Mayumi said as she called Kazuki, who was trying to find her in the lobby.

"There you are. Sorry, I'm late." Kazuki said as he approached Mayumi.

"Uh? That's unusual. Where is Kenji?" Mayumi said as she wondered why Kenji is not with Kazuki.

"Ah! Kenji forgot something and went back to our classroom. Uh? Is there something wrong Mayumi?" Kazuki said as he asked Mayumi, who was looking at Eito that was waiting for Harue and Emi in the lobby.

"Kazuki wait here. I'll be back." Mayumi said as she suddenly ran away and approached Eito.

"Hey! Mayumi, where are you-? Wait!" Kazuki said as he tried to stop Mayumi and wondered.

"There you are Eito!" Mayumi said as she approached Eito.

"Ma-Mayumi?! Since when did -? You surprised me." Eito said as he turned off his MP3 player and was surprised to suddenly see Mayumi, standing in front of him.

"Is there something wrong?" Mayumi said as she asked Eito.

"Uh? W-well, I was just worried for Harue and Emi. Earlier, before our class started, I went to the Main building, 4th floor to check if Harue and Emi are back to their classroom. Their classmate said that Harue and Emi are already back and their English class begins. After that, I went back to our classroom, But, I doubt that those two didn't go back to their class. Eito sadly said as he still worries for Harue and Emi.

"Hmm? I see, you still think that something's odd. Okay! How about we find...'her and her'? " Mayumi said as she suggested finding Harue and Emi.

" -_- Their names are Harue and Emi. They are both from the Earth Classes." Kazuki said as he suddenly appeared behind Mayumi.

"What the-?! You almost gave me a heart attack, Kazuki." Mayumi cheerfully said, making Kazuki blush.

"Their names are Harue and Emi. Kazuki just said that. You are Kazuki, right?" Eito said as he took off his headphones and put it back into his bag.

"-_- Yes. I'm Kazuki and the other one is my identical twin brother, Kenji." Kazuki said as he stares at Eito.

"Kazuki, this is Eito my classmate. Eito this is Kazuki my best friend that will help us finding Harue and Emi."

"Help you? No way! Find them yourselves. I am going to wait for Kenji and go home." Kazuki said as Eito and Mayumi walked away, ignoring him.

"Bye Kazuki! See you tomorrow! Let's go Eito." Mayumi said as she suddenly grabbed Eito's right arm and dragged him along the Lobby.

"Uh? Thank you for helping me Emi." Eito cheerfully said, making Emi blush.

"Huh!? Hey! Emi, where are you going? Wait for me." Kazuki said as he run away and followed Eito and Mayumi.

"So, where are we going to find Harue and Emi?" Mayumi said as she asked Kazuki and Eito.

"Why are you asking us? You're the one who suggested this." Kazuki said, making Mayumi wonder.

"I suggest we go to their classroom and ask one of their classmates after that- Uh? May I help you?" Eito said as he noticed a female student looking at them while hiding behind the staircase.

"Uh? Are you Eito?" a female student said as she suddenly called out Eito.

"Yes! That's me. Why?" Eito said as Mayumi stopped dragging him and asked Eito.

"Uhm? I'm Kazane from the other class and I know where Harue and Emi were." Kazane said as she got Eito's attention.

"Then, where are they?" Eito seriously said as he asked Kazane, who got scared and hid behind Kazuki.

"You are scaring her. I'm sorry he didn't mean do that. I'm Mayumi. Can you tell us where are Harue and Emi?" Mayumi said as she asked Kazane.

"Uh? Mari and the others brought her to the 'Abandoned Room.'" Kazane said as Eito suddenly ran away and went upstairs.

"Where? Eito, wait up! Thank you Kazane." Mayumi said as she thanked Kazane and ran away, trying to catch up Eito.

"Hey! Mayumi wait for – Uh?" Kazuki said as he was about to run and chase Mayumi and felt someone tugging on his shirt.

"Please save Harue and Emi. Please..." Kazane sadly said and then let go of Kazuki's shirt/

"Okay! Don't worry, we will save them. See ya!" Kazuki cheerfully said, making Kazane blush. After that, Kazuki immediately ran away and tried to chase Mayumi upstairs.

Main Building, 3rd floor....

"So Harue's classmates lied to me?" Eito angrily said as he, Mayumi and Kazuki were running going to the 3rd floor.

"She said Harue and Emi were brought to the 'Abandoned Room'. Ouch! Why did you suddenly stop?" Mayumi said as Eito and Kazuki suddenly stopped and she bumped onto Eito.

"No way! Is that a 'Black Hound'?" Kazuki said as they saw a 'Black Hound' standing in front of them.

"Uh? What is a 'Black Hound'?" Mayumi said as she hides behind Kazuki and ask him.

"Found in North East region between the villages ‘Aethyria’ & Wathyria, 'Black Hounds' are huge werewolf-like monsters that have blackish purple fur and have glowing, yellow eyes when they hide in the dark. They have sharp fangs and claws, mostly found wandering inside the dark parts of forests." Eito said as the 'Black Hound' slowly walks towards them.

"But I think that 'Black Hound' is blind. Look! Its eyes are closed." Kazuki said as the 'Black Hound' stopped from walking, turned around and suddenly disappeared through the shadows.

"Hey! Where are you-? You two follow me. We will chase that 'Black Hound' before it kills someone else." Eito said as he ordered Mayumi and Kazuki.

"How about Harue and Emi? Aren't we going to save them first?" Mayumi said as she asked Eito.

"I know we have to save Harue and Emi first but -..." Eito said as he kicked the wall because of frustration.

"We will deal with it later but for now let's save Harue and Emi." Mayumi said as she looked at Kazuki and Eito.

"Hey! Where are you going, Mayumi? Wait up!" Kazuki said as he and Eito also ran away, trying to chase Mayumi.

4th floor

Building B. West Wing

Along the Hallway...

"This is bad. I forgot Mayumi's notebook inside the – Huh?" Kenji said as he was about to slide the door and accidentally overheard a conversation inside their classroom.

'I cannot do this anymore Akihiko.'

A female student said as Kenji quietly slide the door and peaked inside their classroom

'But Hayami it already happened. There's nothing we can do about it.'

A male student said as Kenji quietly close the door and got confused what is happening.

"That's Hayami, one of our classmates and who is that guy? But, I really need to get Mayumi's notebook that I left on Kazuki's desk. Ha! I have an idea. " Kenji silently said as he got curious and decided to eavesdrop on their conversation.

Again, Kenji quietly slides the door and went inside. First, Kenji decided to silently crawl down on the floor while hiding behind the chairs and tables.

"'I wish we didn't –Uh?" Hayami said as she started crying but suddenly Akihiko pulled her into his arms and hugged her.

"Don't worry! Everything will be alright. I will take responsibility for everything." Akihiko said as he hugged Hayami and kissed her forehead.

"Huh?! What the heck is he talking about? Don't tell me that guy got Hayami pregnant and they are planning to elope away?" Kenji silently as he assumed that was the situation and slowly crawls going to the last desk on the second row. Kenji silently arrived beside the last desk and successfully reached the notebook but...

"A hand! There is a hand on that desk." Hayami said as she saw Kenji's hand and screamed out.

"Hayami, please stand back. Who's there?" Akihiko said as he asked but Kenji was unable to move his right hand.

Kenji gently lifted the notebook, brought it down and silently put it inside his bag, ignoring Akihiko's question.

"That hand suddenly disappeared. Now, what are we going to do Akihiko? " Hayami said as she got afraid and asked Akihiko.

"I said 'who's there?! Show yourself or else..." Akihiko said as he asked again and let Hayami hide behind him.

"Sorry Hayami I really didn't mean to -..." Kenji silently said as he crawled faster going to the last row and hide beside the tables and chairs.

"Hello! Are you still in here Hayami? Uh?" Rai said as she suddenly slides the door and saw Kenji crawling on the floor.

"Rai? I thought Hikaru was the one who will bring the reference books. " Hayami said as she walked away from Akihiko and asked Rai.

"Uh? Yes. Hikaru was here and I just opened the door for him. And there is a student hiding over here." Rai said she and Hikaru went inside the room and saw Kenji crawl and hide behind the last desk on the first row.

"A student? Where?" Akihiko said as he asked Rai, who looked at Kenji that was deadly staring at her and muttering 'Please don't tell them, please don't tell them.'

"-_- He is hiding behind the last desk on the first row. Now, where I can put these heavy reference books?" Hikaru said as he ignored Kenji's deadly stare and asked Hayami.

"You can put those books on the top of the teacher's desk. Thank you Hikaru." Hayami said as Hikaru placed the books on the top of the teacher's desk.

Akihiko immediately searched for the person hiding behind the last desk on the first row and saw Kenji crawling on the floor as he tried to get away from him.

"Kenji?! What you doing in here?" Akihiko said as he saw Kenji who suddenly stopped from crawling and looked up.

"Uh?! You found me...Damn you! I told you not to tell them where I was hiding." Kenji said as he stood up and yelled at Rai.

"-_- Oh! My bad. I thought it was fun to see you 'crawl' your way out after you eavesdropped on their conversation." Rai sarcastically said as Akihiko and Hayami looked at Kenji.

"I cannot determine if what you said was sarcasm or a joke but at least you tried." Hikaru said, making Rai blush like a red tomato because of the embarrassment.

"Kenji? What are you doing in here?" Akihiko said as he asked Kenji.

"Uh? Well? Listen, I really didn't mean to eavesdrop on your conversation earlier. I swear! I just wanted to get this notebook." Kenji said as he took out the notebook out of his bag and showed it Akihiko.

"Our conversation? You mean you heard everything we just talked about?" Akihiko seriously said as he asked Kenji.

"I am sorry! I didn't mean too. I swear, Hayami and Akihiko. Please forgive me." Kenji said as he started sulking on the corner.

"Uh? Don't cry Kenji. I am not angry. Actually, I am glad you came in here." Hayami said as she approached Kenji and pats his back.

"I promise I will not tell anyone that you are planning to elope because you are pregnant. So please forgive me." Kenji said as he wiped off his tears, making Hayami and Akihiko blush.

"O_o What?!" Everyone yelled out as Kenji casually put back the notebook inside his bag.

"N-No! I-I am not pregnant! Why made you think of that?!" Hayami said as she was flustered, suddenly grabbed Kenji's collar shirt and start shaking him.

"Hmm? That's why Hayami have puffy eyes." Hikaru said as he and Rai looked suspiciously at Akihiko.

"W-why are you looking at me like that?! I really don't what Kenji's talking about." Akihiko said as he was flustered and then looked away.

"I-I'm getting dizzy. Then, what are you talking about earlier?" Kenji said as Hayami stopped from shaking Kenji and gently pushed him away.

"I guess I should tell all of you the truth. Please help us save Harue and Emi. Mari and the others brought them to the 'Abandoned Room' still trying to prove if the rumour is true or not." Hayami said as she asked for their help.

"All of you are insane! Why would you do that?" Kenji said as he asked Hayami who looked down on the floor.

"This is bad. Not in the 'Abandoned Room'. Uh? Are you even listening Rai?" Hikaru said as he wondered and asked Rai.

"Harue? I think I've heard that name before somewhere else. Ah! Now I remember, Harue was the name of the person who accused me as a 'Cake Thief'." Rai said as she was not paying attention to what just Hikaru said.

" -_- Don't mind her. WE just have to save Harue and Emi right?" Hikaru said as he asked Mayumi and Akihiro.

"Wait! We?! She asked specifically for my help and by the way I'm Kenji. " Kenji said as he yelled and approached Hikaru.

"Nope! Whether you like it or not, WE are going to help you because I cannot just bail out on someone who asked for my help. I'm Hikaru and this is Rai." Hikaru cheerfully said as he slides the door.

"Aren't you a noble one? For me, that's stupid." Kenji said as he crossed his arms and got annoyed.

"Okay! That's enough. You two are also coming with us. Let's go!" Rai said as she slides the door and went out of the room.

"Wait! What? Us?! Why do you want us to come with you?" Akihiko said as he asked Rai.

"I want you two to lead us to the location of the 'Abandoned Room'" Rai said as Hikaru looked at Rai.

"Eh? Something's fishy. I thought you are not listening." Hikaru said as he went out of the room, followed by Hayami and Akihiko.

"Shut up! I am only coming with you in this rescue mission because you are stupid enough to risk your life to just help anyone." Rai said as she crossed her arms and Kenji also went out of the room and closed the door.

"Sorry! Force habit. So, let's go! Uh? Is there a problem? " Hikaru said as he looked at Kenji.

"W-wait! Before we leave, I have a plan to save-." Kenji said as Hikaru and the others stare at him.

"Oh? So that's why you are being silent all this time. Okay! We will hear you out." Akihiko said as everyone nodded in agreement.

"R-really? O-okay! Listen, my plan goes like this -...." Kenji said as Akihiko and the others went closer to him and listened to his plan.

Main Building, Final Floor

Inside the 'Abandoned Room'...

"Hey! Wake up." Mari said as she kicked Emi in her abdomen.

"You are already back?" Emi said as she woke up and saw Mari and Masaru standing in front of her.

"Good. You are still alive. Thank you for helping us Emi – Huh!?" Masaru said as he gently caressed her right cheek and then Emi suddenly spits on his face.

"Don't you dare touch me." Emi seriously said as she looked at Masaru.

"Damn it! You wretched woman!" Masaru angrily said as he lost his patience, suddenly grabbed Harue's collared blouse and lifted her up with just one hand.

"Masaru! Put her down. We don't want to damage an important variable like her." Gina said as Masaru put her down on the floor.

"Wake up! Hey! Wake up. Your friend is going to die if you don't wake up. " Aia said as she poked Harue's right cheek to, trying to wake her up.

"Stop it! It is useless." Koji said as Aia stopped poking Harue's cheek and walked away.

"Masaru! Mari!" Shuji said as he suddenly slammed the door and called Masaru and Mari.

"What!? What happened to you?" Masaru said as he yelled at Shuji.

"I saw a 'Black Hound' running along this Hallway." Shuji said as he reported to Masaru.

"A 'Black Hound'?! so the rumor is true? Where is it?" Masaru said as he got interested and went out of the room.

"Hey! Masaru, where are you going? Shouldn't we leave this floor and immediately inform our teachers?" Koji said as he and Aia went out of the room and followed Masaru and Shuji along the Hallway.

"A real 'Black Hound'? Wait! So, the rumor is true but then how you two are still alive?" Mari said as she asked Emi.

"Mere luck I guess. And I think you should follow your friends outside." Harue said as she interrupted and yawned. Mari wondered what Harue was taking about and also went out of the room.

"Harue? You are already awake. Are you alright?" Emi said as she got worried and asked Harue who just stared at her.

"I'm alright! You should worry about yourself." Harue said as she got worried for Emi.

"Finally, they all left. Now, Emi and Harue... don't move." Gina said as she kneels down and gently untie Emi's rope using a pocket knife.

"Huh!? What are you doing?" Emi said as Gina successfully freed Emi and run to the other corner to untie Harue's rope.

"Isn't obvious? I am helping you to escape." Gina said as she asked Emi who slowly stood up and run to the corner.

"Sorry we're late! Uh? Where's everyone?" Akihiko said as he suddenly opened the door and wondered.

"There you are Gina. Huh? What are you doing?" Hayami said as she and Akihiko went inside the room.

"Akihiko and Hayami?!...Harue and Emi, stand back." Gina said as she stopped from untying Harue and Emi hide behind her.

"Please allow us to help you." Hayami said as she run to the corner and gently untie Harue's rope.

"Uh? Thank you." Harue said as Gina and Hayami untie the rope. After a few minutes, they successfully untied Harue.

"You two must leave right now. Follow me." Gina said as she grabbed Harue's right hand but...

"No! We should stay in here." Akihiko said as he locked the door and then they heard a loud screaming from the outside, asking for help.

'Somebody help me!'

Main Building, Final floor

Earlier in the Hallway...

"We are here." Eito said as he, Mayumi and Kazuki arrived on the final floor and run along the Hallway.

"Now, where is that room? Uh? What's that smell?" Mayumi said as she was about to open a door but suddenly stopped.

'Somebody help me'

"There! Let's go!" Kazuki said as they run along the hallway and stopped on the end corner near the staircase going to the rooftop.

"W-what happened in here?" Eito said as they saw five decapitated bodies lying down on the staircase.

"How horrible! Who did this to them?" Mayumi said as she got afraid and hide behind Kazuki.

"That 'Black Hound' we saw earlier on the 3rd floor. Damn it! I knew it." Eito said as he punched the wall.

"Then, we really should get going and find the 'Abandoned Room' to save Harue and Emi." Kazuki said as he taps Eito's right shoulder and run away.

"Kazuki wait up! Are you coming or what?" Mayumi said as asked Eito.

"Uh?! Of course! I am coming with you." Eito said as he and Mayumi run away, trying to chase Kazuki.

"This is the room." Akihiro said as he and the others arrived outside the 'Abandoned Room'.

"Okay! Now do what just we planned. Akihiro and Hayami will go inside - ...?" Kenji said as he felt a sinister aura coming behind him.

"Kenji, look behind you." Hikaru said as Kenji turned around and saw the same 'Black Hound' that murdered the five students in the staircase.

"Change of plans. Akihiko and Hayami go inside and try to free Harue and Emi while Rai, Kenji and I deal with the 'Black Hound'. And do not come out unless we knocked on the door, understand?" Hikaru said as Akihiko and Hayami nodded and went inside the room.

Outside the 'Abandoned Room'...

"Now, what should we do?" Hikaru said as he was being cautious and slowly walked away from the 'Abandoned Room', followed by Rai and Kenji.

The 'Black Hound' was carefully tracking their footstep using its sensitive hearing and walk towards them.

"Listen, I have a plan. We will pin down that 'Black Hound' on the floor and tie its feet up using your neckties." Rai said as she suggested a plan to catch the 'Black Hound'.

"That's the most brilliant plan I've heard. Pin that 'Black Hound' down on the floor?! Did you know that it will take the efforts of seven grown up men to just hunt a 'Black Hound’?” Kenji said as he yelled at Rai and Hikaru.

"Then, what will we do? Dance slowly around it?" Hikaru said as he asked Rai and Kenji.

"WE will pin down that 'Black Hound' on the floor." Kazuki said as he suddenly arrived behind Kenji, followed by Mayumi and Eito.

"Big brother?! What are you doing in here? Huh?!" Kenji said as he asked Kazuki but Eito suddenly grabbed his shoulders.

"Harue! Where is Harue?! Is she alright?... Ouch!" Eito said as he asked Kenji. Rai got annoyed to Eito and pinched his right cheek.

"Harue and Emi are safe and still inside the 'Abandoned Room' so will please calm down and help us think on how to catch this Black Hound’." Rai said as she stretched out Eito's cheek, making him blush.

"O-okay! I'm sorry Rai. Now will you stop stretching my cheek?" Eito said as Rai let go of his cheek.

"H-how did you know my name?" Rai said as she really wondered and asked Eito.

"You are that guy earlier. What are you doing in here?" Hikaru said as he got annoyed and asked Eito.

"Uh? I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Eito and this Mayumi and Kazuki. Mayumi and Kazuki this is Rai and?

" Eito said as he introduced himself, Mayumi and Kazuki.

"I'm Hikaru. Nice to meet you." Hikaru said as he crossed his arms.

"Everyone listen I have a plan. WE will pin down that 'Black Hound' on the floor and tie its paws up using your neckties." Rai said as she again suggested her plan.

"Then, how are we going to do that?" Mayumi said as she asked Rai. The drooling Black Hound slowly walked towards them as it tried to sense their footsteps.

"Allow me answer that question. 'Black Hounds' have a sensitive sense of smelling and hearing. They can track any prey by listening to their footsteps or by remembering their distinct smell. So, I suggest that Kazuki,

Kenji, Eito and Hikaru will surround the 'Black Hound' and try pinning it down on the floor. " Rai said as she suggested, making Mayumi irritated.

"So, let's do it!" Eito said as he walks away but Hikaru stops him.

'Hmm? Before we execute our plan, we should untie our shoes and neckties so that the 'Black Hound' cannot sense our squeaking shoes." Hikaru said as he started untying his shoes and necktie. After that, he gave his shoes and necktie to Rai.

"Oh! Now I get it. Big brother, let's do what he suggested." Kenji said as he also started untying his shoes and necktie.

"What!? I really don't get what is happening. But – Sheesh!" Kazuki said as he and Eito also started untying their shoes and neckties.

"And then, may I have your neckties?" Rai said as Eito and Hikaru gave their neckties to her while Kazuki and Kenji gave their neckties to Mayumi.

"Oh! I see. We need to improvise." Mayumi said as she started tying up both neckties on her hand, creating a 'rope' and gave it to Kazuki.

"Yes! Finally, you got it. Since, we don't have any rope or chains we are using these neckties as alternative to tie up its paws. Done. " Rai said as she got finished tying up both neckties and gave it to Hikaru.

"Then, let's execute our plan." Hikaru cheerfully said as he and Eito slowly walks to the right side of the Hallway.

"Wait! I am 100% sure this is dangerous right?" Kazuki said as Kenji silently dragged him going to the left side of the Hallway.

Because they removed their shoes, the 'Black Hound' cannot hear any human footsteps around him.

"Everyone please be careful...Now, what should WE do?" Mayumi said as she asked Rai, who simply crossed her arms and ignored her.

"Just try to guide Kazuki and Kenji while I guide Hikaru and Eito on the other side." Rai said as she instructed Mayumi.

"Okay? I'm Mayumi and you are friends with that annoying guy." Mayumi said as she crossed her arms.

"I'm Rai. Nice to meet you." Rai said as she smelled something weird in the air.

"What's that weird smell?" Kazuki said as he whispered to Kenji's left ear.

"Smell? Oh my! That stinks." Kenji said as he whispered back to Kazuki.

The 'Black Hound' slowly walks towards Rai and Mayumi. But as it walked, it started to get dizzy and sneezed twice.

"Now!" Hikaru said as he and Eito suddenly forcefully pushed the 'Black Hound' towards the left side where Kazuki and Kenji are located.

"Hey! Wait! Why are you pushing it on our side?!" Kazuki said as he and Kenji forcefully pushed back to the right side.

The 'Black Hound' slowly got dizzy because of that 'weird' smell still lingering in the air.

"Push! Huh?!" Hikaru said as he and Eito wondered why the 'Black Hound' itself was slowly falling to the other side.

"Hey! Don't -... Help!" Kazuki said as he and Kenji saw the 'Black Hound' falling down onto them.

The 'Black Hound' lost its consciousness because of that 'weird' smell and fell on to the left side of the Hallway.

"Kazuki?! Kenji?! Are you okay?" Mayumi said as she got worried to Kazuki and Kenji.

"We are not okay." Kazuki and Kenji said in chorus as they got buried under the heavy body and fur of the 'Black Hound'.

"We did it. Hurry! Let's tie him up." Hikaru said as he gave the rope a.k.a neckties to Eito and Eito started tying up its front feet.

"I'm done! Where is the other rope?" Eito said as he tried to find the other rope.

"Here! Use this one." Mayumi said as she suddenly grabbed and pulled Rai's red ribbon off her hair. And then, she ran away and gave it to Hikaru.

"Hey! Give it back!" Rai said as she tried to chase Mayumi but Hikaru already got her hair ribbon, gave it to Eito and used it to tie the 'Black Hound's back feet.

"We're done! Guys, we did it!" Mayumi said as she yelled out.

"Hooray... We did it." Kazuki said as he and Kenji were still under the heavy body of the 'Black Hound'.

"Somebody help us get out of here." Kenji said as he asked for help.

"We did it! But I wonder what happened to the 'Black Hound'. It suddenly lost his consciousness and fell on the floor." Eito said as he wondered.

"I guess it lost his consciousness because of YOUR smelly shoes." Rai said as he picked up the boys' shoes off the floor.

"o_O What?!" Everyone yelled out as they wondered how.

"Our smelly shoes? What does that mean?" Hikaru said as she asked Rai.

"Remember that 'Black Hounds' have a sensitive sense of smelling and hearing. Maybe it lost its consciousness because it cannot recognize an unknown and weird smell lingering in the air." Rai said as she explained what happened.

"So, we literally killed this 'Black Hound' using our smelly shoes." Eito said as he cannot believe what was just happened.

"Congratulations everyone, we just killed a 'Black Hound'." Kenji said as he tried to crawl out of the sleeping ‘Black Hound’.


Thank you for waiting everyone! Here is Chapter One and I will try to update regularly. – cheche-chan.